Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 990: Powerful nowhere

Royal Garden.

This is Murong Xuefei's first trip to the Qing Yu Palace after the celebration feast, or with Shang Guanming.

"Here you are." Bai Mei in the garden opened just right, and Shang Guanming gave a special gift to Murong Xuefei.

"It opened just right, you shouldn't fold it." Murong Xuefei fixedly looked at Bai Mei in Shangguanming's hand, and regretted it.

"I just don't break it, it will wither. Instead of letting it bloom on the branches alone, it's better to make it a beautiful girl." Shang Guanming smiled and handed the flower branch to Murong Xuefei.

"Thank you!" Murong Xuefei pulled her lips and took the white plum.

The plum blossoms that are as white as snow are beautiful and really beautiful, but unfortunately this beauty is too short, like a woman.

"Don't you like it?" Seeing Murong Xuefei keep staring at Baimei, Shangguan Ming frowned.

"No, I like it very much." Murong Xuefei turned back and put the white plum into a bracelet.

"Does it look good?" Murong Xuefei raised the white plum bracelet to Yang Guan in a childish manner.

Shangguan Ming's face turned red, and he nodded for a while, "It looks good."

In the gazebo not far away, Xue Guifei frowned and looked at this side.

"This kid is here today." Murong Shuofeng came over and looked at Murong Xuefei and Shang Guanming along with Xue Guifei's eyes.

"You promised?" Xue Guifei frowned and glanced at Shangguan Ming.

"The gift he gave is good." Murong Shuofeng asked inexplicably.

Xue Guifei frowned and did not speak.

Murong Shuo patted her shoulder silently: "The child is old and has his own ideas."

He was dissatisfied with Shangguanming's 10,000, but it was over, how could he still have the heart to go against her opinions.

Xue Guifei leaned gently on Murong Shuofeng's shoulder and murmured, "Chi Lie is too far away."

"I know, I will send a green prince to marry me, and I will let Zishui bring a group of Zi Wei to the past." My daughter, I will never let her go wrong. "

Xue Guifei looked at the two under the plum tree, her eyes full of worry.

Before people leave, she has a feeling that she will never see her again.

After leaving Shang Guanming, Murong Xuefei returned to Qingyu Palace.

"He's gone?" Murong Yun was waiting for Murong Xuefei in the room.

"Brother Huang?" Murong Xuefei frowned slightly when she saw Murong Yun.

Sang Zhi Sang Yu did not dare to look up. The five princes have been here several times before, but the princess refused to see them, and this time they couldn't stop it.

"Don't blame them, I have to come in." Murong Yun waved his hand at Sang Zhi Sang Yu, and they immediately bowed back.

Murong Xuefei sat down and picked up Murong Yun and poured her a drink.

"Do you really want to marry him?" Mu Rongyun finally asked, after tangling for a while.

"Doesn't the emperor like him?" Murong Xuefei's movements in his hands were set aside, and he slowly lowered his tea cup and looked towards Murong Yun.

"Nothing likes it, I just want you to think about it, after all, it's a lifelong event." Murong Yun frowned. He would rather she not marry in her life, rather than find someone to spoil herself.

Murong Xuefei raised her eyebrows gently. "Does the emperor think I am a whimper, and only then find Shangguan Ming?"

"Isn't it?" Murong Yun frowned, her face a little serious.

"Of course not, am I like such a casual person?" Murong Xuefei raised a bitter smile on her lips and slowly said, "Shangguanming is Prince Chilie, Zixiao and Chilie are married. The pressure of the father can also Smaller. And he doesn't dislike me, that's enough. "

"You should know that neither the Emperor Father nor the Emperor Brother wants you to marry." Murong Yun frowned frantically, disapproving.

Murong Xuefei raised her eyes and smiled, "I know, but I want to do it for them."

The emperor protected her for a lifetime, and she could do nothing for him. This was the only thing she did for him.

"Now that you have made a decision, I have nothing to say." Murong Yun sighed and found a pair of ceramic dolls from her arms. "This is my pinch, it ’s my marriage gift to you. . "

Murong Xuefei took the ceramic doll and touched it carefully. The ceramic dolls are a pair. To be precise, a young boy is holding a young girl. The young boy is the emperor and the little girl is her.

"Thank you, I like it very much." Murong Xuefei touched the lifelike ceramic doll and wet her eyes.

Murong Yun rubbed Murong Xuefei's head lovingly, then got up and left.

"Take care of my father and mother-in-law for me." Thinking of something, Murong Xuefei suddenly got up and shouted at Murong Yun's back.

"I will." Murong Yun looked back at Murong Xuefei before sighing out of Qingyu Palace.

White House, Indus Garden.

"How did he do this?" Zhuo Qingyun took cold and cold from Murong Yan, asked frowning.

"Fell." Murong Yue didn't explain much, and gave a reason casually.

Zhuo Qingyun drew his eyes out of the line with a black line, and he could fall into such a way. It was stepped on by a donkey.

Although knowing that Leng Yihan didn't fall, Zhuo Qingyun didn't ask much, and helped him directly to the bed.

Bai Ruyue glanced at the unrecognizable cold and cold, and a flash of pleasure flashed in his heart.

This is being impaled by the emperor, good concubine.

"I heard that the emperor promised Shang Guanming's marriage proposal?" As soon as Murong Yi came out of the room, they were surrounded by beavers.

Murong raised her eyebrows. "Well, the marriage period is set, the day after your marriage, February 16th."

"This is too fast." Yun Shaoning opened his mouth in surprise, February 16th, wouldn't there be three days left.

"Everything is meant by Xiao Qi himself." Murong frowned. Xiao Qi now refused to see even his father and the emperor, and no one could take her.

"It seems that there is no room for manoeuvre?" Bai Ruyue frowned, unwilling, she really didn't want to just watch the seventh princess marry that Shangguanming.

Beaver sighed, "I went to see Xue Fei today, and it was firm to see her."

"Father Emperor will die tomorrow, and it is impossible to change it." Murong Yan looked dignified, and the country was well aware of it. There was no possibility of remorse.

Everyone was silent for a moment.

The **** took a deep breath: "It's over, we can only respect her choice."

In fact, all the roots are in Xue Fei. If she doesn't want to, no one can force her. Similarly, if she has to marry Shang Guanming herself, they can only do nothing.

Everyone nodded silently, all worried about Murong Xuefei.

Cold and cold lying in bed squinted fistfully.

To make him watch her marry so openly, he couldn't do it, and he couldn't die.

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