Private Technology

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Professor Wang is a clever person. He thinks a little about the difference between a second child and a second child, especially if the first child is twins.

Professor Wang wanted to talk about the content of his proposal, including the special treatment of special objects. For example, people who have made outstanding contributions to the national military and science and technology can have more lives, but it is a pity that Mu Xiaoxiao Someone was seated on the side, an older woman, and Guan Ming and his wife began to talk with each other again.

His task was only half completed. Professor Wang was somewhat frustrated, but it was okay. After all, proposals will always be open, and it wo n’t be a problem sooner or later.

Professor Wang can also be assigned to sit next to Guan Ming. In simple terms, it is to solve the problems of Guan Ming. After all, special treatment methods or anything are simply customized for Guan Ming.

If Professor Wang knows the particularity of Guan Ming's body, he will think it is specific to the steward, because the project team studying Guan Ming gene has submitted to the above report. Since Guan Ming gene can synthesize and optimize the excellent genes of father and mother, , Then in theory, Guan Ming's children will have a high probability of inheriting this characteristic.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the first session of the 12th session of the CPPCC was opened. The giants presided over the opening session.

Rising into the air, the voice was loud.

Participants took electronic glasses together and listened to the work report of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee.

Today is Sunday, and the opening meeting is nothing more than listening to various reports. According to the established meeting schedule, tomorrow will be the focus and start group discussions, including the work report of the Standing Committee and the report on the work of the proposal.

Guan Ming is a big-hearted person who, on the surface, listens to work reports, but actually plays games there.

In "Fantasy Westward Journey", Rhubarb has developed into a well-known commander. After teammates exposed speed, stunts, babies and other attributes, Rhubarb can give the best combat routine in a split second. Many local tyrants want to draw Rhubarb to the martial arts altar, but Rhubarb appeared very cold and unmoved.

Guan Ming is not sure if this group of goods know what the top command they worship is actually a dog, it will probably be very interesting.

"MMP, I have no level, I actually want me to take the eye to the car!" Guan Ming always thinks that the captain is an idiot, and the special Lao Tzu is levelless. Where is your little 89 ghost team driver? courage!

"Master, I think he depends on you being rich, so I want to make a profit, or I'll drive the team." Rhubarb rushed in a private chat with M Guanming.

"Your big Tang, take a break three times, take a break three times, okay ~" N hasn't played for a long time, the level has dropped too much, not even 80, really a sad story.

"Boss, I am also one of the best Tangs in the district. The most important thing is that I find ghost thief 6. The operation speed is fast. There are still a few friends I know here, otherwise I will call and take you to catch ghosts. "" Within three seconds, Rhubarb sent a private message.

In the district, Rhubarb's hand speed is notoriously fast, and it will always be laughed as a single dog for 20 years. Regarding this, Rhubarb has no **** to say.

"Okay, hurry up, I'm bored here."

Guan Ming didn't care if Rhubarb's friends were human or dogs, he began to browse his own levellessness.

Obviously low-level terrible, but well-equipped but life-threatening.

Chances are that the Westward Journey will have no chance to change the data directly in the background. After all, even Evergreen Hibiscus can be forcibly recovered, and Guan Ming will be able to change the data with confidence.

Guan Ming's is not without online games, at least in his opinion, whether it is BUG or other, under the premise of ensuring the balance of the game, it is not bad to give concessions to the players properly, at least for the enterprise, the loss is not large , And can even capture a valued user.

As a result, in the game circle last year, there was a lot of excitement. The famous NetEase actually appeared on the defendant's seat. For this reason, during the time of Rhubarb, he was full of joy.

"Hoo ~ finally finished." Mu Xiaoxiao took off his electronic glasses and secretly complained to Guan Ming.

"Huh? Finish?" Guan Ming asked Shuangxing to host the game, and also took off his electronic glasses, and found that everyone at the venue stood up and prepared to retreat.

"You were just playing the game, right!" Staring at Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao cheeked up.

Xiaoye Mu Xiaoxiao, listened to the meeting seriously, turned around and found that her husband actually played the game for an afternoon, hitting your dog head!

"How come, let's retreat first. We may not be able to leave in a while. There will be something tomorrow." Guan Ming took his wife's hand and was preparing to retreat.

The people next to him probably didn't expect Guan Minghui to go so fast. He obviously wanted to talk to him a little more, but it was too impolite to drop the object of the conversation now.

Because ...

"Mr. Guan, what do you think of this CPPCC meeting? Is your proposal still a topic for companies, poor areas and people?"

"Mr. Guan, as far as we know, this is the first time you have attended a CPPCC meeting. Why didn't you attend before? Is there anything special about this CPPCC meeting?"

"Mrs. Guan, what proposals do you have for participating in the CPPCC? Or do you follow Mr. Guan to use a set of proposals?"

A reporter from Wujing blocked the doorway of Guan Ming and his wife.

CPPCC meetings are not only Chinese journalists, but also foreign journalists.

Before charitable donations, foreign enthusiastically stated that Guan Ming was making money all over the world, but only doing charity in China was a kind of pseudo-charity, so foreign reporters did not have a good impression of Guan Ming, even with the last half month Of overseas sales also tended to decline.

But the problem is, Guan Ming doesn't care about these at all.

The market of billions of people and the market of billions of people are two concepts, but the market of billions of people and the market of billions of people are two concepts.

Guan Ming has no need to please the foreign market, he has this confidence.

Moreover, Guan Ming found a thing that puzzled him very much. He only said that the region where foreign media hated Guan Ming's charity was actually African countries.

Damn, you're so poor!

In the global sales of Guan Ming's products, African countries are at the bottom.

Guan Ming felt that it was because his family was not in Africa, otherwise he could be ransacked in minutes, and even the foundation could be pried away.

The surrounding security stopped these reporters in front of Guan Ming, who wanted to leave with a cold face, but Mu Xiaoxiao pulled himself.

Looking at those bright eyes, Guan Ming was not sure what she wanted to do, so she stayed a bit.

"Hello everyone, my husband ’s proposal is the one that CCTV interviewed. If you are not clear, then please go back and watch the replay or go to the CCTV official website. As for the CPPCC, we feel very solemn and solemn. Listen to the report , We can all feel the rapid development of the country. "

"My husband is not used to speaking in crowded places, so I'm sorry." Holding Guan Ming's arm, Mu Xiaoxiao's voice was clear and highly recognizable.

I probably did not expect Mu Xiaoxiao to speak, so the reporters froze.

"Mrs. Guan, why don't you submit a proposal on charity? After all, your previous performance is very impressive." The scene was silent for two or three seconds, and suddenly a reporter asked.

"Even if I am a 'two trillion ladies', I still visit my children at home. I ca n’t let my husband waste time with my children, and then I write a proposal. Today we are all tired, sorry." He tilted his head and smiled, like walking on the red carpet of a fashion show, Mu Xiaoxiao took Guan Ming's arm and waited for him to retreat with rhythm.

Guan Ming was impatient, and he resolutely retreated when he heard this.

"Mr. Guan, Mr. Guan said something."

"Yes, Mr. Guan, you haven't said why you attended this CPPCC meeting."

The reporter rushed up, and the posture felt like a big jump, pressing Guan Ming under his body, and vigorously poking Guan Ming's front teeth with a microphone.

The security was very powerful, and the walls were standing like the Great Wall. Guan Ming sat in their car smoothly.

"There are so many people. If you don't talk, we can go more smoothly." Guan Ming loosened his tie and complained.

"The CCTV program has also been broadcast. Your image will change a little bit. You ca n’t tell others the truth. The first reaction in your head is the cold, serious guy, even Einstein and his tongue sticking out. Well, do you have one? "Mu Xiaoxiao whispered a sentence, but gently helped Guan Ming to untie his tie.

"Can it be compared? Turing has a boyfriend, or should I also find a boyfriend?" With a stubborn face, Guan Ming felt that the big round face would be thinner in less than one year.

Sister Xue ’s head, not only disappeared in the anime, but also in reality. Fate is really the same, but it ’s a pity ~

"I don't mind, as long as you have the courage to find it." Mu Xiaoxiao smiled wryly, grabbing Guan Ming's right hand with A, it goes without saying.


Guan Ming rolled his eyes and said, "What image are you going to shape me? One person interacts with two Weibo accounts?"

Guan Xiao ’s Weibo account was taken care of by Mu Xiaoxiao for a while. She once showed a big wave of affection and sprinkled a big wave of dog food. Later, she became lazy. She let Double Star directly use Guan Ming ’s account to like her All reviews.

"Hey hey, friend, have you heard of the video?" Mu Xiaoxiao smiled stupidly and said Amway's line.

"... I tell you, you'll be beaten if Pi is very hard. The tickling at home is just for you!" Guan Ming was silent, then looked at the other side vigilantly.

Video brushing is a software similar to the vibrato of previous life ~ ~ except that in this life, there are multiple platforms, which makes the image software very popular.

Most of the videos in the current videos are mainly funny, or spoof.

Guan Ming didn't want to be woken up by his daughter-in-law with firecrackers one day, or beat his belly as a drum.

"Hoo roar, don't be afraid, I'm nursing a baby, just in case I was scared, your son ran out of food." Mu Xiaoxiao smiled with a bit of madness.

Especially, I've heard that cows can't give milk when they are frightened. People are the same routine?

Guan Ming looked at her suspiciously, always feeling that his IQ seemed to be insulted.

"Look at what, you who have no milk, are qualified to doubt me?" With his head raised, Mu Xiaoxiao revealed an eye of contempt for scum.

"What you said ... I really can't refute it." Even so, Guan Ming's backhand is a set of angry rubbing dog heads.

What is it, if I can milk, what will you do!

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