Private Technology

: 2015 The Pressure of Longevity

"Mr. Guan, this is the subsequent process. What do you think?" An office staff member handed Guan Ming a document bag containing a total of ten pages of printed paper.

At the beginning of the first month of October, the rocket started, and twelve reached Earth, and then a press conference was held in the evening.

I wanted Guan Ming to make a public donation at this press conference, but I was afraid that the significance of lunar mining would be diminished, so I decided to let Guan Ming come to a press conference on the fifteenth day of the first month.

"You just have to look at this part. The chief giant hasn't come back yet?" Guan Ming rushed around and put the documents on the coffee table.

"Not yet." Shaking his head, the staff member didn't explain anything specifically.

Guan Ming is a relatively lazy person, and at the same time he is unwilling to get involved in the private life of others, even if sometimes the other party doesn't mind.

Just like Liu Mengmeng, she doesn't mind Guan Ming's frequent visits to his house and feels her spirit of being fart all the time, but Guan Ming naturally rejects this kind of interpersonal communication. If he expands, he will not be willing to understand the general The families of the giants, giants, and big brothers, so he never visited the families of these people from beginning to end.

In addition to finding the general giant, he wanted to explore the tone and see if he could take a group photo, followed by the arrangement of helium 3.

There is a double star, and Guan Ming often belongs to the ‘prophet’, but what he knows largely abandons subjective factors.

Controllable nuclear fusion can transform huge amounts of electricity. In addition to the domestic deployment of nuclear power plants, the country is also actively constructing battery energy storage power stations around each city to ensure urban power consumption.

Then the question arises, how much helium 3 can Guan Ming get.

You know, energy is as much as it is small. Don't you need to reserve it just in case?

"Well then, let me know when the chief giant comes back. I want to see it." Guan Ming was a bit regretful. He learned from the double star that the chief giant could return to the capital on the morning of the 10th and saw the intensive schedule. Guan Ming wasn't sure if he had a chance to chat with the giants alone that day.

"Good president, I will report it truthfully." Nodded, probably thinking that Guan Ming is all right, he said hello and left the study.

Guan Ming turned on the holographic projection to bring up the real-time picture of the lunar mining field.

A fully mechanized mining field, the observation method is optical three-dimensional scanning measurement technology, which is a new technology integrating light, machinery, electricity and computer technology.

Judging from the effect, this observation method is very good. It can accurately calculate the three-dimensional space coordinates of the object surface, and then compose the image.

A prototype hood. The interior is full of modern and even ultra-modern technology products. There are constant excavations of machinery like excavators. The excavated deposits are placed on anti-gravity equipment, and then the anti-gravity equipment is slowly heightened and parallel. Move to the edge of the hood, drop the deposit to the processing plant, the processing plant refines and packs the mineral, and finally transports it to the rocket outside the hood.

Helium 3 is very special. It is not as deep as the metal deposits on the earth because of geological movements. The moon ’s helium 3 is derived from the high-energy particle stream (solar wind) ejected from the sun. Analogy is like dandelion. The wind lands randomly, and the moon does not have an atmosphere, so naturally there will be no wind. With the accumulation of billions of years, the reserves of helium 3 on the moon's surface are amazing, so the collection of helium 3 on the moon can be performed directly on the surface of the moon.

24 hours of uninterrupted mining and 24 hours of uninterrupted operation.

The space to be transported on the Long March 5 has now been filled, and the final inspection is being done to ensure the success rate of the first transport.

The fat guy with a theoretical load of 25 tons, this time the load has just reached 20 tons, and the rest of the space has to transport some lunar surface and underground soil, and do some scientific research experiments.

When I travel to the moon and frequently transport mining site infrastructure equipment, in fact, I also transport things that are not related to mining, such as some vegetable seeds.

If conditions are ripe in the future, maybe some animals such as cattle, sheep and pigs will be transported for scientific research.

"Double Star, do you think it would be more cost-effective if you only consider running in a straight line when transporting between the earth and the moon in the future?" Guan Ming asked after watching for a while.

"If there is stable nuclear energy and more advanced equipment and materials, this will indeed save a lot of time." Double Star instant feedback.

Guan Ming is not a long-lived species. Judging from current technology alone, even if he rides a rocket at the first cosmic speed, he may not live out of the Kuiper belt.

The vastness of the universe and the insignificance of human beings make Regrets regrettable.

If you only calculate the straight-line distance and it can be achieved, the one-way journey between the earth and the moon will not take more than 30 hours at all, and then you can zoom in to the fire, earth and the like ~ ~ More.

"A faster and more efficient flight must be developed." Guan Ming decided on the next research direction, although he now has a lot of work on hand.

"Wormhole? Curvature engine? Folding space? Quantum transmission?" Although Bin Xing can deduce Guan Ming's meaning, it is not optimistic about this direction.

"Although some of the current scientific and technological theories come into contact with this piece, whether it is materials or others, they restrict the development of this piece. Perhaps there are naturally occurring high-density, high-hardness materials in the universe that can resist space pulling and collisions at the speed of light , But I suggest that the boss still enjoy life better. After all, extraterrestrial civilization is always a threat. Instead of wandering aimlessly in the universe, it is better to enjoy life on earth with peace of mind. "

"Is it fat? It's good to go out and see." Rolling his eyes, Guan Ming counseled, but he didn't want others to say he counseled.

It's like obviously a fat man, but he doesn't like others to say he is fat!

"The pursuits and limits of short-lived and long-lived species are different. At the same time, according to my inference, a civilization will be destroyed in a certain period of time, so I do not recommend you to carry out excessive unknown exploration." To answer.

"Destroyed? What have you found recently?" Guan Ming frowned.

"The mechanical clock 100 million years ago, the footprints of humans 300 million years ago, and the nuclear reactor 700 million years ago, I do n’t have the ability to conduct field inspections, so I ca n’t tell the truth of things, but extraterrestrial civilizations are real. When civilization prospers to a certain degree and expands outward, it will inevitably encounter countless civilizations. Friendlyness may not be the hidden rule of this universe, and destruction and rebirth may be the most real manifestation. "

"Boss, I sincerely recommend that you don't bear the pressure of longevity." U For more exciting novels, please visit our reading school.

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