Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 981: You are not my opponent

Everyone heard the sound and raised their eyes, and saw an old man coming out of the clouds, and the immortal wind bones looked like the immortals.

"Who is that?"

"It seems to be General Bai."

"It's General Bai, back, great."

"The first **** of Yunjing is back, and the Bai family has won this time."

Seeing the people on the cloud, everyone was excited, and the audience was instantly boiling.

"It's my father!" Bai Qingyan recognized Bai Qiyuan, his eyes suddenly red.

Mu Rongjin patted Bai Qingyan's hand calmly, and was a little excited.

The old man is back. This is all right.

"Father is finally back." Bai Ting'an also looked at the sky slightly wet.

"Just come back." Seeing Bai Qiyuan's return, Murong Shuofeng also gave a sigh of relief. Without this old man in this family competition, he really couldn't handle it.

Looking at Bai Qiyuan who came out of the air, Mo Beichen loosened his brows and turned to Baiju.

The person she loves is finally back.

The promoted **** seemed to feel something, his brows frowned, as if struggling in pain.

Bai Ruyue was also delighted to see Bai Qiyuan.

Great, grandfather is back, they are not afraid of anything.

Is it really him?

Father Zuo saw Bai Qiyuan, his eyes flickered, he carried his mysterious power, and hit the **** again.

"Bang!" A flash of the aurora flashed through, and swallowed all the white mysterious power of Father Left.

"Have you been promoted to God's Order?" Father Zuo was shocked and immediately looked up in horror at Bai Qiyuan.

"You really haven't changed a bit, but you still love bullying so much." Bai Qiyuan looked at Father Zuo and said rudely.

"Well, what junior is not a junior, there is no such thing as a junior when he enters the stage." Father Zuo sneered without blush.

"Your brazen effort is getting more and more powerful." Bai Qiyuan sneered dismissively, his eyes full of irony. For people like Father Zuo, he can't look forward to it.

"Less nonsense, fight if you want to." Father Zuo was not interested in talking nonsense with Bai Qiyuan, and when he was able to lift Xuanli, he attacked Bai Qiyuan.

Bai Qiyuan naturally did not fear him, and flew up, and the two fought in the air.

Mo Beichen looked at the **** in pain and was shocked. He immediately went to help her advance.

The slightly cool spiritual power penetrated into the ink-colored aperture, and the pain of the beaver's face was relieved a lot.

"No sister, you can be promoted with peace of mind, grandfather is back, we will not lose." Bai Ruyue saw this, immediately crouched beside Baiju and whispered quietly.

As if to understand Bai Ruyue's words, the **** instantly regained his calmness and completely reassured himself to be promoted.

At this moment, everyone's eyes are following in the air the old master Zuo Zi and Bai Qiyuan. The confrontation between these two masters is obviously the most exciting match in this family competition.

One white and one silver mysteriously collided, and the left father was hit by a bounce of air instantly, spitting out a blood.

Mr. Zuo covered his chest, and stared at Bai Qiyuan with a dark look.

He actually got promoted to the **** level, why? Why can't he win so hard with all his strength.

Bai Qiyuan stared at Father Zuo expressionlessly, without putting his resentful eyes in his eyes.

"I said, you are not my opponent." Bai Qiyuan said the facts calmly, but immediately stabbed Father Zuo's heart.

Father Zuo took Bai Qiyuan as his life's opponent, but Bai Qiyuan never regarded Father Zuo as his opponent. In his eyes, the continent of Yunjing can only be Bu Yangzi.

"You haven't won me yet, what's crazy?" Father Zuo's eyes were green, and he immediately attacked Bai Qiyuan in dissatisfaction.

Bai Qiyuan didn't pay any attention to his attack, and waved his hand, then flew him out again.

"The style of the old general Bai is still the same." Seeing Bai Qiyuan completely gaining the upper hand, Murong Shuo suddenly felt exasperated. Just now they were being beaten by the Zuo family, and they were almost suffocated. This time they finally turned around and decided.

"The old man is still so old and strong." Murong Jinhong was also impressed, always thinking that these young people are not as good as this old man, they are far worse than the old man.

"He has already stepped on the **** stage and has truly become a god-man." Xue Yuanlang looked at Bai Qiyuan with a look of admiration in his face. The old man pursued martial arts all his life, but they couldn't match it.

Bai Qiyuan's wonderful and cool mysterious power made the audience all excited.

"Bai Lao General is amazing!"

"General Bai is worthy of being the first **** of Yunjing.

"I think General Bai can easily win even if the old man has one hand."

"That's it, don't fight, now that you must lose, why should you shame yourself here?"

The sound of wailing from all directions in the west made Father Zuo's eyes instantly red. He raised his eyes and stared angrily at Bai Qiyuan.

"Give up." As if he was not excited enough, Bai Qiyuan raised his chin.

Father Zuo was furious and rushed over again.

Bai Qiyuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't even wait for him to approach. He kicked him. This time, Bai Qiyuan didn't give him any chance and kicked him back to the rest area.

"Bang!" Father Zuo fell heavily on the back of the chair, and the back broke instantly.

"Oh!" Father Zuo was covering his chest, and he couldn't hold out any more blood.



Seeing this, Zuo's family immediately rushed up and helped people up.

"Are there anyone else?" Bai Qiyuan stood on the stage and glanced proudly at the rest area of ​​the left house.

The Zuo family members immediately lowered their heads. He was already a god, and who else could go up against him.

Father Zuo was red-eyed, and stared at Bai Qiyuan unwillingly.

"Grandfather forgets, we still have a chance in the future." Zuo Yutao saw this and could not bear to comfort Old Father Zuo.

still have a chance?

There was a self-deprecating smile on Mr. Zuo ’s lips. He did n’t know if he could hold it for another 20 years.

Seeing that no one in the Zuo family played again, Murong Shuofeng stood up and said, "I announced that the champions of the five family competitions are still the Zixiaobai family."

"Oh! Baijia! Baijia! Baijia!" As soon as Murong Shuofeng's voice fell, a shout came from beneath.

The other participating families also clapped their hands in congratulations. The champion of this family match deserves to be deserved, and the strength of the Bai family is definitely worthy of this title.

"Congratulations, Old General Bai!"

"Congratulations, the Bai family won the championship again."


Everyone came to congratulate Bai Qiyuan.

"Thank you!" Because they were worried about Baiju, Bai Qiyuan all thanked everyone and turned around.

Suddenly, a dazzling white light hit, and everyone couldn't open their eyes.

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