Private Technology

: 1024 Guan Mengxi, who has super imitation ability

"Why is it a lady? Can't it be a girl, little ... uh, this is still forgotten." Yang shell lay on the bed, Mu Xiaoxiao holding up the trophy.

It is really effortless to do this with the power of the country. After all, there is no technical content. Whether it is gold or jade, the price may not be low, but this is not low. It is only relative to ordinary people.

It's just that Mu Xiaoxiao's focus is on the word 'Ms.', not the cost of the trophy.

"A girl refers to a young girl who hasn't been out of the court, and her son still expects your milk, but a fart." Guan Ming struggled twice, a salted fish turned over, and the soft bed dangled twice. Guan Ming's shape There is basically no change.

吭哧吭哧 got up from the bed, and then stripped off this somewhat bloated shirt.

"Well, pity me Mu Xiaoxiao Tian Ziyinghui, outstanding people, Xiaojiabiyu, dignified and beautiful, but I was ruined by you at a young age. I can only be a hot mom, really jealous !!!!" Put the trophy aside, Mu Xiaoxiao shouted in the bed lying back and forth.

"Excessive old iron, your marriage was ruined when you married me? Also, what do you mean by junk?" Guan Ming looked down at his stomach and a bunch of A, then turned to look at Mu Xiaoxiao, Scratched her itchy meat with her fingers.

This product is intermittently ventilated, and Guan Ming does not account for her gossip, and from the perspective of appearance, body and age alone, Guan Ming feels that he is also the one taking advantage.

"Well, I treat you as a husband. You are actually treating me as an old iron. You are too much!" A finger turned away from Guan Ming's fingers, Mu Xiaoxiao pursed her mouth and covered her waist and eyes, looking unhappy. Guan Ming.

"Go and go, quickly change clothes and nurse, go and watch your big girl, don't let her go to school!" After pulling her body, she slapped according to that butt.

Speaking of Guan Mengxi, Guan Ming had 10,000 sentences in his heart that he didn't know what to say.

Today, the couple Guan Ming has a lot of things, so they get up earlier than usual. Mu Xiaoxiao prepares to nurse the baby in the morning, and then let him sleep peacefully for a day. Where can I think of Guan Mengxi, he ran to the baby room first. , And then open your **** to milk the baby.

The younger sister nodded to feed, the elder sister cried in pain, but even so, Guan Mengxi did not throw the brother out the window, probably he really liked the brother.

after that……

After that, Guan Ming rubbed Mu Xiaoxiao like rubbing his dog's head. Specially, this is the big girl you brought up!

What a special 5 years old!


"So you treat the country's new" two trillion hot moms "? I tell you, Guan Xiaoming, annoyed me, I will blast your dog's head with a trophy!" Ma Liu changed clothes while changing clothes, Mu Xiaoxiao shouted.

That tone, that expression, if it is not anxious for the baby, maybe this product can jump up and raise Guan Ming's belly!

"Hurry up, watch the" News Broadcast "after you finish eating. If you are late, I won't let Double Star get you a rebroadcast." Looking at the jumping big chest, Guan Ming silently said that the three sentences were empty and clear. In the empty thoughts, the picture of Ren Changding spraying rice and pure white underwear ...

Wait, why do I remember being pure white?

Really aggressive.JPG.

Guan Ming, who didn't care about the persecution, changed into loose clothes, and Mu Xiaoxiao jumped out of the house like a monkey under the tree. She could feel that she was in a good mood today.

"Mrs. Two Trillion, oh ~" He lay on the bed with one hand, Guan Ming leaned over to retrieve the trophy, and there was a satisfied smile on his face.

Guan Ming is not an ordinary rich man, and Mu Xiaoxiao is not an ordinary young grandmother. Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, Guan Ming's indulgence is meaningless, but Guan Ming pursues more than equality.

"Double Star, what trips are there in the last few days?" The two sessions are approaching, Guan Ming is also going to participate, and the chief giant also made it clear that Guan Ming made some reliable remarks. After all, Guan Ming still had the National Political Consultative Conference brand on his body. It seems that what vice chairman was nominated for him a few days ago is still coming, but Guan Ming pushed it, indicating that he should be a member honestly.

"According to the plan, CCTV will send an interview team to shoot you and the boss tomorrow. All the giants will arrive in the capital the day after tomorrow. It is not unexpected that from the day after tomorrow to the end of the month, you and the boss and two young ladies and young masters may be caught. After the meeting, the two sessions will be followed, and you need to make an effective proposal. "Double Star did not give any thought to the giant's itinerary, Guan Ming asked, and Double Star immediately reported.

"Proposal, it's really troublesome. You can help me make a ... forget it, I'll do it by myself." Guan Ming wanted to be lazy, but nothing has been done these days. It's also interesting to think about this thing. , He is going to make a charity proposal. After all, as a husband of “two trillion women”, his mental appearance must also meet the standard ~

"Good boss." Shuangxing had no other thoughts and strictly followed Guan Ming's wishes.

Wait, you should consciously collect some information at this time.

Guan Ming was slightly depressed.

After the new 'two trillion ladies' milk to play with children, she ran to the restaurant and ate with everyone. She waited for the twins to eat, and Guan Ming waited for her to eat, forming a perfect grade chain, following the younger A true portrayal of higher status.

"Hurry up, it's almost seven o'clock." Seeing Double Star reminding the time aside, Guan Ming urged.

"Can you get the news tonight? Isn't it a bit fast?" When Guan Ming said this, Guan Ma interrupted and motioned to her daughter-in-law to hurry up and stop talking.

"News is time-sensitive, and it will definitely appear in the" News Broadcast ", otherwise it will be burst out by others, and CCTV is not good-looking." Although Guan Ming did not understand CCTV in depth, but lived for two lives, he blocked The number of toilets is more frequent than that of Aunt Mu Xiaoxiao. What routine have you never seen?

"Will mom go to TV with Dad?" Guan Mengxi asked after looking at Mu Xiaoxiao.

"Yeah yeah ~ ~ You can watch Mom on TV, so hurry up to eat." With a small back, Mu Xiaoxiao helped dig her fish roe.

"Well, my sister must hurry up!" Nodded strongly, Guan Mengxi was very impressed by his sister, and he tilted his head to urge his sister.

Rolling his eyes, Guan Mengyu wiped his mouth with a wipe, and twisted his buttocks from the chair, saying, "I have eaten well, I will go to the living room to see my brother ~"

"Sister wait for me!" Seeing his sister finished so quickly, Guan Mengxi shouted quickly, and the spoon and the fish roe in the small bowl were pulled out three or two times.

It may be that there is a bit of food, so stop your mouth with your hands to prevent the food from spraying out, and then twist your body to come down.

Mu Xiaoxiao had a look. It was a success. Tonight, let ’s have a supper tonight, but unfortunately, this wok stewed the big goose. I heard that it was a master of Zhongnanhai who is good at cooking Northeast cuisine.

PS: This memorable chapter is so familiar, it reminds me of many very touching pictures.

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