Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 979: Promotion on the field

"Father!" Seeing Yu Fengling easily opened the left one, Zuo Yiyi was anxious again.

"Calm up." Father Zuo glanced at Yu Fengling's pale complexion, his evil lips hooked.

This boy is born with good divine power, but unfortunately the cultivation is still worse. With his current cultivation, he wants to defeat the left one, which is not so simple.

On the stage, Yu Fengling swallowed the sweetness in his mouth silently. Although all the internal organs were burning, he didn't care.

Baitan looked at Yu Fengling's face, and frowned slightly. This will not work, it must be done quickly.

The **** raised the trenches and stabbed to the left with a "chirp".

Seeing this, Yu Fengling immediately picked up the hammer and attacked in the left.

Just after Zuo Yi was retreated, the two had already adjusted. At this moment, they saw the two attacking and greeted them directly. The three quickly joined together.

Although Baiju and Yu Fengling cooperated for the first time, they were very tacit.

The two defended one and one attack, and did not give the left one any opportunity.

The left move was void. After fighting the two people for a hundred moves, they fully understood that their advantage was not in the move, but in cultivation.

So instead of fighting with the two, he began to use brute force, regardless of whether they used a dagger or a hammer.

Facing the super mysterious power, the **** has more than enough heart, and most of them can only dodge.

After Yu Fengling toughened the confrontation again and again, he gradually felt powerless.

It was two mysterious waves again, and Yu Fengling subconsciously waved the hammer to block, but was instantly hit by a fly.

"Yeah!" Yu Fengling couldn't control a spurt of blood anymore.

"Yu Fengling!" Baitan was shocked, and hurried over to help others, "Are you all right?"

Looking at Bai Jue's concerned eyes, Yu Fengling immediately shook her head.

Beaver raised his eyes and looked at the left one coldly.

"From now on, we will only attack and not defend. Remember, we don't need to defeat him, we just need to get him off the stage." As long as people get off the stage, they win.

Yu Fengling nodded silently, and the two attacked together to the left again.

This time both men were no longer defensive, and both were desperately attacking. The best defense is attack.

The left one was attacked sharply by the two people, making them a little embarrassed, so much that they retreated to the side of the stage without realizing it.

Bai Tan and Yu Fengling stared at each other, and suddenly gave out at the same time.

"Be careful!" Seeing this, Father Zuo finally shouted angrily.

The body flew out of the half, the left one scared a cold sweat, and immediately flew back to the air.

Palm wind rubbed against the cheek, and the iron mask on his face fell instantly.

"Oh!" The ground fell, and the mask fell to the ground, stunned everyone present.

"His face ..."

"Like the devil, it's terrible!"


All timid people ran out like crazy.

"Ah!" When Zuo Yi found that his mask had fallen off, Zuo Yi went crazy and covered her face and screamed.

Unexpectedly, the left one's mask would fall, and Zuo Fangyi stood up in an instant.

Father Zuo also immediately turned black.

The **** looked at the green, festering, pudgy face in amazement, and suddenly looked up.

She finally knew where that familiarity came from. It turned out to be Zuo Yuqing, wasn't this person the same as Zuo Yuqing at the time?

Yu Fengling also frowned, apparently did not expect such a face under the iron mask.

"In the end he is a man and a ghost, and he looks too ugly." Bai Ruyue looked at the embarrassing face on the left, and a layer of goosebumps appeared on his body.

"Remember what Zuo Yuqing said about Zuo Yuqing?" Xue Qing frowned and her face was abnormally solemn.

"No, what evil is it that can make people so ugly." Bai Ruyue opened her mouth sternly. If she wanted to make her like this, she wouldn't practice it even if she worked hard.

"Is this what Zuo Yuqing was like at the time?" Murong frowned, her eyes stunned.

Mo Beichen frowned. "Zuo Yuqing is not as serious as him."

Although Zuo Yuqing had changed his face at that time, he could at least recognize who he was, but the man in front of him could not see his true face at all.

In other words, this person is more powerful than Zuo Yuqing before. Zuo Yuqing was only a half-silver spirit at that time, and this person is probably already in the **** stage.

"You guys, you all **** it!" Zuo Yi put on his mask again, and attacked the beavers like crazy.

The white raccoon squinted slightly, raising his hand and waving a string of fireballs towards the mask to the left.

"Ah!" The left one was screaming hot, and the mask with fire fell off and shattered in half.

Looking at the mask turned to ashes on the ground, left was crazy for a moment.

"I killed you ..." Zuo Yi completely lost his mind, and a series of silver mysterious powers waved towards the beavers in a desperate manner.

The two did not dare to bump into each other, they could only escape with flash bands.

"What do you do now?" Seeing that Zuo Yi chased the **** like they were crazy, Bai Ruyue was impatient.

Both Bai Yihan and Xue Qingxi looked at the stage nervously.

"Why is this guy like this? He's just a lunatic."

"What a lunatic, obviously a devil."

"It's terrible. How can such a person be allowed to play."

"I don't know where Zuo's family found such a monster. It is shameless to let this monster win the championship."

The audience below looked at the crazy left one, all leaning to the **** side.

Mr. Zuo listened to those people's arguments, and instantly became angry with red eyes.

Hum, a group of ignorant women and children, when his left family won the championship, they will know what is the true Yunjing first family. Nothing matters to win the championship.

The **** rolled on the ground twice, and suddenly his body stiffened.

Another mysterious wave came, and Yu Fengling immediately flew in front of Bai Jue, holding up his hammer to block Xuanli.

"What's wrong?" Yu Fengling shed blood on her lips and turned slightly to the beaver.

"Like ..." Baitan covered her chest, only feeling that there was a force in her body to burst out, "It's about to be promoted!"

Yu Feng frowned frantically, looking up at the left one who was still mad.

Promotion at this time is too dangerous.

"Big sister doesn't seem right!" Bai Ruyue saw the beaver's abnormality, and immediately ran to the side of the stage.

Everyone else stood up nervously.

What's going on, seems very uncomfortable.

Mo Beichen's eyes lighted up first, then he frowned again, and flew to the side of the stage.

"Big brother-in-law, what's wrong with her?" Seeing Mo Beichen coming over, Bai Ruyue seemed to find the backbone of the master.

"She's going to be promoted." Mo Beichen's face was calm, but her eyes were full of worry.

"What, now promoted?" Bai Ruyue was stupid for a moment, and was promoted on the field, wasn't he trying to die?

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