Private Technology

: 988 Electromagnetic and Gravitational Waves

"This is really ..." After looking at the table of contents on the first page of the document, Guan Ming started scratching his head.

Human beings have never stopped exploring the universe, and there are several ways to explore here.

The simplest is visual observation, including human's scientific explanation of the situation of Yuelang Xingxian, etc., and then to the space telescope launched by Guan Ming, which is also a very simple optical space telescope. It can be constructed in the shortest time and Launched, but this space telescope has a very simple function, making it very few observation methods.

Apart from visual observation, is there any other means of observation for humans?

Yes, this document lists two solutions that have the ability to observe and have the possibility at the same time.

First, electromagnetic waves;

Gravitational waves.

In fact, strictly speaking, the space telescope before Guan Ming is actually a kind of electromagnetic wave, after all, it is a photon, but the document's statement on the universe monitored by electromagnetic waves, including not limited to photons, is full-band.

If electromagnetic waves are used for monitoring, this method is not infeasible from the perspective of Guan Ming, but the problem is that if the Sagittarius can really be observed by electromagnetic waves, then Guan Ming is definitely not the first discoverer. With the existence of the double star, Guan Ming was very sure that he was the first discoverer.

When it comes to photon observation, there are too many accidents. First, whether the signal was transmitted before the binary signal was first collected by Sagittarius. No one knows this. Secondly, the signal time of Sagittarius is very short. At the same time, the photon is the only thing except the binary star. There are enough resources to analyze and compare, and other laboratories don't really do this, because the Earth collects too many photons every day, and it is impossible to analyze them.

Gravitational waves are currently a hot spot in astronomy, because Einstein said in general theory of relativity: Gravitational waves spread rapidly at the speed of light and fill the entire universe.

However, in reality, gravitational waves have not been observed globally.

However, even so, the prospect of gravitational waves is very good. After all, there is a great **** Einstein standing in front of it. No observation does not mean that things do not exist. At least I know that gravitational waves will really be affected in the next few years. I found it, but this thing is more specific. Guan Ming is a bit laborious. At least he did n’t have the energy to go deep in this area. At this time, his understanding of gravitational waves is only able to keep up with the currently published papers and magazines. Just the extent.

In terms of current technology, there are not many ways to observe the universe. There is one direct airborne transmitter, one electromagnetic wave, one gravitational wave, and one high-energy neutrino, but the latter are passive, and the first is active. However, the active one is currently unable to get out of the solar system.

Guan Ming did not choose electromagnetic waves because the probability of observing the electromagnetic waves was small, and he did not choose gravitational waves because if the gravitational wave signals could not be found, Guan Ming would work on neutrinos.

"This is really, how does this make me write?" After Guan Ming hastily read the document, he couldn't help whispering.

Directional suggestions and opinions are very important, because many technological products are formed by the guidance of theory, but the problem is that Guan Ming is not a person who is good at 'speaking', he is better at 'making', and Whether it is electromagnetic waves or gravitational waves, it is difficult for him to make better suggestions and opinions, which is very scratching his head.

"Boss, why don't we package up the equipment parameters and files used by the world's leading laboratories?" Shuangxing asked.

In this field of research, there are unique places in China, but it cannot be denied that there are also leading places abroad, especially in the high-end direction.

"It's hard. This is not for our own use. If they write papers, quote data or whatever, it will easily lead to bad things. Besides, if the signal can be detected, it means that we are on the same starting line as foreign countries. This is a failure for us. "Guan Ming can distinguish the difference between himself and others.

Guan Ming is not a person who gains fame by thesis and then sells patents to make money. He sells products directly, so he does not need to use his thesis to embellish his fame, but domestic scientists and scientist teams are different. They need Fame and reputation come from the evidence, so that in the future when research is carried out, it is easy to apply for funds.

"Then we provide some latest materials as a means to improve the hardware?" Shuangxing continued to ask.

"You can have this. You can sort out the new materials that may be used, and I will think about other methods here." Nodded, Guan Ming said.

The importance of material updates is self-evident, but for Guan Ming, he can help in a short time, it may be some laboratory-level materials.

Guan Ming believes that he will not take Guan Ming's materials for free. After all, for the country, the price of materials is not expensive.

After taking a piece of white paper, Guan Ming wrote a line of formulas on it, then stroked them off with a pen, and then wrote a line of formulas. He tapped the desk with his index finger rhythmically, thinking about the subsequent parts. However, for Guan Ming, It is a very difficult thing.

Thinking is a waste of time ~ ~ The door of the room rings three times regularly, and then the door of the study is opened a gap. Mu Xiaoxiao probes his head and looks in, and finds out that Guan Ming didn't do anything. After the incident, he pushed the door open, and habitually supported his stomach with both hands, and said, "My husband, I have lunch."

"Oh, here it is." Looking up, Guan Ming slowly got up, he was still thinking about the feasibility of gravitational waves.

Guan Ming doesn't know much about this, but Hawking believes that gravitational waves can be measured at high-frequency gravitational bands, but the question is how to build a device and environment that can measure gravitational waves.

The most direct way is to construct a device that collects gravitational waves that may exist directly in space, similar to a space telescope. The advantage of this is that the device does not need to be like the earth because of the rotation and revolution, and there will be observations. Blind spot.

Another method is to build a radio field telescope with a large field of view on the ground. The advantage is that construction, reconstruction, and location are relatively convenient. The disadvantage is that it requires a larger amount of calculation to calculate the collected gravitational waves.

Guan Ming does not need to elaborate both plans to the extent that only state building is needed, but in a certain direction, Guan Ming can give suggestions or even guess.

Although Guan Ming's current identity, even if there is no detailed theory and even self-consistent inferences, the above must be taken seriously, but since it is the task given by the general giant, Guan Ming thinks that he needs to do well. The manpower, material resources, and time are very precious, and everyone does not have so many resources to waste.

PS: The first time I used a computer code, it was delicious chicken. Will it be burnt if I get caught?

In other words, the work computer is powerful, much faster than my primary school notebook. I really want to use this computer to play games. I have n’t played a few times for so many years ...

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