Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 985: Sanxi Linmen

"Prince Chirei arrives! Prince Qingluo arrives! Prince Blue Magic arrives!" A series of loud singing instantly attracted the attention of the audience.

Each of them took a group of people into the main hall.

"Congratulations!" Nangong Sakura saw Baijuan arching her hand at Baidu, without appearing intimate or alienated.

The **** naturally arched her hand.

Shang Guanming nodded towards Baiju and Mo Beichen, and did not speak.

Pu Yangxu didn't even show anything, so she took He Siyu, and Puyang Bingwei and Zuo Yutao made the VIP position.

No matter what their attitude is, the **** has no care whatsoever. Whoever lets her win the game should be generous.

"The emperor is here! The old general Bai is here! The queen is here! The concubine is here ..." A series of loud singing sounded again.

The first to enter the hall was Murong Shuofeng, and then Bai Qiyuan. The two were followed by a large group of women, including the Queen, Snow Princess, Yun Fei, Blue Concubine, and Murong Lingshan and Murong Xuefei.

"See the emperor! See the old general Bai! See the queen maiden!" Everyone rose to salute.

"Everyone is free!" Murong Shuofeng raised his hand to everyone in a good mood.

"Xie Xie!"

"Today is the celebration banquet for the Bai family to win the championship. Everyone can relax and not be restrained." Murong Shuofeng glanced at the crowd with a smile and ordered Ronggong to open the banquet.

Everyone sat down, and Bai Qiyuan and the queen accompanied Murong Shuofeng, and the other concubines went down one by one.

Originally, Murong Shuofeng also invited Mo Beichen to sit next to him, but Mo Beichen was more willing to sit next to Baiju, and Murong Shuofeng did not force it.

Because it is a celebration feast for the Bai family, everyone in the Bai family sits in the forefront. Opposite are the exotic guests such as Pu Yangxu and Shangguan Ming, Nangong Ying.

Xu was seated by Bai Qiyuan, so although the tide was still surging at the banquet, he didn't deliberately find fault. Even Shangguan Quanya, who was usually a thorny head, seemed to be particularly secure.

For such a peaceful atmosphere, Murong Shuofeng was quite satisfied. I was too happy. For some reason, he even drank a few glasses of wine.

After three rounds of drinking, Murong Shuofeng suddenly glanced at Bai Qiyuan and said, "Today is a day of great joy, especially Baijia Shuangxi coming to the door."

Bai Qiyuan smiled and raised his glass towards Murong Shuofeng, then drank it.

Murong Shuofeng's eyes flickered, and he continued, "I will marry the Lord of Qingcheng County and the regent Moxue today."

As soon as Murong Shuofeng said this, the audience instantly boiled.

"The emperor is going to marry the Lord of the Allure County and the regent."

"Are the Lord of the Allure County and the Regent King married?"

"It's Sanxi's door!"

The queen glanced at Murong Shuofeng's strong smile and slowly put down her glass.

He couldn't bear it. The original daughter-in-law was supposed to marry someone to himself. Maybe he still had hope for his wife and that girl, but now he himself had wiped out all hope.

"Hee ..." Murong Shuofeng gave a cough and looked at Mo Beichen. "The marriage of the Regent was not possible for you to marry him, but since the old general Bai asked you to marry him, he will give you three days to marry."

"Thank the Emperor for grace!" The **** knelt down, and made a proper nod to Murong Shuofeng.

"Thank you very much!" Mo Beichen didn't get up, directly held the wine glass and raised it towards Murong Shuofeng, and then drank the wine in the glass.

Murong Shuofeng raised his hand slightly towards the beaver, and said with a kind face, "Get up, I'll go and preside over the wedding for you in three days."

"Uncle Xiehuang Uncle!" Beaver nodded again before he got up.

"Why did you drink the wine?" When Mo Beichen's glass was empty, Baitan was shocked, and he quickly took the elixir from his arms and put it into Mo Beichen's mouth.

"It's okay, I'm happy today." Mo Beichen smiled happily as he contained the elixir like sugar pills.

The beaver's face was red, and he gave him a strange look, then turned around, but met the playful look of Puyang Bingwei.

"Cough ..." Bai Tan gave a fake cough, pretending to take up the glass and drink it calmly.

Opposite, He Siyu stared at the **** jealously.

Why can she always get happiness that others would never have thought of? What makes her worthy of him?

Pu Yangxu glanced at the par torn by He Siyu, and there was a moment of discomfort flashing in his eyes.

This stupid woman couldn't even reach her fingers.

Many women like He Siyu are jealous of the beaver, of course, many people are really happy for her.

"Congratulations!" Nangong Ying looked at the **** enviously and raised a glass of wine at her.

"Thank you!" The two toasted at the same time.

With the beginning of Nangong Sakura, everyone came forward to congratulate Baijue and Mo Beichen, and even the family members Bai Ruyue and Bai Yihan followed the fun.

However, because of the joy, the **** was unwilling to come, even a person as cold as Mo Beichen also drank a lot of wine.

"Hey, even Xiaoshimei and Mo Beichen have become dependents." As soon as Yun Shaoning had finished the excitement, he murmured.

Xue Qing patted his shoulder silently and raised a glass at him with pity.

Yun Shaoning was also polite and had a big drink with Xue Qingyu directly.

Leng Yihan stood up suddenly when everyone was toasting to the beaver.

"See the emperor!" Leng Yihan walked under the jade steps and paid respectfully to Murong Shuofeng.

Seeing cold and cold, Murong Xuefei shook her hand with a glass of wine.

"Princess!" Sang Zhi quickly picked up the parcel and helped Murong Xuefei intervene.

The **** glanced at Murong Xuefei, a flash of worry flashed in his eyes.

"You are the dean of Fengshen College?" Seeing Leng Yihan coming, Murong Shuofeng raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"My name is Leng Yihan, and the emperor just calls me Yihan." Leng Yihan bowed again.

I didn't expect Leng Yihan to be so intimate, and Murong Shuofeng was a stunner, but he didn't really call him Yi Han, only called "Leng son."

"I'm here to propose to the emperor this time." Leng Yihan glanced at Murong Xuefei, seeing that her face was pale and somewhat unbearable, but still insisted: "I want to marry your seven princesses."

Murong Shuofeng stayed for a moment, but he never expected that Leng Yihan would suddenly marry Xiao Qi.

Suddenly, Murong Shuofeng's eyes changed to cold and cold, and no more affinity, and some just looked at it, as if to see clearly how the man could be, how dare he marry his palm pearl.

Upon hearing Leng Yihan's request to marry Murong Xuefei, Shang Guanming was also shocked, and his face suddenly became gloomy.

"This man is the dean of Fengshen College. He asked to marry the Seven Princesses!"

"This man is a good man, and he is so good, he is worthy of our seven princesses."

"The emperor should agree. The seven princesses are seventeen and it is time to marry."

The whispers of the crowd instantly made Shang Guanming's eyes red and squeezed his fists.

After Murong Shuofeng stared at Leng Yihan for a long time, he suddenly turned to Murong Xuefei, "Little Seven, what's your opinion?"

If Xiaoqi likes it, then no matter how complicated his background is, he will recognize it.

Leng Yihan froze and turned to Murong Xuefei slowly. His dark eyes were now praying and fragile.

For a moment, everyone's eyes were on Murong Xuefei.

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