Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 986: promise

Murong Xuefei slowly raised her eyes. She didn't even look at Leng Yihan, so she said coldly, "I don't want to."

The ice-cold words, like ice arrows, instantly penetrated Leng Yihan's heart, making his original heart as dead as a slag.

All expectations, all prayers, have vanished at this moment.

The overwhelming pain swept the whole body, making him almost unbearable.

"Sorry, you heard it, she didn't want to." Murong Xuefei would not have thought so directly, Murong Shuofeng looked embarrassedly at the injured Leng Yihan.

Leng Yihan frowned and swallowed the sweetness in his mouth, unable to speak at all.

Hearing Murong Xuefei's refusal to cold and cold, Shangguan Ming breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly stood up and arched towards Murong Shuofeng: "The emperor, my nephew also wants to marry the Seven Princesses."

Murong Shuo frowned plumply, glanced at Shangguan Ming unhappyly, apparently not satisfied with him at all.

Leng Yihan squeezed his fist tightly, and there was a flash of killing in his sad eyes.

The beavers and others all rolled their eyes secretly. Shangguanming made a lot of noise here, and they obviously paired with Leng Yihan.

Shangguan Quanya did not expect that Shangguan Ming would raise his relatives in public and immediately hummed disdainfully, and then took the wine glass to the theater.

"He is going to marry the Seven Princesses?"

"If Prince Chilie, isn't the Seven Princesses Chi Chilie in the future?"

"What about Prince Chilie? The emperor doesn't even look down on the dean of Fengshen Theological Seminary. Can he like Prince Chilie?"

"It's not bad to marry Chilie, and it will help the two countries make friends."

"What's so good? How beautiful is Seven Princess, do you have the heart to let her marry in a strange country?"

At the bottom, the military hundred officials arguing fiercely, roughly divided into two factions of support and opposition.

"This is the engagement gift prepared by my nephew, and I want the emperor to complete." Shang Guanming knelt on one knee and passed a gift list over his head.

Rong Gong took the gift list and handed it to Murong Shuofeng.

"I'm sorry, Xiao Qi is the pearl of Lu's palm, Lu's most beloved daughter, Lu doesn't want her to marry far away." Murong Shuofeng didn't even look at the gift list, and he waved his father-in-law back to Shangguan Ming.

Shang Guanming didn't expect that Murong Shuofeng would directly refuse, and immediately turned his face down: "Don't the emperor ask the opinion of the Seven Princesses?"

When the man asked for a relationship just now, he clearly asked, and now it is his turn to veto it, and this differential treatment is too obvious.

Murong Shuofeng frowned. He just asked Xiao Qi, because he was satisfied with this cold and cold, except for his identity. In addition, he saved Xiao Qi before, so he wanted to hear Xiao Qi's own opinions. .

Now he doesn't need this at all, because he doesn't deserve to be worthy of his seventh in the whole body, and he doesn't care about him at all.

Seeing Murong Shuofeng didn't have to ask Murong Xuefei's meaning, Shangguan Ming was anxious and turned to directly face Murong Xuefei, "Seven princesses, would you?"

Murong Shuofeng frowned again, very dissatisfied with Shang Guanming's unreasonable.

Murong Xuefei glanced at the ugly cold and cold, and suddenly looked at Shangguan Ming and said, "If I said that I was not a virgin, would you still marry me?"

Looking coldly and chillyly, his face was shocked and helpless, and there was a panic in the depths of his eyes beyond others.

Shang Guanming also stayed for a moment, and for a while, he didn't return to God.

The **** frowned, anxious.

Murong Ye also squinted his eyes slightly. Looking at Murong Xuefei's serious look, he immediately had a bad feeling in his heart.

All the other unsuspecting people looked at Murong Xuefei in shock. No one knows why she suddenly said this?

Only Bai Ruyue suddenly opened her eyes as if thinking of something.

It was four years ago that she accompanied the seventh princess when she first entered school. It seemed that the seventh princess had not returned one night. After she returned, she had a high fever, and then forgot about the night.

Is it that time? But who is it?

Could it be ...

Bai Ruyue turned coldly and coldly, watching his flustered eyes, and all understood instantly.

It turned out to be him. No wonder he has been haunting the Seven Princesses. The Seven Princesses and Murong Min had suddenly returned earlier. It should be for him.

Damn, how dare to defile the Seven Princesses, it was unforgivable.

At this moment, Bai Ruyue even killed Leng Yihan's heart.

"Your girl, what nonsense?" Murong Shuofeng stared at Murong Xuefei strangely after the initial shock, as if she rebuked her nonsense, but her eyes were full of worry.

His child knew for himself what must have happened to Qi girl? Only then can I say these words, but how can this happen? Who is it?

There was a flash of resentment and murder in Mu Rongshuofeng's eyes.

Snow Princess also instantly understood what, at the same time of heartache, there was also anger and resentment.

Murong Yun fixedly looked at Murong Xuefei, his heart was like a knife twisting, he finally understood the difference between Xiao Qi this time, because he cared too little about her, it was his fault.

"After all, I just missed my skin bag." Seeing Shang Guanming's delay in reply, Murong Xuefei smiled sorrowfully, raised his glass and drank it, then stood up and walked out of the hall.

Shang Guanming finally returned to his heart and quickly got up to catch up, "I do."

Leng Yihan clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and his heart was panic again.

Murong Xuefei stepped slowly and stopped slowly.

"I really want to, I am willing to marry you, please give me a chance." When Murong Xuefei stopped, Shang Guanming stepped forward immediately.

At that moment, he didn't think much at all, and the brain had given the answer himself. It is a rare opportunity to be able to approach her, even if she is no longer perfect, he is still very happy, even if the moth flutters the fire, he wants to approach her.

Maybe he hasn't figured it out yet, but at this moment he really wants to marry her, maybe he loves her more than he thought.

Murong Xuefei's eyes flashed, and she finally turned back and said, "I want to get married as soon as possible, the sooner the better."

Leng Yihan was overjoyed and immediately nodded excitedly: "Okay, I will arrange as soon as possible."

"Oh!" Leng Yihan couldn't help but spit out a large mouthful of blood.

"Cold and cold!" The crowd was shocked and hurried forward to support Cold and Cold.

Murong Xuefei left the main hall without seeing anyone.

Shang Guanming looked at Murong Xuefei's back, happy like a fool.

Shangguan Quanya gave him a big white eye like an idiot.

However, it was a woman who had been used by others. He was ashamed of picking up treasures.

Leng Yihan looked at Murong Xuefei's back as he went further and further, his heart seemed to break completely, and he finally passed out.

"Leng Yihan!" Bai Tan patted Leng Yihan's face, turned to look at Zhuo Qingyun, "get him back first."

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