Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 984: Huai Jin Gyu

White House, Indus Garden.

"Older sister, older brother-in-law." Bai Ruyue was restless in the yard. When she saw Bai Tan and Mo Beichen coming back, she immediately stood up.

"What are you doing, you don't keep your soul?" Baiju joked Bai Ruyue in a good mood.

"Grandpa, do you blame me?" Bai Ruyue stared nervously at Bai Jue, his face sullen.

There was a hint of slyness in Baiju's eyes, "Of course, who made you so disobedient ..."

Before the beaver's words were finished, Bai Ruyue's face was "brushed" white.

"Okay, I lied to you, Grandpa didn't blame you at all." Seeing Bai Ruyue seriously, Baiju was afraid to joke immediately.

"Hate, you scared me to death." Bai Ruyue's face was white, and she gently hammered Baiju's shoulder.

"Grandpa, he really doesn't blame me." Bai Ruyue looked at Beaver anxiously, and asked again uneasily.

"Of course, Grandpa not only did not blame you, but also gave the babies names." Baitan raised her eyebrows and patted Bai Ruyue's shoulders comfortably.

"Named?" Bai Ruyue looked at Baitan incredulously.

The **** blinked at her with a smile, "The male doll is named Huai Jin, and the female doll is named Yu, how is it nice?"

She also took the name together.

"Huai Jin holds Yu?" Bai Ruyue murmured, and instantly understood the meaning of the name. Suddenly a sore nose and nodded with red eyes, "Good."

Huai Jin holding Yu is a noble character, grandpa really does not blame her.

The heart that had been tight was really relaxed at this moment. The pressure has always been released, and Bai Ruyue almost cried with emotion.

"Okay, don't just think about it, no one blame you, you raise your baby well, you are now the hero of the Bai family." Looking at Bai Ruyue's eyes redder than rabbits, the **** immediately held her in comfort. Shoulder.

Bai Jiazi has too few concubines. This girl was pregnant for two at a time. After all, the family competitions in the next 20 years are the world of juniors.

"Have a good rest, and we have to go to the palace for a banquet at night." Baijue coaxed Bai Ruyue while holding her into the room.

"I ..." Bai Ruyue looked up in shock, did she go to the banquet too? She doesn't look so good.

"Any grandpa is here, what are you afraid of? Besides, today is the celebration party of the Bai family. Why don't you go as a Bai family?" Knowing what Bai Ruyue was worried about, Baiju directly hated her for giving her a hard look.

Looking at Bai Ju's big white eyes, Bai Ruyue smiled suddenly, and raised her chin high, "Who said that I wouldn't go anymore, I'm also a Bai family, and of course I'm going to celebrate."

Her children have never been her shame, and she has nothing to hide from.

"That's right." Seeing Bai Ruyue's change of attitude, Baiju finally patted her shoulders with a sigh of relief, "dress up well, and blind their eyes at night."

Bai Ruyue laughed again. She should dress up well. Although she is not as good-looking as her older sister, she won't be able to see anyone.

In the evening, Bai Ruyue really dressed up so rare that when she went out, she looked at Bai Yihan.

"How did you dress like this?" Bai Yihan looked at Bai Ruyue's brightly-groomed dress and frowned slightly.

"Why, doesn't it look good?" Bai Yihan looked displeased, and Bai Ruyue pulled the skirt immediately uneasily.

Today, she did not wear the white clothes she used before, and she chose this goose yellow tutu on purpose. She thought it was pretty good.

"No, it looks good." Before Ziyi Han spoke, Qi Ziling stepped forward and pulled Bai Ruyue around.

"The skirt looks good." Qi Ziling looked at Bai Ruyue's skirt and couldn't help praise it.

This hem skirt has a wide hem and can't see the pregnant belly. It has a lively feeling, which is really suitable for Ru Yue.

"I still have the vision." Bai Ruyue pulled Qi Ziling and smiled happily, turning her head and wrinkling her nose toward Bai Yihan, making a grimace.

"Cough ..." Bai Yihan gave a cough and said helplessly: "Let's go, get in the car first."

Tonight, Murong Shuofeng sent Yuxi to pick up Bai Qiyuan, and everyone in the Bai family also arranged a carriage.

This time all the members of the Bai family were dispatched, and even Aunt Ruan and Bai Ruoshui were admitted to the palace, of course, noble guests on the Beaver House, Leng Yihan and Zhuo Qingyun.

A large group entered the palace.

Bai Qiyuan first went to Murong Shuofeng, while Baici went to Ziyi Palace by themselves.

"Congratulations to the Lord of Allure!"

"Congratulations to the Lord of Allure."

"It's gratifying that the Bai family won the championship again."

As soon as the **** entered the main hall, everyone came over to thank him.

"thanks, thanks!"

"Tongxi! Tongxi!"

Baici's hands were all sour, and he was so dry, that he finally killed a **** path, and Mo Beichen reached a slightly secluded corner.

His shoulder was patted, and Beaver turned round, but it was thundered by someone.

"Wow, you're getting rich!" Bai Tan couldn't see Yun Shaoning at all. All eyes were on Dazhu, and Jade's fingers, and various thick bead curtains.

"Thank you, I won a lot of silver." Yun Shaoning shook the beads in his hand and sat down proudly.

"Since it is my blessing, shouldn't you give me a little bit." Baiju's cunning eyes flickered, and Yun Shaoning listed a smile with a flirtatious smile and started to grab it.

"No, you have to grab it. Don't tell me you didn't buy Baijiaying!" Yun Shaoning glared at the **** while guarding his belongings.

"I bought it for you, and you counted it for you." Wherever the **** would let go, he grabbed whatever he snatched.

"Why do you want to grab me now?" Yun Shaoning yelled dissatisfied, "No! This is mine."

Looking at the two, regardless of their image, Mo Beichen was helpless, but he did not want to step forward to stop it.

"His Royal Highness arrives!"

There was a vocal from outside, and Yun Shaoning's hand shook, and the jade fingers in his hand instantly reached Baiju's hand.

"It's over!" Yun Shaoning looked at the jade finger suddenly distressed.

When the **** was successful, Baitan immediately became happy. When she wanted to push the finger into her arms, she suddenly reached out a hand and took away the jade finger.

The **** raised his eyes in dissatisfaction, and ran into Murong's warning look.

"Well, leave him one for your own sake." Baiju shrugged pretentiously, but his heart was bleeding. Damn Murong Yan, grab her things as soon as they appear, see if she can't help him next time.

Murong Xu put the jade finger back on Yun Shaoning's hand, and Yun Shaoning glanced at the **** immediately.

The **** turned his face boringly, but saw a very transparent piece of ink jade.

"Wow, so beautiful Mo Yu." Bai Tan grabbed that Mo Yu, raised his eyes to the coveted eyes of Shang Mo Beichen, "Where did this come from?"

Mo Beichen's wicked lips spit out slowly, "Dowry."

The beaver's face turned red, and after playing for a while, he directly put the moyu in his arms.

Whether it's a dowry or a gift, don't even think about getting it back at her.

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