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: 1023 2 trillion women

Maybe the host did not expect Guan Minghui to say so frankly, even if he is now euphemistic or even vague, it does not matter, after all, there were too many ‘true incense warnings’ before.

"Mrs. Guan, as a mother of your child, you must have a deep understanding of your child's development. What do you think is the most important thing about your child in your current family, or what do you expect of your child's future? Should he inherit the scientific research ability of the general manager, or focus on the development of children's business? "The host chose a Chinese journalist this time, and the problem was also relatively relaxed.

"Everyone in my family knows that the future of children's life is definitely nothing to worry about. It doesn't matter whether the child is engaged in scientific research or other things. My husband and I have long thought about it and will not interfere with the child's future. Life, compared with these, I value children's future morality. Now that the children are still young, there is no way to make them understand, so my husband and I often take them to release small animals and tell them that animals are human good friends. Mu Xiaoxiao pulled the calf seriously.

When did I take you and your child to release the animals? Depending on your food, will it be released?

At home, Mu Xiaoxiao belongs to the king of all-take-all. Shanghai's local cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, Northeastern cuisine and even foreign dishes are enthusiastic. However, her eldest daughter likes Japanese dishes such as fish roe bibimbap and sushi. My daughter is passionate about western-style vegetarian foods such as blueberry sauce, and the ghost knows what kind of table culture Guan Ming has experienced over the years.

Release small animals? Guan Ming hesitated twice, maybe the dialogue between her daughter and this idiot was the difference in the production of ingredients and tastes.

"Mrs. Guan, you can see that you are a kind-hearted person, but listening to what you just said, do you intend to nurture your children towards scientists? Although the achievements of President Guan are obvious to all, the cultivation of scientists also has a certain chance. Does this mean that Guan always has a way to train a scientist? "The questioner was a foreigner. Guan Ming was temporarily unsure whether the reporter heard any news. It was necessary to know that Guan Ming's physical skills were not even known to Mu Xiaoxiao.

Guan Ming wanted to tell her this exciting news, but considering Mu Xiaoxiao's personality, Guan Ming thought that he would give the chicken a vacation, otherwise he would walk around every day.

"Well? Shouldn't this kind of thing be cultivated according to the personality of a child, is there any special cultivation method for the scientist?" Mu Xiaoxiao responded a little dumbly and said rudely.

For a moment, Guan Ming seemed to see Mu Xiaoxiao's IQ rushing into his stomach at a speed of 180 kilometers per hour!

"Today ’s press conference is about charity. I hope everyone will cherish the opportunity to ask questions." Holding Mu Xiaoxiao's hand slightly, Guan Ming leaned forward and pointed at the microphone.

It may be because of the unfriendlyness of foreign reporters. Most of the questions asked by the host are domestic reporters. Foreign reporters only occasionally choose a few backgrounds that can pass and stand up.

Guan Ming's press conference is full of randomness, because Guan Ming cannot answer questions from reporters one by one, and cannot guarantee that all reporters are qualified to ask questions.

In addition to the reporter's own entry, each reporter has a cameraman, screenwriter, etc., which means that a team of reporters has a minimum of 3 people and a maximum of 5 people, and a total of 500 people on the scene, at least 100 teams You ca n’t expect Guan Ming to answer a hundred questions, this is not "Blue Cat Naughty Three Thousand Questions".

Most of the questions that follow are relatively easy to answer. Whether it is Guan Ming's couple's concerns about the poor children in the country or calling for more people to pay attention to charity, it is worth a special book. After the press conference, No reporter blocked the door trying to have an 'exclusive interview'.

Today is the fifteenth day of the first month, but Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao's trip is not over.

I was preparing to build Guan Ming and his wife as typical models, and wanted to make this wave of charity fly.

"President Guan, can you start now?" Guan Ming, wearing a white shirt, was sitting on the sofa in Zhongnanhai Villa. Her belly was like a small hill, but fortunately she wore this white vest inside, and it was impossible to see it through the seams. To his fair skin.

"Okay." Guan Ming nodded at the host, Guan Ming said.

The "Focus Interview" column group was not notified of the recording content in advance, mainly because of fear of unsustainable demographic conditions, so the situation just broadcast today was recorded today.

"Mr. Guan, we just learned that your wife, Mu Xiaoxiao, has donated two trillion yuan today for the charity of children and young people. At the same time, the family of Mr. Guan has donated more than 600 billion yuan in the past few years as a long-term concern. Philanthropy, do you think there are any shortcomings and improvements in China's philanthropy? "The host asked.

"Focus Interview" uses a combination of studio moderators and live interviews. The moderator first introduces the theme or topic of the show on the day, completes the narrative of the factual subject through live interviews, and then returns to the studio. The host implements comments on the event itself.

Currently, it is an on-site interview, but there is a routine for this kind of thing, right. Designing the program flow and recording it in advance is not a problem.

"On the whole, the state has done a good job in this regard. In fact, if you pay close attention, you can find that in recent years, the state has been very vigorous in examining corruption cases in the charity direction. We may not be able to put an end to greed, but we are The use of legal weapons to defend the interests of disadvantaged groups is also one of the important signs of the country's eradication of poverty. As for improvement, I personally hope that there will be more charitable people, and I also hope that the country will build morality and morality for children in the future. Guide me a lot, so that children have a kind heart from an early age. "Guan Ming wouldn't say that most of the corruption cases that were found were only for the money of Guan Guanming.

"Mr. Guan, you and your wife have played an exemplary role in charity for the people. Then, will you continue to do charity? Will you donate a large amount of funds directly?" The reporter looked at the question card ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ asked.

"Charity will continue to do it. Every year, the scale of charity will be judged based on the income of that year. The initial intention is to divide it into two directions. One is to directly donate money to the national charity and a reliable folk charity. The other is Go deep into some poor areas and do charity more closely. For example, build schools and hospitals to improve the local education and medical conditions. At the same time, analyze the local economy to see if there is a way to revitalize the local economic situation and increase the income of people in poor areas. After all, compared with the one-time funding help, self-hematopoiesis is more important. "Guan Ming did a warm-up for the next things, while reducing the pressure on the head, but also reducing his own pressure.

"The gold and silver cups are not as good as the word of mouth of ordinary people, but they must have word of mouth and gold cups. I heard that the country has customized a trophy for Mrs. Guan, which is convenient to take out?" The host looked at Mu Xiaoxiao and asked.

"Of course it can." Nodding with a smile, Mu Xiaoxiao held the trophy on the coffee table and put it on his lap.

Jin Cancan ’s hands are holding a Jin Canchan ’s heart. The base is carved from a piece of pure white jade, and the Chinese characters are filled with black material. It reads-two trillion women.

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