Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 974: Brother, you are too wayward this time

Originally everyone thought that Murong Ye would end soon, but he stood stubbornly like an iron pillar. No matter how those people besieged him, he tried his best to stay on the field.

"What is he trying to do?" Bai Ruyue stared at the stage with a stunned expression.

Not only Bai Ruyue, everyone present was unable to understand Murong Min's mind.

This is obviously a losing game, why do you have to fight so hard? Wouldn't it be better to just give in?

"This boy is starting to get muddled again." Murong Shuofeng looked at Murong Hui who was stubbornly resisting, anxiously.

The queen next to her was anxious to hold Murong Shuofeng's hand.

Murong Lingshan and Murong Ye who were ousted were all watching the stage nervously.

"Oh!" Murong Chan's chest and back heart were patted at the same time, spitting blood.

"Brother Huang!" Murong Lingshan screamed, her eyes suddenly wet.

"This silly boy." The queen clenched her hands tightly, and muttered with red eyes.

Looking at the flying blood, Yun Shaoning's heart stopped and his face became pale.

Murong Xu wiped the blood on his lips and waved the blue wolf sword again.

"Brother, don't fight, you come down." Murong Lingshan ran to the stage and shouted immediately.

But Murong Yan, as if he could not hear anything, still waved the blue wolf sword in ecstasy.

"Bang!" Another palm broke through his left shoulder.

"Yeah!" Murong snorted, taking a few steps back again.

"Don't fight, brother, I beg you, don't fight!" Murong Lingshan patted the platform with red eyes, and she was never so scared, she was so afraid of something wrong.

Murong Yan looked at the stage with deep eyes all puzzled. He always couldn't see him through. He didn't understand why he was so desperate. Is it ridiculous that he wanted to win this game by himself?

"Brother Huang ..." Murong Xuefei frowned and looked at the platform suddenly, as if she understood something.

"He wants to find out the bottom of Zuo's house for us." Baici's face was so calm that his eyes were full of movement.

Bai Yihan and Xue Qingxi frowned at the same time, disagreeing.

"He's so stupid, this will be fatal." Bai Ruyue looked nervously at the stage, looking worried. The Zuo family is very insidious, and it will definitely be dangerous if they fight like this.

Another palm hit his chest, and Murong Yue flew out directly.

"Brother Huang!" Murong Lingshan finally couldn't help crying.

Murong Yue used the blue wolf sword to forcefully enter the arena before finally stopping his translation. After a spin to turn over, Murong Hui stood up again.

"Give up, this is enough." A familiar voice came to his ears, and Murong Yan frowned slightly.

"Everyone is very worried about you, especially Yun Shaoning. Do you want him to die suddenly?" Seeing Murong Ye still unmoved, Baijue spoke again.

Mu Rongyun's breath was choked, and he subconsciously turned to look at Yun Shaoning, seeing his face pale, bloodless, and his heart pounding again.

Yun Shaoning opened his eyes blankly, he wanted to shout, but there was no sound in his throat.

Mu Rong stunned his eyes, suddenly kicked his feet, and directly kicked off the man who was about to attack behind the stage.

"Prince is great!"

"His Royal Highness is great!"

"Prince is mighty!"

This sudden twist turned people's hearts into an instant. Although they didn't win the game, they kept everyone's depressed heart alive.

The others on the sixth from the left glanced at each other, all rushing towards Murongyu.

Murong Xu smiled coldly, and before they approached, he flew off the stage by himself, stepping on the back of the man who had just been hit by the stage, and returned to the Zixiao rest area.

Seeing that Murong Hui finally stepped down, everyone was relieved.

Especially Murong Shuofeng, he felt that by looking at this boy more than once, he could be ten years older.

He gave up for that talent.

Murong Shuofeng looked at Yun Shaoning deeply, and for the first time he was shaken.

"I'm fine." In the rest area, without waiting for Yun Shaoning to question, Murong Yu explained it herself.

Yun Shaoning glared at Murong Rong and said nothing, grabbed his hand and handed it to the beaver, motioning her to give him a pulse.

The white raccoon grabbed Murong's wrist and began to take pulse for him.

"How is he?" Yun Shaoning looked nervously at Beaver, his eyes full of worry.

"How is the brother Huang?" Murong Lingshan and Murong Ye also all gathered around.

"Without hurting my heart, I can recover after two days of rest." Baitan took out two pill bottles from his arms and threw them to Murong Rong.

Fortunately for him this time, A Mo and they just mentioned the plug rules, so those people have some scruples, and with his identity as Prince Zixiao, those people dare not do too much on Zixiao's territory.

When he heard that Murong Ye was okay, Murong Lingshan breathed a sigh of relief, and stared at Murong Ye with his hips, "Brother, you can't be so wayward next time."

Looking at Murong Lingshan's fierce eyes, Murongyu could not laugh or cry. Who is wayward, this girl is embarrassed to say that others are wayward.

"Xiao Ba is right, you are too wayward this time." Murong Xuefei also sternly, and taught Murong Ye.

Seeing someone help, Murong Lingshan nodded immediately.

"You ..." Looking at everyone with a calm face, Murong Yu smiled helplessly, "Isn't this good?"

"Do you know that you scared us to death just now?" Murong Lingshan suddenly red eyes and flung into Murong's arms.

"I'm okay." Murong's eyes flashed a touch of movement, rubbing Ruo Lingshan's head comfortably.

"This is not allowed next time," Mu Rongling asked sullenly.

"Um." Murong Xu said a lightly and looked up at Yun Shaoning. There will be no next time.

At the end of the semi-final, it was Bai and Zuo who entered the final.

The **** smiled bitterly, and they finally had to fight one another.

After everyone left the arena, they invariably gathered at Baitong's Indus Garden.

"How does it feel to play against Zuo's today?" Baiju looked at Murong Yu and asked them.

"They are strong, and each of them is very tall." Murong Xu dropped his head, a little discouraged. Originally he thought his practice was pretty good, but he didn't expect it to be so vulnerable.

"Their tricks are strange, as if they have no rules." Murong Xuefei frowned, remembering the previous battle.

The white raccoon raised an eyebrow and looked at Murong Yan who had not spoken.

"There is practice in the air, there is no real trick." Murong Yan touched his chin and raised his eyes.

If they have a real trick, he can only survive with a purple spirit. Even with the Blue Wolf Sword, they are by no means their opponents.

There is no way to do it? The **** frowned, instantly lost in thought.

"Don't you understand yet? Don't you think they are familiar?" Mo Beichen, who was still silent, suddenly spoke.

Bai Tan's eyes lightened brightly. "You mean Zuo Yuqing."

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