Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 989: If there is no wind and rain, who is willing to do falling flowers

"Well!" As soon as Leng Yihan left, Murong Xuefei fell like a residual flower in the wind.

"Why are you suffering?" A jade hand caught Murong Xuefei and gently wiped the blood on her lips.

"After all, he and I can't get together, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain." Murong Xuefei looked pale and looked out of the window sadly. If there is no wind and rain, who is willing to do falling flowers.

The **** carefully helped her to sit down and took out another bottle of elixir and handed it to her.

Murong Xuefei took the elixir and looked at the **** suspiciously. Doesn't it mean that her feelings are out of control?

"Blood-supply." Baitan pouted, she vomited blood all day long, and was not tortured by love, and died of blood.

"Thank you!" Murong Xuefei laughed and carefully closed the medicine bottle.

"You can still laugh, you really want to marry Shangguan Ming." Seeing Murong Xuefei smiled heartlessly, the **** glared at her angrily.

Murong Xuefei stiffened, and barely raised her lips, "He is not bad?"

"I didn't say he was bad, but do you like him?" Baitan frowned, looking at Murong Xuefei with a distressed smile. "Don't you want to be so strong and laugh all your life?"

Murong Xuefei hooked her lips lightly. "You know me. No one can force me. If I don't want to laugh, then I won't laugh."

In this world, who can really make her smile? When she is happy, she laughs, and when she is not happy, she does not laugh.

"Is this a question of laughing?" The **** patted his head with a headache, feeling that he would be driven crazy.

"Can you really let him down?" Baitan suddenly pulled up Murong Xuefei's hand, "If you really become a close friend of Shangguan Ming, then you and him are completely impossible."

Murong Xuefei's eyes were dazzling, only a moment later she raised her eyes and smiled, "Isn't that the purpose?"

"As your friend, I just want you to be happy." Looking at the firmness in Murong Xuefei's eyes, Baitan sighed softly. Cold and easy to cold, cold and easy to cold, no one can save you from the evils you make yourself.

"Me too." Murong Xuefei smiled and held Baizi's hand, "I haven't congratulated you, you are getting married."

The **** frowned, looking at Murong Xuefei sadly.

It was because she was happy that she wanted all of them to be happy, but things went wrong.

"On the day of my marriage, I won't give you away." Murong Xuefei took a white square scarf from a sandalwood box. "This is my own embroidered Ropa, to make a memorial for you."

Her stitching is not good, so there is not much to embroider by hand.

The **** touched the needle and stomped her feet, but the snow lotus, still quiet, couldn't help getting her eyes wet.

"I have nothing to give you, only these medicines." Baitan took out several jade bottles from her arms and handed them to Murong Xuefei.

As for embroidery, she is really out of business. It seems that she can't do anything except medicine.

"Don't worry, I won't eat it, I will use it to think of you." Murong Xuefei carefully collected the medicine bottles, joking half-jokingly.

"Take care and be happy!" Baitan could not help but gently embrace Murong Xuefei.

"You too." Murong Xuefei also patted the **** slightly reddishly.


As soon as Leng Yihan was out, Qingyu Palace met Zijin.

"The emperor invited you to the Purple Feather Hall." Zi Jin bowed politely to Leng Yihan.

Leng Yihan's eyes flashed, without escaping, he followed Zijin directly to the Purple Feather Hall.

"Emperor, people brought it."

Murong Shuofeng narrowed his eyes to cold and cold, and then sent Zijin down.

Murong Shuofeng stepped in front of Leng Yihan and suddenly punched him with a severe blow.

Leng Yihan crooked his head fiercely without a word.

"Is it you?" Murong Shuofeng gasped, staring at him with a dark face.

"I'm sorry." Leng Yihan's eyes flashed with guilt, and he knelt slowly.

"Your beast!" Murong Shuofeng suddenly got angry, raised his feet and stunned Leng Yihan, and then bullied him, punching him with a punch.

No matter how mu Rongshuofeng was, Leng Yihan didn't say a word, not even a word.

Leng Yihan was already half-dead when Murong Yu came over.

"Okay, don't fight." Looking at Leng Yihan's unrecognizable pig's face, Murong Yu finally couldn't help but stepped forward to hold Murong Shuofeng.

"This beast bullies your sister." Where is Murong Shuofeng willing to let cold and cold like this, he gasped, while humming.

"I know." Seeing that Murong Shuofeng was out of strength, Murong Xuan quickly took him to his seat and brought tea to the fire. He has only just recovered from his serious illness, but don't let yourself be hurt.

"You know!" Murong Shuofeng slammed the tea cup on the table, staring at Murong Xi fiercely. This dead boy, already knew?

Mu Rongji narrowed his eyes and smirked. "I've stabbed him once before and I'm not allowed to approach Xiaoqi anymore. But he was forced to do so at the time. He didn't mean to bully Xiaoqi."

While explaining for Leng Yihan, Murong Xi once again handed the tea cup to Murong Shuofeng.

"This isn't the reason at all." Murong Shuo snatched the tea cup with a full breath and sipped a cup of tea.

"Yes, yes, this is not the reason. Then you are now stunned, and he has not married Xiao Qi, or he will be expelled from Zixiao, so that he will never be able to see Xiao Qi again, okay?" Murong He repeatedly nodded cautiously and coaxed Murong Shuofeng with great patience.

"From now on, you will never come to see Xiaoqi again. If you let you see Xiaoqi again, then don't blame me." Murong Shuofeng stared at the cold lying on the ground with a dark expression. Easy to cold, gritted teeth.

If he dares to entangle Xiao Qi again, even if he offends his cold family, he will never make him feel better.

"Okay, you calm down, I will get him out of the palace." Murong Yu calmed Murong Shuofeng, and then pulled out Leng Yihan.

"Thank you just now." Leng Yihan gratefully looked at Murong Yu out of the Purple Feather Hall.

"I'm not for you." Murong Yan glanced at Leng Yihan's unrecognizable face, and said, "You can go back by yourself. Forget it, I'll send you back to Baifu."

Qing Yu Palace.


As soon as Sang Yu entered the room, before she had time to speak, Murong Xuefei said coldly: "I don't want to see anyone. Don't report it later."

Sang Yu frowned, hesitating for a while, and said, "He is Prince Chilie. He wants to see you."

Murong Xuefei froze and remained silent for a moment, but got up and went out.

Seeing Murong Xuefei come out, Shang Guanming immediately pulled the pull-up pensively.

"Why are you here?" Facing Shang Guanming, Murong Xuefei was not too cold, but she was not enthusiastic.

"I'm here to send you a gift, and look at you by the way." Shangguan Ming stared at Murong Xuefei with a burning eye, and he couldn't stop jumping.

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