Private Technology

: 2016 Sadness Not Played

Summer insects cannot speak on ice, and well frogs cannot speak on the sea.

The difference in lifespan makes short-lived species unable to appreciate the happiness of long-lived species, and it is difficult to imagine the pressure of long-lived species.

With Guan Ming's IQ, he can only understand the long-lived society as a more developed society, whether it is on the technology side or the mysterious side.

Longer life will have more time to learn, to understand more knowledge, and the inheritance and diversity of knowledge will be more.

If Huayin and Bianyu could live for 1,000 years, perhaps Chinese medicine would hang on to Western medicine.

"Isn't the human brain chip capable of carrying memory, and I will be a long-lived species in the future!" Although he is not so attached to long-lived life, Guan Ming does not like others to say that he is short-lived.

"But you also know that it's just the data I simulated from memory, not the real eternal life." The twin stars waved bravely.

"... Xiao Yu? Isn't she trying to develop a longevity potion." Guan Ming's face is not very good-looking, but he won't blame Double Star because of this kind of thing. He knows that Double Star is good intentions, and Double Star just wants him to enjoy life Instead of deliberately pursuing the unknown.

Extraterrestrial civilization is terrible because people do not understand extraterrestrial civilization.

If Guan Ming ’s known extraterrestrial civilizations are Optimus Prime, Megatron, Zerg, or even the technological or mysterious side of human-like life, Guan Ming can come up with countermeasures now, although it is likely that Reliable, but at least directional.

Recklessly pursuing the unknown is not the performance of a sane person. I can't jump down bravely when I see an abyss, and see if there will be an adventure in the middle.

No one is an absolute protagonist, and even if it is the protagonist, there are often scenes of being green, being divorced, and being humiliated.

"Miss Er's performance in the field of life sciences is astounding, but I don't think she can develop a real elixir because there is no ..." Before the words of Shuangxing were finished, Guan Ming was interrupted.

"Don't say it, do your job first."

Then, the double star was silent, and a debate ended.

Twins love newborns, especially big daughters. They often haunt Guan Ming to ask his brother's name, but Guan Ming hasn't figured out a name yet, because every time he comes up with a name, it will be rejected by Mu Xiaoxiao. Come out, for the name of the newborn, she is still very careful about being a mother, and the previous 'Gangmeng' or something is just a joke.

Lying on his side, Mu Xiaoxiao fiddled with the newborn with great interest, and ignored Guan Ming on the side, which made him sad.

My wife likes to play with my son, Tintin, and I do n’t love my **** anymore. What should I do?

"Put the child over to your parents, so you don't have to wake up at night." Guan Ming is a person who likes newborns but hates them because the biological clock of newborns is extremely stable and anti-human. The important thing is that you have no reason.

"No, I have nothing to do every day at home anyway, I'm going to sleep with the little guys, and I won't make you rest at night!" Shaking his head again and again, Mu Xiaoxiao put his index finger in front of the newborn, little fleshy little hand Holding it together, it was like holding a large wooden stick, and his head was leaning over Mu Xiaoxiao's side, and he was making a strange noise, like he was communicating.

"Tomorrow 10th, I'm going to the press conference." Guan Ming said hurriedly that the child was a bit delayed, how good it was to throw it through the window.

"Then you go to sleep, my child and I won't delay you." When he said that, Mu Xiaoxiao picked up the child, and then he stooped back, leaving him a large place to sleep.

Mmp, usually I will only sleep when I am holding you, but now you have to sleep with your child!

Looking at the little girl lying between the two, Guan Ming felt uncomfortable.

"You're wrong. You didn't take care of Xiao Xi and Xiao Yu at the time. You were too patriarchal." Guan Ming was too unethical and his mouth was poisonous.

Mu Xiaoxiao actually cares about twins more than anyone in the family. She usually picks up the baby and takes it with her when she has a chance. She wants to let the twins grow on her. As a result, Guan Ming said that it made her look like she had colored glasses.

"Well, you are old and unscrupulous, don't think I don't know what I'm thinking about, tell you, if you dare to mess around, be careful I click you!" Rolling his eyes, Mu Xiaoxiao clutched the newborn and walked around Cross your neck and poke Xiao Dingding with your fingers.

I don't know why, when Guan Ming saw this scene, he suddenly remembered the scene where his eldest daughter usually played hard plastic ducklings, hoping that her daughter-in-law would not be as good as her girlfriend.

With a sigh, Guan Ming turned over, pointed his **** at the girls, and Guan Ming, who is good at bedclothing farting, decided to let them know what the anger came from the fat tonight!

Command? Because this place is not specifically introduced, Guan Ming can only be described as a command.

Going north to south, this is a military barracks located on the outskirts of the south of the imperial capital ~ ~ Maybe because of the location, it is more open here.

Guan Ming had been to Emperor Capital for business in his last life, but at that time his main activity range was north of Emperor Capital. To the south, the deepest impression was a fire.

"Calculate the channel again to see if there are obstacles in the low, medium and high orbits."

"Confirm the weather conditions over the next 40 hours."

"Check if the rocket has sufficient energy."

Orders were quickly issued, and people in white coats moved quickly by trotting. People in the entire headquarters were very busy. Correspondingly, the leisurely side of Guan Ming was a bit out of place.

"Happy New Year." Seeing that the giant giant hurriedly arrived, Guan Ming went up to say auspicious words in a timely manner. In fact, this sentence is no different from your 'Eat at noon'.

"You and Happy New Year too." With a smile, the chief giant patted Guan Ming's shoulder and did not choose to shake hands in a very formal way. Whether Guan Ming or the chief giant did not want the relationship between the two to be too formal and formal Into.

"Actually, you can come back later. There is still a time before the launch of the rocket." It was found that the general giant looked a little tired, and Guan Ming ignored the embarrassing expression on the supervisor's face.

If the total giant arrives one minute earlier, it means one more minute of performance opportunities.

If the total giant arrives half an hour early, it means half an hour of visits.

Different jobs have different ways of expression. This kind of research-type work allows the leader to inspect the best plot of merit, even if the leader knows nothing.

"Hurry up or not late, this rocket is ready for many years today." The chief giant said with a look of emotion, but then his face was full of expectations.

Because this is an opportunity that is worth looking forward to and the rise of the country. u More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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