Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 992: Go straight to the blushing gift

They didn't know how long they kissed, as if they were too old, and the sea and rocks could not stop.

"Cough ..." A deliberate cough finally stopped the two.

The white raccoon frowned at her small eyebrows, glanced resentfully at Bai Ruyue with her back facing away from them, how the little expression looked dissatisfied.

"Grandpa said, the time is here for you, please go out to worship." As if feeling Bai Yu's resentful little eyes, Bai Ruyue smirked and ran away.

Bai Tan raised his eyes and looked at Mo Beichen. The little flushed face could not help but turn red again.

Mo Beichen gently lowered the bead curtain on her crown, and then led her out of the room.

The main hall of the West House is now full of guests.

The emperor and queen sat in the first seat, while Bai Qiyuan sat beside him.

Due to the special status of Mo Beichen, Shang Guanming and Li Yangxu, and Nangong Ying also arrived, all sitting in guest seats.

Murong Yu, Xue Qingyu, they are surrounded on both sides like their own family, some other officials are standing at the door, and some can only stand at the door.

Because there are too many guests inside and out, the second lady and Bai Tingan and Bai Yihan are not busy at all. Fortunately, Murong Shuofeng brought some people over, and Liulian and Xingyuan also transferred a lot of people. Enough.

"Come here!" With the shout of Bai Ruyue, firecrackers soon sounded outside.

For a moment, everyone's eyes turned to the door.

In the lingering smoke, a pair of tadpoles stepped in, the exquisite dress with a pale red halo and the stunning appearance like a tadpole make the two look like a fairy of other worlds, as if everything It's all illusory.

At this moment, everyone was stunned, and they were all immersed in their faces and couldn't help themselves.

It wasn't until they reached the center of the main hall that everyone woke up like a dream.

"This regent is really like an immortal. It feels like me and other mortals to admire it is blasphemy."

"The Regent King looks so good. I heard that he also brought a lot of peerless treasures for the dowry, and the Lord of Qingcheng County was so lucky."

"People like him are extravagant. They are violent."

"Look at what you said, our Lord of Qingcheng County is also the first beauty of Zixiao. Only sixteen has been Bai Ling. No one can match this talent. It can only be said that they are a natural pair."

"That's right, it's indeed a beautiful woman, a pair of innate gods."

Bai Qiyuan looked at the faint and faint appearance behind the Beaver Bead Curtain, a little embarrassed.

Once upon a time, such a small child had grown up and had to marry.

Murong Shuofeng also stared blankly at the beaver, unable to return for a long time.

He always thought that Tanuki was like her, but today I know they are not like. She was tenacious and restrained, just like the waves of the sea, looking at the gentle and kind, but she had a powerful force.

The raccoon girl is completely different. She is untamed, like a blaze, and can devour everything. Even if there is only a star fire, she can ignite the raging fire that can be raged.

The queen also looked at the **** steadily, suppressing more than ten years of jealousy and distress at this moment seems to be finally resolved.

She is not her. She is stronger and better than her mother. Although she was not with her, she believes she will be happy.

"Ah ..." Bai Qiyuan gave a cough. As soon as he was about to speak, he heard the sound of Xiao Xiao outside, "A guest is here!"

Bai Qiyuan glanced at Bai Ting'an and Mrs. Er, both of them shook their heads in embarrassment.

Why are there customers, are n’t they all here?

In the curious eyes of everyone, two spirited middle-aged men led a group of young guys in.

"Who are they? They don't look like Zixiao."

"They all wear the same clothes."

"This is a relative of the Bai family. I haven't seen it before."

It's them?

Seeing the people, Xue Qingyu and Murong Yu didn't feel much surprised, but they felt right.

"Leader, Mo Ye." The group went to Bai Jue and Mo Beichen and knelt directly.

"Why are you here?" Baitan lifted the fringed forehead and personally helped Xie Kun and Huo Bin.

"The head is married to Moye, why can't his subordinates come to congratulate?" Xie Kun smiled heartily, but his attitude was very respectful.

"This is a wedding gift for the head of the group and Mo Ye." As soon as Huo Bin clapped, Cao Yue, Shan Jiang, Ni Jun pushed a car forward.

The car seemed to be piled with heavy things, high like a hill, but covered with a big red silk.

"What?" Everyone stretched their necks and looked curiously.

Huo Bin smiled mysteriously and stepped forward to pull the red silk.

The red silk slipped, and the dazzling golden light instantly shook everyone's eyes.

"It's Jinshan!"

"Oh my God, it's Jinshan."

"A lot, gold ..."

"I'm so big, it's the first time I've seen so much gold."

At this moment, everyone's eyes were straight, and they all stared at the Jinchancan Jinshan without blinking.

Even Murong Shuofeng and Shangguan Ming, Pu Yangxu and Nangong Ying have seen the world hold back. After all, there is a difference between seeing Jinshan in a silver vault and seeing Jinshan here.

Baitan also straightened her eyes, her favorite gold, so much.

"Ah ..." It took a long time before she regained her cough and said, "Thank you, I like the gift very much."

Although the gift was a little straightforward, it was with her heart.

After hearing the **** saying so, Xie Kun and Huo Bin finally laughed happily, and Cao Yue also felt that the hard work of this way was not in vain.

"A guest is coming!" Another loud singing rang outside.

This time it was also a group of people wearing the same clothes, led by four handsome young men.

"Gongzhu, Lord Mo!" They also went to Baiju and Mo Beichen and knelt together.

"Congratulations to the Gongzhu and Moye on their wedding, and to have a precious son early."

Also an object like a mountain was pushed up, the red silk slid down, and a hill-like white jade goddess of mercy appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone froze again. How big is this white jade guanyin.

The pure and flawless Baiyin Guanyin glows a soft light in the warm halo, even if it is beside the glittering golden mountain, it does not fall at all.

The raccoon's small face glared redly at the smiling goddess of jade goddess of mercy, should these people be so direct?

"Let's get up, the gift is good." Mo Beichen looked at Wu Rongxing rare and kindly, apparently quite satisfied with the gift.

"Xie Moye." Wu Yan, the four stars immediately stood up with joy.

"A guest arrives!" Sang again, this time everyone looked at the door again and again, who is this time?

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