Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 973: Strength protects his wife

"Do you know?" Murong Shuofeng frowned and turned to Murong Jinhong.

"The identity of this person is not ordinary, you must not guess." Murong Jinhong raised her lips, pretending to be mysterious.

"Don't talk nonsense." Murong Shuofeng blackened his face and shouted.

He didn't care who the kid was, but he dared to touch his baby, Xiao Qi, and he really ate the leopard gall.

"The dean of Fengshen College is now living with Tanuki." Murong Jin pumped her lips in a hurry, and finally stopped selling them.

"Is he?" Upon hearing Leng Yihan's true identity, Murong Shuofeng's dark complexion instantly turned to surprise.

One of the three major mysterious figures of Yunjing Continent, the Dean of Fengshen College, I heard that this person is not just as simple as the Dean of Fengshen College, but also one of the powerful forces of another mysterious continent.

The two looked at each other for a long time, and Leng Yihan finally reluctantly removed his eyes. He sharply scanned the left seven on the stage, and stroked the Fei Xuebing Yuqin in the arms of Murong Xuefei.

A wind power ten times stronger than just now swept the field instantly. The seventh left had no time to resist, and was hit by that power and fell out of the field.

"Bang", left Qiqi heavy fell to the ground, and spit out old blood.

He wanted to stand up, but found that he couldn't move his fingers.

The crowd looked at this sudden scene, and they all froze.

Such a powerful person just let that Mo Ling step down from his injuries.

Murong Shuofeng paused for a moment, then suddenly laughed in appreciation.

If this person is not the dean of the Wind God College, he really wants to recruit him as son-in-law.

After responding, Father Zuo immediately jumped up and said, "Who are you? How dare you disturb the game."

Leng Yihan didn't look at Mr. Zuo, and left with Murong Xuefei.

Seeing this, the left family stepped forward and stopped Leng Yihan.

"This man disturbs the game. Does the emperor care or not?" Father Zuo stared angrily at Murong Shuofeng on the high platform.

Even in the face of Murong Shuofeng, Mr. Zuo has no trace of respect, and some are just proud and indifferent.

"Zixiao is the organizer of this family competition, but the judge of this competition is the regent. Everything is based on the regent's decision." Murong Shuo kicked the oil bottle to Mo Beichen with a mute voice.

Mo Beichen smiled coldly, and there was nothing but helplessness among the eyebrows.

The old fox is the old fox, and that's the main reason he made him a referee.

Murong Shuofeng touched his nose innocently, wasn't he helpless? People saved his baby, he can no longer punish others, so he can only give it to him.

Father Zuo frowned and looked at Mo Beichen. "In this case, please ask the regent to rule."

Because of Zuo Yuqing's previous incident, Mr. Zuo and Mo Beichen are regarded as hostile, but even so, his attitude towards Mo Beichen is much better than that of Murong Shuofeng, just because Mo Xue cannot afford to offend .

"The game is still going on, what will you let the king decide?" Mo Beichen raised his eyes casually and glanced at the stage, and spoke coolly.

"My Zuo family was injured for no reason. Is it so? There is no rule in this family competition." Grandpa Zuo roared angrily.

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows and suddenly looked at the father to the left. "When it comes to the rules of this family competition, it seems that it is your left family who is least qualified to be held accountable."

"What do you mean?" Father Zuo stared with rage, as if Mo Beichen got a wrong answer, he would rush to stab him.

"The first thing in the family competition is to use martial arts friends. You must not hurt your opponent's life. It seems that your left family doesn't look at the traffic regulations." Before Mo Beichen spoke, Baiju's teasing voice came over.

"You ..." Father Zuo was so speechless that he wanted to attack the white raccoon suddenly, but after seeing Mo Beichen's spoiled eyes, he stunned back when he reached the mouth.

Bai Ruyue stood up and answered in a huff, "That is, your left family is trying to kill someone, but I'm sorry to talk about the rules here, not to mention that you are the one who is hurting you. All the people down the stage, that's deserved. "

She had already seen that Zuo Qi was not pleasing to her eyes. She wanted to stab Rong Yao just now, and now she wants to stab Princess Seven. Serious injuries are regarded as cheap.

Bai Ruyue's words instantly resonated with the people.

"The Zuo family is so cruel, they don't even take our Murong royal family in their eyes."

"So many insidious moves, I don't know if the previous game was cheated to win."

"Isn't it? I didn't pay attention to it before. Now think about it."

Listening to everyone's discussion, the blue veins of Mr. Zuo's forehead kept protruding.

Pu Yangxu's eyes flickered, and she suddenly stood up and said, "Forget it, there are mistakes on both sides, so take a step back. This matter will not be investigated in the past, but no one can violate the traffic regulations."

"Prince Lanxiang is right, since it is a game, you should follow the traffic regulations. Anyone who violates the traffic regulations in the future will be dealt with according to traffic regulations." Pu Yangxu spoke out, and Murong Shuofeng also happily followed.

Pu Yangxu and Murong Shuofeng both spoke, and Father Zuo had to sit down and hum.

"Let me down." Murong Xuefei pushed cold and cold away and sat in the Zixiao rest area.

Leng Yihan looked at Murong Xuefei's back and sat down with him, but he did not sit beside Murong Xuefei, but instead sat beside Xue Qingyu.

Seventh left was left on the stage, and the previous deadlock was restored.

Mr. Zuo narrowed his eyes darkly, and suddenly yelled, "Left five, left four."

The two figures flew onto the stage at the same time. The two were different from the sixth from the left. This time they did not go under siege to Murong Hui, but went against Murong Hui and Murong Hui with the left eight.

Compared to the left eight, left five, and left four, the revision is significantly higher.

"It's Mo Ling again. How many Mo Lings are there in Zuo's house?" Looking at the black mysterious power they uttered, Bai Ruyue was dumbfounded.

The raccoon's complexion instantly dignified.

The fifth left and fourth on the court instantly caused an uproar.

"There are already five Mo Lings. It is very difficult for the Murong royal family and even the Bai family to win."

"Thanks to these five Mo Lings, this year's champion is also Zuo Jia."

"Fortunately, I haven't made a bet. I must buy a Zuojia this time to win."

Father Zuo hooked his lips coldly to see what else you did this time.

Under the siege of the three Mo Ling, Murong Yu and Murong Yu were soon beaten off the stage, followed by the other Murong family members were swept one by one.

Soon, there was only one Murong Yu left on the stage.

"This is bad, only Murong Yu is left." Bai Ruyue looked at Murong Yu who was besieged by the crowd, very worried.

Yun Shaoning stared at the stage for a moment, his hands were filled with cold sweat.

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