Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 983: Just Demigod

The **** opened his eyes and stared at him indictment.

But someone turned a blind eye, still clenching her lips.

When Mo Beichen was finished, Baiju finally realized that a guy was jealous.

"Non-vinegar king." Baitan glanced at Mo Beichen grimly, then kissed him with a stern grip on his neck.

Mo Beichen clasped her head and instantly deepened the kiss.

For a long time, the two men stopped breathlessly.

"What the **** are you thinking about? He is my apprentice, and he will only be my apprentice in this life." Baitan looked at him with a breath, as if explaining to him, as if explaining to himself.

"Nothing." Mo Beichen's eyes were gloomy, and he wanted to say nothing, but said nothing.

The **** glanced at him suspiciously, and he glared at her immediately, and then pulled her out.

"Wait a minute." Feeling the sting on the lip, the **** ran back immediately to look in the mirror.

Looking at the red lips with bald skin in the mirror, the beaver's forehead suddenly dropped a black line, so how could she go see someone?

After applying a few layers of cream, it finally covered some redness.

The **** rushed to Mo Beichen in angrily, stomped his toes and took a bite on his lips. "The next time I bite me, I will fight back."

Mo Beichen didn't feel the pain either, she pecked her on the slightly swollen lips and drove her to Keyuan.

When the two returned to the Keyuan, Bai Qiyuan was just out of the house.

"How's it going?"

"Is he awake?"

When everyone rushed up, they were all concerned.

Bai Qiyuan glanced at the doorway of the slightly open room. "The internal injury is almost healed, and he will wake up tomorrow. As for the trauma, he will be more recuperated."

"That's good, thank you Grandpa." Bai Tan relieved and looked at Bai Qiyuan gratefully.

"What stupid words, he was injured for my Bai family, these are all supposed to be." Bai Qiyuan smiled and rubbed Beaver's head, turned and looked at everyone: "You all go back to rest, leave a person Just look after it here. "

"I'll let Qingyu come over to take care of me for a while," Baiju said immediately.

The crowd nodded and dispersed.

"You two come with me." Bai Qiyuan glanced at Mo Beichen and Bai Tan said.

Together, they followed Bai Qiyuan back to Tianluoyuan.

"Grandpa, didn't Changsheng come back with you?" Looking at the deserted Tianluoyuan, Baici always felt like something was missing.

"Longevity?" Bai Qiyuan raised an eyebrow, and finally realized that he hadn't seen Changsheng after returning to his house for so long.

"Yeah, after you go, he's gone, it should be to find you."

"I didn't see him." Bai Qiyuan frowned after a moment of frown.

"Then ..." Baitan frowned, didn't he find his grandfather? He won't disappear.

"No hurry, he can't find me, and he will come back naturally." Seeing Baiju anxious, Bai Qiyuan quickly comforted.

The **** nodded, this time the white family won the championship, and the news of grandpa's return was also spread. Changsheng will definitely return when he hears the news of grandpa.

"Have you reached the order of God?" Mo Beichen poured a cup of tea for Bai Qiyuan and passed it.

"Ah!" Bai Qiyuan sighed, "Goddess is not so easy to touch. I should only be a demigod."

He studied for more than ten years, and originally thought that he would not be able to be promoted to the **** order in his life. I did not expect that this time he went out to touch the gate of the **** order. Although it was only a demi God order, he was also very happy.

This may have something to do with his previous emotions. When he ran away from home, he really had a dead heart, but he wanted to see Poria without a face, and couldn't let the raccoon, so he could only punish himself outside. Wandering, but did not expect to make him epiphany.

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows clearly. It is no wonder that his previous power was a bit strange. Although he was very powerful, he lacked the pillar-like divine power. It turned out to be only the demi-god, but he could not leave the demi-god until he reached the demi-god. Far.

"Are you planning to retreat this time?"

Bai Qiyuan nodded, "I'm still a demigod now, so I must retreat and practice with concentration, and strive to be promoted to the **** level as soon as possible."

"Grandpa rested at ease, everything in the Bai family has me." Baici voluntarily patted his chest.

"The white family gave it to you. Grandpa naturally rest assured, but I don't know when this retreat will be out, so I want to help you get married first, and I'm fine without any retreats." Looking at Bai Jue's appearance, Bai Qiyuan nodded comfortably.

When Bai Qiyuan suddenly mentioned her marriage, Baijuqiao's face turned red instantly.

Mo Beichen smiled at the **** with a kind of feeling that he could keep away from the moon and see the moon.

"Why, you don't want to." Looking at Bai Xi's shameless look, Bai Qiyuan couldn't help but quipped.

"No, I ..." Baitan raised his eyes anxiously, and when he saw the play on Bai Qiyuan's face, he suddenly made a big red face, "Grandpa ..."

"Okay, well, when I choose a good day, we'll have a wedding, and you should prepare for it yourself." Seeing the **** shy, Bai Qiyuan did not bother her.

They looked at each other and both laughed.

What the **** thought of, suddenly said, "Grandpa, I have no choice but to discuss it with you."

Bai Qiyuan raised his eyebrow. "What's the matter."

"It's Ruyue ..." Baitan recounted Bai Ruyue's and Nangong Huang's affairs, and explained her encounters carefully after returning to Baifu.

"I didn't discuss it with you, and I received Ru Yue in the long room in the name of my mother. You wouldn't blame me." Baici smiled at Bai Qiyuan, showing a good manner.

After listening to Bai Qiyuan, he was silent for a moment and said, "Since I passed on the position of the Bai family head to you, you have the right to deal with anything. Since you like Ru Yue's girl, then you take it."

"Thank you Grandpa." The **** was overjoyed, and he sold it again.

"You said she was pregnant with twins." Bai Qiyuan suddenly asked, and stunned the beaver.

"Well." After a short while, the **** came back to his head and nodded quickly: "It's still a dragon and a phoenix of a man and a woman."

Bai Qiyuan's lips were slightly raised, and his eyes were filled with joy. He seemed to see his children and grandchildren in the future.

"There are big brothers and big sisters married, four sisters are married, and six sisters also have someone." Bai Tan told Bai Qiyuan one by one.

Hearing Bai Yihan and Qi Ziling's marriage, Bai Qiyuan's eyes were somewhat relieved, but when he heard about Bai Ruoshui and Bai Ruomeng, Bai Qiyuan was completely disinterested.

Knowing that Bai Qiyuan did not like to listen to Bai Ruoshui and Bai Ruomeng, Baiju talked about some college affairs, including the incident of the man in black, the evil of the old town master, her mercenary regiment and the fairy fox palace, and the support of the people. She is the master of the city.

After listening to Bai Qiyuan, he stroked Baitan's head with a look of emotion, reassuringly, "I have grown up, and I can really retreat with ease."

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