Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 982: Someone jealous

"Promoted ..."

"Still Bai Ling ..."

"It's amazing to jump from Mo Ling to Bai Ling in the middle ..."

In a dazzling white light, everyone talked passionately.

Not only them, but even Bai Ruyue and Yun Shaoning were surprised.

Originally thought that she was just a general promotion, but did not expect that it was a higher-level promotion, but also jumped so many levels, it really seems like a dream.

Murong Yan looked at the **** surrounded by white light, and a smirk twitched at the corners of his lips.

She really has the ability to make people jealous and crazy. It takes at least years, even decades, for others to go from Mo Ling to Bai Ling. What's more, she may not feel the bottleneck in her life. From Mo Ling to Bai Ling in just a few months.

No, it should be from red spirits to white spirits. It only takes more than one year. How can such a talent not be jealous.

The **** bathed in white aurora, she just felt like she was full of vitality. At this moment, she seemed to have endless power.

She knew that she had been promoted. At first, she thought that she had only been promoted to Mo Ling Yae, but she did not expect to be promoted to Bai Ling, even she was surprised.

But this is a good thing, so she is one step closer to A Mo.

The **** thought, the corner of his lips instantly evoked a happy smile.

Mo Beichen fixedly looked at the **** with a bright smile, his heart seemed to melt, he couldn't help leaning over and printed a kiss on the corner of her slightly raised lips.

Bai Tan opened her eyes slyly, and saw the gentle face of Mo Beichen. Rao was as thick as Bai Tan's face, and she blushed at the moment.

The bright red and shameful face made Mo Beichen want to continue.

Because the **** could not move, he could only glare at him coquettishly.

Mo Beichen hooked his lips, but did not move obediently.

It took a long time for Aurora to slowly converge into the beaver's body, and she resumed her action.

The white raccoon stood up stupidly, and when he saw Bai Qiyuan not far away, his eyes suddenly became red.

She didn't feel wrong. It was really grandpa. Grandpa is back. Great ...

"Beaver!" Bai Qiyuan stepped forward and looked at the **** with red eyes.

Looking at the grandparents who had reunited for a long time, Mo Beichen retreated silently.

"Grandpa!" Bai Tan fluttered into Bai Qiyuan's arms, tears infrequently.

Bai Qiyuan was distressed, but he didn't know how to comfort him, and he just patted her on the back.

"Grandpa, have we won?" Half a while later, Baijui looked up at what she thought.

"Um." Bai Qiyuan smiled and wiped tears for Baiju.

"I didn't let grandpa down, we won!" Baici looked at Bai Qiyuan with tears in his eyes, waiting for his compliment.

"Yes, we raccoons are the best!" For Baici, Bai Qiyuan always praises. Don't say that the **** is fine now. When the **** was crazy before, it was also very good in his heart.

"Let's go home." Baitan finally broke his tears and laughed. Grandpa came back. The Bai family is the real reunion and the real completeness.

"Go home." Bai Qiyuan nodded with a sore nose.

In these days outside, he never thought about home, because he didn't want to see each other except his baby granddaughter in that place, but now he hears the word "home" and feels sad.

At any time, the word "home" is the softest and warmest place in the heart of people. Even if the place is full of scars and bleak eyes, that can't change its meaning.

Hearing Bai Qiyuan's willingness to go back, Baijui was delighted and immediately went to the stage to announce loudly: "To celebrate our White House victory and also to celebrate grandpa's return home, my Bai family has a three-day running table from today. Welcome all Yunjing's friends to come and have a drink. "

"The Lord of Qingcheng County is mighty! The old Bai General is mighty! The Bai Family is mighty!"

"The Lord of Qingcheng County is mighty! The old Bai General is mighty! The Bai Family is mighty!"

The crowd shouted with joy.

Murong Shuofeng also walked up to the high platform and said excitedly: "The Bai family won the championship, and everyone celebrated it. He hosted a banquet in the Royal Palace tonight for the celebration of Bai Jiagong, and I also ask all my nephews to appreciate it."

Shang Guanming, Li Yangxu and Nangong Ying stood up and bowed slightly.

The family competition officially ended, and the Bai family won the championship again. The first **** of cloudscape Bai Qiyuan was promoted to the **** level, and his granddaughter has also been promoted to Bai Ling. This series of news was quickly passed back by participants from all countries.

Not only Li Yangxu and Shangguanming, but also emperors of various countries have a deep sense of crisis.

White House, Hakka.

When Baitan returned to Baifu, he hurriedly went to see Yu Fengling.

Yu Fengling was still in a coma, and several doctors were on the sidelines, but seemed helpless.

"How's it going?" Bai Tan asked, sitting next to the bed and starting to pulse for Yu Fengling.

The imperial doctor cold sweat hurriedly came forward to the ground and reported, "The five internal organs and six internal organs are broken, and even the heart veins have been damaged. I can't help it."

The beaver's brows grew more and more tightly. Why, this fool, is he so desperate?

"How about, do you have a way?" Seeing her dignified face, Bai Yihan was a little uneasy.

"It hurts too much, and it's probably not going to be good for a while." Baitan took a deep breath, and then took out some elixir from his arms and fed it to Yu Fengling.

"This kid is your disciple?" Bai Qiyuan glanced at Yu Fengling's unusually handsome face and asked with an eyebrow raised.

"My big apprentice." The **** flushed and coughed softly.

"The root bones and talents are good." Bai Qiyuan did not see her strange, only watching Yu Fengling admired.

"Well, what apprentice I choose, where can I go, he is still born with great power," said Bai Qiyuan, who praised Yu Fengling, and immediately felt as if he had been praised.

Mo Beichen glanced at Bai Fei's flying look, his eyes suddenly deepened.

Bai Qiyuan nodded silently, "You go out first, I'll heal him."

By the way, it can also heal.

The beaver's eyes lighted up, and he rejoiced, "It's annoying for Grandpa."

He was so hurt for the Bai family, she really was a little bit sad. It would be better if Grandpa could help him heal.

"May I help?" Mo Beichen looked at Yu Fengling who was lethargic, his eyes flashed.

"No, you have to rest, too." Bai Qiyuan Dynasty waved a few people and began to heal Yu Fengling.

The extremely white silver light enveloped Yu Fengling's entire body, and Yu Fengling's body slowly drifted from the bed into the air.

When the **** saw this, he immediately took the others out of the house.

As soon as he left the room, Bai Tan was pulled back to Wutong Garden by Mo Beichen.

"Grandpa is still healing Yu Fengling, we don't ..."

Before talking endlessly, someone bit his lip flap.

Yes, just bite.

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