Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 978: Apprentice Against the Sky

"Huh!" Zuo moaned, and immediately retracted his fist.

A figure flashed, and there was an extra person on the stage.

Bai Tan raised his eyes with anxiety. When he saw Yu Fengling, he suddenly froze. Why did he come?

Yu Fengling didn't say anything, just looked at her with concern, and saw that she was not injured and didn't step forward, so she stood on the sidelines.

"Yu Fengling!" Bai Ruyue screamed in surprise when she saw Yu Fengling.

Great, Yu Fengling is here, maybe they can win!

Bai Yihan and Xue Qingyu, Yun Shaoning, they were also surprised to see Yu Fengling, how could this guy come?

On the high platform, Mo Beichen was stunned when he saw the appearance of Yu Fengling, and then sat down calmly.

Murong Yan glanced at Mo Beichen's dark face, and raised the corner of his lips unconsciously.

Seeing Yu Fengling hurt the left one, Father Zuo suddenly stood up in desperation, "Who are you? Do you know that you are playing now, how can you play casually and hurt others at will?"

Mr. Zuo's words immediately resonated with everyone, and there was a moment of debate underneath.

"Who is this person? Why did you come to power?"

"Is he Bai family? Haven't seen it before?"

"Someone from the Bai family is playing again, and the situation may be reversed."

"What Bai family has never seen before. They are considered to be in violation of traffic regulations and will be disqualified."

Listening to the voice of the crowd, Bai Ruyue was extremely angry, and just when he wanted to come forward to the theory with those people, he saw Yu Fengling suddenly step forward and kneel in front of Baiju.

"Master!" For the first time, he saluted the **** formally for the first time.

Yu Fengling's move instantly left the audience below.

"He actually called Master Beaver, what the **** is going on?"

"Is this a Beaver's apprentice? This apprentice is older than her."

"These two turned out to be masters and apprentices, which is too unlike."

There was a touch of movement in Baiju's eyes, without saying anything, he pulled Yu Fengling up.

"He is my disciple and he is definitely qualified to play for my Bai family. What's your opinion?" Bai Tan pulled Yu Fengling coldly and swept towards the left father.

"You say that your disciple is your disciple, what evidence do you have." Father Zuo squinted slightly, his eyes were full of calculations. Seeing that just now, I know that this person is not low. Now, at the most critical time, he must not be allowed to play.

"Do you think everyone is as shameless as you?" Baizi smirked at Father Zuo obliquely and hummed disdainfully. Do n’t think that she does n’t know that his left three, left four, and left five may not all be left family members, nor do he know where these people came from, and what qualifications he has for others.

A word awakened the dreamer, and the people underneath instantly understood the beaver's words.

"So the Zuo family had problems?"

"I'll just say, how could there be so many masters in this Zuo family, if it's so powerful, it would have won the championship 20 years ago."

"I don't know where they brought in so many masters, posing as the left family, it's too shameless."

Father Zuo's face suddenly became ugly, and he stared at the white **** resentfully.

"My disciples formally worshiped the teacher. As long as all the disciples at Fengshen College knew it, this was the best evidence." Baiju was not annoyed, and he looked at him leisurely.

"That is, we all know that Yu Fengling is my elder sister's apprentice. He is qualified to play for my Bai family." As soon as Baijue finished speaking, Bai Ruyue answered.

Mr. Zuo narrowed his eyes and turned to look at Zuo Yutao and Liyang Bingwei.

Liyang Bingwei stared at the **** with a "hate" and then opened her face without hesitation.

Zuo Yutao nodded gently toward the left father.

Unexpectedly, Yu Fengling was really a beaver's disciple. Father Zuo couldn't say anything at all, so he just sat down stunned.

"That man is really a **** apprentice. The Bai family is more upright than the Zuo family, so the Zuo family should be disqualified."

"We don't have any evidence of disqualification. Who can prove that those people are not Zuo family members, as long as they say they are disciples he accepted, there will be no problem."

"Hey, it's so unfair, we lost too badly."

"Bang!" Just a moment, the seat handle under the palm of the left father was crushed instantly.

Looking at Mr. Zuo's face that could not be too dark, Li Yang Bingwei almost burst out laughing.

Zuo Yutao secretly squeezed her palms to signal her to converge.

"I know." Puyang Bingwei whispered, then looked down at the stage.

That person is so high, even if there is one more Yu Fengling, it is still difficult to win.

On the stage, Zuo Yi had just suffered from Yu Fengling's loss, and immediately attacked him with anxiety.

Yu Fengling was naturally not afraid of him, and lifted his hammer to meet him.

Having seen the power of Yu Fengling's hammer, Zuo Yi didn't dare to run against him, even when he wielded two mysterious powers.

Seeing two mysterious forces flying like a silver dragon, Yu Fengling waved two hammers at the same time.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise, the hammer and Xuanli collided, and the powerful air flow hit Yu Fengling violently.

"Yeah!" Yu Fengling stomped her feet hard, stabilized her figure, and at the same time, all the air flowed from his feet to the left like aurora.

Left staring blankly, trying to dodge, it was too late.

"Boom!" Just a moment, the left one was hit by the airflow, and it went backwards by dozens of meters.

Looking at this amazing scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

"Oh my God, this disciple of the Lord of the Allure is too great!"

"The Lord of Qingcheng County is so great, even receiving a disciple is so bad."

"A lot of strength. This man is divine."

"I haven't seen it for more than a month. The boy's Xiuwei has grown so much." Bai Yihan looked at Yu Fengling just now, and was surprised.

"Innate divine power is incomparable, he is really strong." Xue Qingxuan also squinted.

Bai Ruyue stared at Yu Fengling, who was shining on the stage, and suddenly felt weak.

At first, he was in the same class as the older sister. As a result, they all arrived at Mo Ling in one year. She was still in the Qing Ling class.

Mo Beichen looked at Yu Fengling, his eyes gradually became deep.

"What do you think of him?"

After hearing Mo Beichen's question, Murong gave him a surprised look and turned to the stage.

Looking at Yu Fengling, who was holding two big hammers effortlessly on the stage, Murong raised his eyebrows, "His talent is not worse than you."

He didn't talk about his divine power, but in terms of talent alone, he was the third person so far better than him. The other two were naturally Mo Beichen and Bai Taner.

Even if the light is better than talent, Yu Fengling will not lose Mo Beichen and Baijuer.

Murong Zheng raised his eyebrows and nodded silently, he is indeed a special existence.

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