Private Technology

: 2017 Fat people who can laugh are not bad people

The application of technology products often exceeds the imagination at the beginning of research and development.

When Guan Ming first helped the rocket base to study rocket recovery related projects, it was to reduce the rocket launch cost.

Guan Ming first researched robots to make it easier for his family to use.

Guan Ming originally studied network satellites in order to make binary stars more secure.

Guan Ming was ...

Many times, it doesn't matter what you think at that time, but the changes that occur afterwards are disorderly and unpredictable.

This may be the unknown charm, or it may be a deadly poison, but at the moment, everything that was done in the beginning is developing in a healthy way.

"Yes, we have already made sufficient preparations before you came. I believe this rocket launch will be successful. In countless days and nights, our team of nearly 1,000 people is constantly calculating the rocket launch process and formulating There are more than ten solutions to ensure that any possible accidents are dealt with. Of course, there is also the help of the mining project team and the general manager. "The head of the rocket launch project team said at this time.

The mining project and the launch project are two groups, although the number of each group is calculated using 'thousands'. In plain terms, the former is production and the latter is transportation.

"You are also working hard, the country will not treat the meritorious deeds, and at the same time everyone's contribution is also meaningful. When the rocket successfully descends, I will ask for your credit." Nodded at the person in charge, the total giant and Keep your promise.

Then the general giant and the person in charge said a few words and took Guan Ming to the sitting room and waited.

"You have a kid in your family, how about the little guy?" The chief giant leaned on the sofa to relax. He could feel that he was trying to relax his body. Recently, his work has been very busy, and it is extremely rare to get a break. .

"It's okay, that is, the time difference between day and night is different from that of adults. Everyday, besides eating, I sleep, or I cry, which has caused me a little mental breakdown recently." Guan Ming said a little exaggerated, but the advantage is that it can lead the topic down.

"Children are like this, day and night, just a little older." When it comes to children, the total giant has a lot of spirit.

"I heard that the child hasn't registered an account yet. What's the child's name?"

"I'm not sure for the time being, I think the good name will always be rejected by one reason or another, and it may take another time." Spreading his hands, Guan Ming himself was very helpless, obviously 'Guan Mengdong' and 'Guan Mengchu' Names like that are also very good. Why does the family always feel ridiculous, Guan Ming feels strange.

As for the hukou issue, there is no need to worry about it. It was only 10 days after full play, and the account was rushed within a month. If Guan Ming did, it was estimated that there would be no problem with the hukou in one year.

"This is also a performance that everyone pays more attention to. The name is the parent's expectation of the child, and it will also accompany the child for the rest of his life. It cannot be too casual." Nodded, the general giant did not find it difficult to understand, even in his early years. There are also many rivers and lakes warriors specifically named the children for their living, and every word has to be pulled out of details, not only to find the meaning of each word, but also to compare the theories of the heavenly branches and the five elements.

"Probably the family is too patriarchal." A long sigh of relief, Guan Ming's heart was somewhat depressed. Although he admitted that he was also patriarchal, but when he thought of the twins, it was Guan Mengxi's original situation. He felt that he was truly equal between men and women. Correspondingly, he also had trouble to care about Meng Xi. After all, there is no harm in comparison. I hope she will not have any bad mentality.

"This kind of thinking still needs to be changed. By the way, have you tested your child's IQ? After all, it is your child, maybe he will be as smart as Xiao Xi and Xiao Yu." The general giant changed the topic.

It has been confirmed above that the twins fully inherit Guan Ming's IQ. The five-year-old twins not only completed the basic education in 6 years of elementary school, they even learned what they wanted to learn in their spare time.

Guan Mengxi ’s artistic pursuit may not be measured with accurate scores, but Guan Mengyu ’s young age has already demonstrated his strength in the chemical field. According to Tian Qiantong ’s academic progress report, Guan Mengyu has been able to use hydrogen peroxide. Oxygen has been produced. Although the general giant is not sure what the specific principle of this chemical reaction is, he can feel the power contained in it.

"It's only been ten days, and I can't say for sure what IQ says." Glancing at another person in the room, Guan Ming wasn't sure if he could say something.

The dialogue between the chief giant and Guan Ming was conducted in a relatively relaxed environment, but the identity of the two was not ordinary people, and the life secretary of the chief giant followed suit.

"I made plans in this regard. I heard that you brought your family to the imperial capital and are ready to show us?" The chief giant still had a smile on his face, but there was a joke in the smile.

"Uh ... Xiaoxiao cares about that kid too much, and hopes that he can take a photo with the giants. She always thinks that this will give the child a better future. It is a blessing for the elderly." Scratching his head, Guan Ming decisively His daughter-in-law sold it, but he didn't think that the chief giant had noticed nothing.

"Oh ~ you guys, how dare you say it ~ ~ When I heard Guan Ming say this, the chief giant smiled and patted the armrest of the sofa.

Guan Ming's counsel is obvious to all, but he sold his daughter-in-law so decisively. It is also very interesting to the chief giant. At least he will think that Guan Ming has the trust and respect for the giants. Of course, this Frankness is also the focus of the giants.

Guan Ming believes that those who are twice as old as those who have turned a corner are clear and straightforward in explaining how good the white is, and it is not good for the other party to understand it implicitly.

Mu Xiaoxiao's skin is Li Shizhen's skin and Pikachu's skin. If she can't take a photo in the end, she can hide her scalp and numb her skin. Don't talk to her, just train her. This faceless and skinless product They can go to the mother's side with grievances, and then contribute the tickling, which is stained with their own blood, and encourage the mother to pull the tube for two moments.

"Hey, hey." Guan Ming smiled, pretending to be an innocent person.

It may be based on the theory that a fat man who can laugh is not a bad person. Guan Ming always feels that he is a sincere and unpretentious man. He is a distinguished, handsome, and intelligent man.

"I should take care of this. I think about it. It should be at the beginning of March. You should be at home at the beginning of March. During this period, you have a lot of things. Let's spend the Mid-Autumn Festival in the imperial capital." Just give it a moment.

The two sessions were convened in early March. At that time, the leaders of the two sessions will participate in the meeting, and now the words have reached the end of February, and there are still dozens of days left.

"Thank you so much."

"Don't thank me. At that time you will have to attend the meeting. Don't be me as an audience. When it's time to speak, you should speak actively."

"This ... well." Guan Ming hesitated, and had to answer the errand. u More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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