Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 987: Heart disease

"Okay!" Zhuo Qingyun responded, and quickly got out of the main hall with Leng Yihan on his back.

At the same time, Murong Xuefei, who had just left the garden, suddenly spit out blood without warning.

"Princess!" Sang Zhi Sang Yu was startled, and quickly stepped forward to support Murong Xuefei.

Murong Xuefei shook her head with a pale face. "It's okay, go back."

After Murong Xuefei and Leng Yihan left, the banquet soon went away.

Baitan originally wanted to see Murong Xuefei, but the maid said that she had no one to see, and finally she could only return to Baifu with a carriage in her heart.

After the banquet, Murong Shuofeng, Queen, Snow Princess, Murong Yun, Murong Yu all visited Murong Xuefei, but they all ate behind closed doors, except for one person.

The room was dark, and Sang Zhi wanted to light up, but was stopped by Murong Lingshan.

She waved her hand at Sang Zhi Sang Yu, and went inside herself.

Murong Xuefei sat at the window, and the cool night breeze blew her green silk and cuffs, making her look like a fairy.

At this moment, Murong Lingshan looked dumb.

She always knew that she was beautiful, more beautiful than any woman in the palace, but it was the kind of cold beauty before, but now it has a bit of euphemism.

Just when Murong Lingshan was in a daze, an altar was lost.

Murong Lingshan subconsciously caught the altar and looked at Murong Xuefei.

"Drink with me." Murong Xuefei did not turn around, holding the wine jar and looked up to drink.

Murong Lingshan's eyes flickered, she walked over to the wine jar and sat next to Murong Xuefei. She didn't speak, she just hugged the wine jar to drink with her.

None of them spoke, so they drank on the moon in the dark.

Drinking with a big mouth, Murong Lingshan soon got a little drunk.

"Why do you let me drink with you?" Murong Lingshan stared at Murong Xuefei with a dazzling look. Her fluttering face was childish.

So many people in the palace care about her and are willing to accompany her to drink. Why did she choose her?

"How can there be so many and why?" Murong Xuefei leaned against the window lattice, quietly speaking.

Everything in this world, why not everything?

Murong Lingshan froze, and then laughed, no longer tangled with that problem.

"Are you really going to marry Shangguan Ming?" The two drank in silence for a while, and Murong Lingshan finally couldn't help asking.

Murong Xuefei's blurry drunken eyes instantly darkened, evoking the corners of her lips: "Why can't you marry him, he's fine."

"But you don't like him. Why should you force yourself to marry someone you don't like?" Murong Lingshan stared at Murong Xuefei persistently. She knew she didn't like Shang Ming. That dean.

She didn't understand why she agreed to Shang Guanming. In her opinion, even if she didn't want to marry that dean, she didn't need to marry Shang Guanming.

"What about like? What about dislike? There are several women in this world who are really married to the man they like." Murong Xuefei stared at the moon in the air with a bleak look, holding the altar to drink in silence.

Murong Xuefei's words instantly poked Murong Lingshan's sore feet, yeah, it's difficult to marry someone you like.

For a moment, Murong Lingshan suddenly thought of Su Qiran, the man who used her to steal pumpkin to make a pumpkin lantern for her.

Thinking of Su Shiran's semblance at that time, Murong Lingshan laughed unconsciously.

While they were drinking, they had a chat with each other. Before waiting for a drink, Murong Lingshan was completely drunk.

Murong Xuefei caressed Murong Lingshan's small face leaning on her shoulder, a light smile raised on the corner of her lips, and her eyes closed slowly.


As soon as they returned to Baifu, they came to the Keyuan.

In the room, Zhuo Qingyun was wringing a wet cloth towel, applying her forehead to cold and cold.

"how about it?"

"Drowsy, as if a nightmare." Zhuo Qingyun immediately gave way when she saw the **** coming.

The white raccoon sat next to the bed, grabbed Leng Yihan's wrist, and took his pulse for him.

"Such a person, you still see a doctor for him." Bai Ruyue came over, grabbed Bai's hand, and did not let her explore the pulse.

The people in the room looked at each other and didn't know what Bai Ruyue was making?

"No foolishness!" Bai Tan stared at Bai Ruyue strangely, she knew what she was angry at, but things have passed so long, what's the point of investigating these things, and this guy is so miserable that no other people need to punish He, he was almost tossing himself to death.

Bai Ruyue poked his lips, unwillingly released Baiju, and sat aside.

The problem of cold and easy cold was not serious, and the **** was relieved. "He is eager to attack, so he vomits blood."

"Then how can he dream?" Zhuo Qingyun looked at the cold and cold that kept talking, and frowned.

"That's his heart disease. No one can solve the heart disease problem. He can only rely on himself." Baitan sighed, both in the heart for Murong Xuefei and Leng Yihan.

"What's wrong, I see him as a thief and guilty conscience." Bai Ruyue stared at the cold and cold lying in bed, anxious to pull him up and throw two punches.

"Why did he offend you? It's so hot." Yun Shaoning looked at Bai Ruyue ignorantly and said dumbly.

"He ..." The words that came out of his mouth paused for a moment, Bai Ruyue gritted his teeth, and looked away suddenly, "Nothing, just to see him unhappy."

Yun Shaoning glanced at Bai Ruyue inexplicably, and frowned again, "What now? Do we have to watch Xiao Qi marry that black barbarian?"

Everyone heard the words, and all were silent.

"I don't want the seventh princess to marry that **** charcoal, but what the seventh princess decides, it's useless for others to say anything." Bai Ruyue grieved.

Although she hates cold and cold, but she knows that the seven princesses like cold and easy cold, and she also likes that they can become dependents, but now the seventh princess insists on marrying Shangguan Ming, and the wedding date is so close, I am afraid they have no power to stop .

"Xue Fei's temperament persists, and the things involved are complicated. She's afraid she won't change her mind." Baitan frowned, her face a little dignified. She understands her mind, she doesn't want Leng Yihan to relieve her, so she wants to find someone to get married like this.

Yun Shaoning frowned. "What then? Really watch her marry Shangguan Ming?"

Such a beautiful beauty like a flower, gave that **** carbon, think about it and respond. The most important thing is that Xiao Qi likes to be cold and cold. How can this be happy with people who do n’t .

Baitan sighed, "This is the end of the matter, we can only try our best to persuade, if the final result of the matter, we have to look at her."

Shangguan Ming is Prince Chilie. If one is not handled well, it will rise to the national issue, so it must be handled with caution.

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