Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 991: The only love of this life

Indus Garden, the main house.

"Miss, the dress is ready. You and your aunt can try it out." Yunzhi happily came in with the dress.

The **** glanced at the tray, and waved at Yunzhi them, and the three consciously exited the room immediately.

Beaver came to the table and picked up the bride's wedding dress. Although it was made temporarily, the embroidery and materials were excellent, and the dress was very beautiful. Beaver was quite satisfied.

"I have something to give you." Mo Beichen hugged Baiju from behind, and said gently holding her ear beads.

The **** shrugged shyly and turned to look at him with a joke: "What? It won't be a token of love again."

These days he sent her more tokens of love, for a while Mo Yu, and for a while the bracelet, her little vault could not fit.

Mo Beichen blinked and said, "If you say it is a token of love, then it is a token of love."

"What the **** is it?" Mo Beichen said, Baici was more curious.

"You close your eyes first." Mo Beichen gently kissed on Bai Lo's earlobe and deliberately sold Guan Zidao.

"What is so mysterious and mysterious." The **** was so anxious that he closed his eyes against him.

Mo Beichen's lip angle was light, and he took two things out of the storage ring and put them in front of the beaver, "OK."

The **** couldn't wait to open his eyes. He originally thought it was a jade bead string, but he didn't expect it to be two dresses. To be precise, it is two shining suits.

Unlike ordinary scarlet, the colors of these two suits are brighter and more dazzling. Not only are the colors, but the style is also not available in Zixiao, it feels a little fairy.

"Is this what you did?" Baitan touched the soft and smooth cloth, and looked happy.

"Do you like it?" Mo Beichen kissed the little raccoon's face and spoiled.

"Like." Baitan nodded, and picked up the dress and gestured on the body. "Is this style designed by you? It looks so good."

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows. "It's right."

This was designed by Mo Yan from the previous life. This bridal dress is exactly the same as when they got married. He was refined according to the look of that year.

"It's beautiful, I like it very much." Baitan lowered her gown, turned and lifted Mo Beichen's neck, and said seriously, "Amo, thank you!"

Thank you for giving me so many surprises! Thank you for taking your wedding so seriously! Thank you for loving me so much!

Mo Beichen picked up the little beaver's face and pecked lightly at the corner of her lips. "I want to thank you and would like to marry me again."

"Huh?" Baitan raised his eyebrows in puzzlement, not quite understanding what Mo Beichen meant.

Mo Beichen didn't explain, just holding her face and kissing softly.

This time, he will definitely protect her and never let her get hurt anymore.


On February 15th, finally the day when Bai Tan and Mo Beichen became married.

Baifu began to celebrate the banquet three days ago, followed by a big wedding banquet, and three days later, three days later, which pushed the entire people of the imperial city outside Baifu.

In the past few days, to say where the most lively place in Zixiao is, it is definitely the East Street where Baifu is located.

Not only the people in the city, but also all the dignitaries and princes in Zixiao, and the relatives and relatives of the emperor have also crowded into Baifu. Even Murong Shuofeng and the queen arrived in person. Not to mention.

In the Indus Garden, Bai Ruyue and Qi Ziling helped the **** dress up, and they all stopped.

"Wow, Big Sister, you look so good in this suit." Bai Ruyue stared at the beaver-like dress on Baijue's body, and the saliva flowed out with envy.

Qi Ziling also looked at the dress blankly, envious.

"Well, it looks good, but this was done by Amo himself." Looking at the envious eyes of the two, Beaver flew his small eyebrows smugly.

Bai Ruyue glanced at the **** with a black line. The elder sister really got it, didn't she have a husband who looks good, is tall, refinishes, and loves his wife? What's so great.

"Ah ..." Qi Ziling lowered his eyes and coughed with a snicker: "Are you supposed to pick up someone?"

"Yes, I have to pick up Momo." Baici slammed his forehead and turned around, but saw Mo Beichen who did not know when he had returned.

"Big brother-in-law, why are you here?" Bai Ruyue looked at Mo Beichen, who was leaning leisurely against the threshold, with a look of surprise.

"Yeah, didn't you say I'll pick you up?" Baitan ran over, strangely.

Mo Beichen didn't speak, so she looked at her so scorchingly.

Seeing his face flush, Qi Ziling immediately took Bai Ruyue out.

"Amo ..." Seeing them all gone, the **** finally blushed embarrassed.

"You are so beautiful today!" Mo Beichen caressed her little face, leaned over and kissed her red lips lovingly.

The beaver's face was flushed, and her heartbeat was beating unconsciously, probably because of the need to marry. She seems to be particularly nervous today.

Fortunately, Mo Beichen did not last for a long time, but after a brief taste, she let go of her.

"Where's your dragon ring?" Baitan gasped for a few moments, and suddenly raised his eyes.

"Here." Mo Beichen took a moment to remove the dragon ring from the storage ring and put it on.

"I'm here." Baitan took the dragon ring, took Mo Beichen's hand, and gently put the dragon ring on his ring finger.

"Would you like to marry Bai Juer to be her love in your life and be your only one?" Bai Ju clasped Mo Beichen's hand and blinked at him playfully.

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows, stared affectionately at the beaver, and said seriously: "Of course, you will always be my only love!"

The sweet love like honey instantly pleased Bai Jue, she lifted her toes and pecked Mo Beichen's lips in a good mood.

"Change it for you and help me wear it!" Baitan took out Fengjie and handed it to Mo Beichen.

Mo Beichen learned Bai Bai's movement just now and seriously helped her to wear a good phoenix ring.

"Would you like to be married to Mo Beichen and be with him for the rest of your life, you will only love him one after another." Baiju looked at Fengjie on her ring finger, raised her eyebrows with satisfaction, and then asked herself Take an oath.

Mo Beichen was stiff, holding her breath and looking at Baiju, waiting for her answer.

Looking at Mo Beichen's nervous appearance, Baiju blinked slyly, and said deliberately, "I have to think about this."

"Should even consider it." Mo Beichen was directly smirked by Baiju, and reached out to scratch her itch.

"Okay!" Baitan couldn't help itching, begging for mercy, but Mo Beichen didn't stop.

"I do!" Bai Tan grabbed Mo Beichen's hand, and suddenly looked at him seriously: "I am willing to accompany you for the rest of my life, and love you forever."

Mo Beichen's heart softened, his eyes slowly deepened, and he kissed her lips fiercely.

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