Private Technology

: 1989 Nobel Peace Prize

In an affluent living environment and great tolerance, Guan Ming is more self-conscious than in his previous life.

In this life, Guan Ming will not think about the 68 yuan self-service hot pot, which is better to go once a few weeks, and he will not think about the question of how much is the car gas money to go out.

At the same time, Guan Ming, who is immersed in his own thinking, also magnifies this point. He will subconsciously ignore changes in the external environment, because to a large extent, he does not need to adapt to changes in the outside world, but the outside world will To cater to him and make a difference.

The lunch was exquisite. Whether it was a plate or a carving, it met the company's monthly expenses on the kitchen. Although Guan Ming didn't know what it was, it tasted really good.

"By the way, my mother and the children haven't come back yet?" After half of the meal, Guan Ming didn't feel right, and he took a closer look and found the couple and the unborn baby on the dining table.

"No, my mother called back before and said it was eating at the company side, so as not to run back and forth, they will continue to study in the afternoon." Holding the two forks, Mu Xiaoxiao was bake it for himself. The scallop shell, although it has been eaten today, can be eaten directly by Guan Ming after loosening the shell. Mu Xiaoxiao can play for two hours without getting tired!

"Will you go to Xiaoxi to study in the afternoon?" Guan Ming asked.

The twins' courses are taught by Tian Qiantong, who has a human brain chip installed. At the same time, in the experimental elementary school, the twins are both of them.

It doesn't matter if you go to school to study, it doesn't matter if you are eight or four a day, even Tian Qiantong will change the teaching content and teaching progress according to the twins' progress.

According to the contents of the email given by Tian Qiantong last month, the two lesser teaching contents have almost graduated from elementary school. The ghost knows why the 5-year-old children have such a strong ability to accept, so strong that Tian Qiantong shouted 'I Can't stand it '.

Except for Guan Mengyu, who passed through the passenger, Guan Ming feels that the genetic gene of Guan Ming has a higher probability that the next generation can inherit Guan wise quotient. There is also a scientific basis, otherwise why Guan Mengxi is so strong!

Of course, this is also why I was so concerned about the future situation of the twins, even if it was Meng Xi's turn to the art mouth, he paid more attention to it.

Who said that art can't do other great things?

The goalkeeper in Iceland is not just an elf, but an elf who can make movies!

Just ask if you are afraid!

"Will you go this afternoon?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked, looking at Guan Ming.

"Even if I say anything, there are a lot of things during this time. In the morning the chief giant called and there was something to be busy." Guan Ming complained bitterly.

There is too much free and easy life. Once assigned to work, Guan Ming is not good. There is a feeling of death. By the way, before the 18th National Congress, he was half-dead.

"Oh, then I won't go, I'll just play at home." Mu Xiaoxiao, who ran on the road of Ben San, couldn't hide his thoughts at all ...

"Will it be too stuffy? If you go to the company, you probably don't have to be so stuffy." Guan Ming opened his mouth apologetically and ate the scallops handed over by Mu Xiaoxiao.

"It's okay. I have to take a nap in the afternoon. When I wake up, I'll be back in a little while, but I won't be bored." The sunny smile appeared in front of Guan Ming unconsciously.

"Well, I'll coax you to sleep in a while." Guan Ming's apology was even stronger after eating grilled scallops.

About a month is about to be born, and it is so considerate to serve grilled scallops. This taste is so delicious ~

"Never mind, I'm not a kid. You can't force yourself to go to work or work." Shaking her head again and again, Mu Xiaoxiao said she wanted to live in a world.

"It just happened to change my mind. If I said, I shouldn't be so diligent. You see, if I complete the task on the ground, I can't figure out what to do, and then I will have no free time. "Guan Ming said depressed.

"How can you arrange people like this? They value you so they let you complete the task!" Mu Xiaoxiao added Guan Ming a piece of meat to comfort him.

Guan Ming, who was stabbed with a knife, enjoyed the comfort of his daughter-in-law.

There are several days in December that are more important. Compared to Christmas Eve and Christmas days, Chinese may focus on the Nobel Prize this year.

It ’s not because Guan Ming, Guan Ming has been rumored to be able to get Nobel for years, but this lazy product has only been to the National Science and Technology Awards once, and the Nobel Prize is simply ignored, even if so many things happened before, Guan Ming is still Decline the Nobel Prize.

Probably this year, China is very strong, and the wave of work has softened even the United States. Even because of China's strong performance on the battlefield, even where the Chinese peacekeeping forces appeared, the fighting intensity suddenly dropped down ~ ~ So, it is said that this year's Nobel Peace Prize will be awarded to the chief executive who just took office, because he was the chief commander in the war, and then a wave of leveling A destroyed the other party.

It is estimated that there are some policy reasons involved, at least when Guan Ming saw this news, he was dubious.

Getting this kind of award or the peace award right after taking office is a matter for the chief giant to win.

It's not that the award is great, but the meaning behind the award.

"666, do you say I'm going to pick up the prize this year? Then we just happened to see a spot." Guan Ming asked with a smile.

"Come less, people must have decided on the candidates. When you are a Nobel Prize bus, do you want to get on the bus, don't you need to line up?" Guanming shoved annoyingly. Coaxed himself to sleep, but this product knew that he was sticky, so that there was a fetal life extension, otherwise Mu Xiaoxiao suspected that the other person was throwing himself up on the ground.

"Just, believe it or not, a phone call over here will change the candidate right away?" Guan Ming waved his hand arrogantly, his body irresistibly moved.

"Ah !! I'm going to bed, I don't want to play with you anymore!" On the deck chair, Mu Xiaoxiao was lifted to the ground by a puppet, but fortunately, she was also mentally prepared before, and this was no fart.

"Don't let it go, how good it is to bask in the sun." Arms held each other's thighs, Guan Ming dragged the other side hard, and the two continued to squeeze on a 1.5-meter-long deck chair.

When winter comes, how can I survive without wearing autumn pants?

As a scientist, Guan Ming's answer is nourishing her!

After eating, lie down and rest. That cricket is more effective than a layer of autumn pants!

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