Private Technology

: One thousand and thirty-eight Can a scholar's affairs be fat?

"... according to local characteristics, building a distinctive regional economy to make the regional economy more competitive and viable. At the same time, I recommend that ..."

"... The one-size-fits-all system is a bit arbitrary. In the early days, I suggested going from house to house to analyze family income, family members, education level, skill level, etc ..."

"... The function of the government is to serve the public, and to make enterprises bigger, bigger, and stronger. Even taxation can revitalize the economy of a region, especially when the young and middle-aged population returns. Jobs, reducing unemployment, increasing tax revenue ... "

"... Conscientiously implement basic measures on education, medical care, transportation, etc., improve the per capita cultural level, improve the local medical level, and make traffic unobstructed, which is very critical for poor areas ..."

"... the enterprise, the government, the people, and the three parties supervise each other to ensure that the interests of any party are not harmed, to achieve a win-win situation for the three parties, to do a good job of supervision and punishment rules, to find and deal with them together, and everyone works together to work on the economy ..."

At the panel discussion, Guan Ming said his "Social Attributes and Social Responsibility of the Enterprise."

"Well, you didn't talk about medical and education investment. What do you think about this part?" The giant sitting on the theme asked.

There will be giants in every panel discussion. After all, there are so many giants, but this does not mean that giants cannot appear. At least the giants are still full of interest in what Guan Ming said.

"I think these two companies will be better funded. The core competitiveness of future enterprises is the reserve of talents. As Jack Ma said, if a person resigns, there are two reasons. One is that the money is not in place, and the other is the relationship In place. "

"Whether it is investment in education or investment in hospitals, it is not too stressful for enterprises, but this can further make the area outside the college and enter the company have a more sense of belonging. It also makes people outside the area feel more at home. Excellent talents see the company's determination and confidence. I think this is a kind of external publicity to a certain extent, and it is better for the company than for the inferior. "

As for traffic, neither the giant nor Guan Ming talked.

What a joke, even if the road is handed over to the company, then everyone will retreat. Don't make it, really, when all companies make money like Guan Ming's company?

This proposal first catered to Shangyi, followed by an exemplary role. In the initial pilot, it was not possible to have only one Guanming family, but three or five regions and three or five companies did not run.

How to make other companies willing to do it, do it well, and even compete for the opportunity to do it is very important.

"It's good to absorb local fresh graduates in proportion, but small tube, your company's threshold seems a bit high, and it does not have demand for all majors." The giant turned his pencil and looked at it with a smile. Guan Ming.

In addition to the most basic political review of Guanming Company, the gender ratio of the company is also very disparate. Although it looks very good in the short term, once you enter the company Yingying Yanyan, go to the long legs and cups on the second floor of the event floor. Something, but not all female employees are lesbians like Liu Mengmeng. 15% of Guan Ming's resignations every year is 'I'm going to find a man outside'. Guan Ming also wants to change this status, but He couldn't say so easily.

"... I will re-establish a local company that is controlled by the parent company. All talents who perform well, their rising channels can be transferred back to the parent company in addition to rising positions and wages in the company. As for professionalism, Then I can only say that I try to do it. "

Without a big bag, Guan Ming is not God, and he cannot arrange everything.

"It's important to have an accurate ascent channel to motivate employees." Nodding, the giant said that's okay.

Throughout the day, Guan Ming listened to other people's proposals carefully, and Mu Xiaoxiao did the same. She was the perfect woman sitting next to Guan Ming, and sometimes looked at Guan Ming with a smile, and frowned slightly, listening Others' proposals, although she did not speak, were highly involved.

Robin Lee's proposal is very interesting. It is about the high cost of the wireless network satellite network provided by the network satellite. I hope to reduce the price and open the public network satellite wireless network at the same time.

Guan Ming's electronic glasses rank first in the world with the number of domestic owners. Similarly, the layout of basic services (network satellites) is also the first in the world, but high efficiency means high investment.

Regarding the network satellite and the wireless network to which the network satellite belongs, Zhong Qiming handles it. If Zhong Qiming wants to make money from the network satellite in a short time, he can only increase the user's tariff. We must know that Zhong Qiming did not assemble the network satellite. Capability, from the beginning to the end of each network satellite, Zhong Qiming to future technology to place orders.

How to activate a mobile platform (electronic glasses) is very important for an Internet company like Robin Lee.

Huhuo, all day passed.

Sitting in the car, Guan Ming pinched his forehead, exhausted.

Guan Ming is not suitable for such a serious person to attend such a serious meeting, one sitting is a whole day, I feel that sitting down can sit out of hemorrhoids.

Mu Xiaoxiao found a mobile phone in the storage drawer at the back and slanted himself at an angle of 45 °. He said, "Don't look at my husband so talented, so rich, and handsome, just ignore his fat ~"

After speaking, Mu Xiaoxiao went to Guan Ming and patted his round belly with one hand.

"Friend, I Guan Yanzu admires your vision very much, but you should wear glasses, can a scholar be fat?" Guan Ming was stunned, and he froze that beautiful face.

"Yan Zu, who doesn't want to make money, can't be a good scientist. Come on, you are the fattest!" Turning his head, Mu Xiaoxiao made a cheering action at him.

Then while Guan Ming was still aggressive, Mu Xiaoxiao put the phone down and started all kinds of ups and downs.

"Would you believe me to sit dead?" Mu Xiaoxiao was used to being nervous, Guan Ming didn't care, but stretched out his sinful hands and prepared to rub the dog's head in anger.

"Wait a while. I'm picking the background music, wait a minute ~" As she slipped, Mu Xiaoxiao touched the back of her seat, kicked her left and right feet, turned her shoes, turned her direction, and used her feet to prevent Guan Ming's harassment. .

In March, the Emperor Capital was still quite cold. The skirt slipped and the thick black stockings not only kept warm, but also made the legs perfectly elastic.

That faint trace of white is as curious and admirable as the desert travelers seeing the mirage of the oasis.

"Say, what the **** are you doing?" He squeezed his calf, his stockings were smooth, his muscles were soft and hard.

Afterwards, the stockings are also smooth, but the flesh of the thighs is softer and plump.

"Hoo roar roar, you see, brush the video, I decided to promote you on the brush video, how about ~" Mu Xiaoxiao did not get up, but leaned his head to the side, his eyes flowed with charm and hope.

The back of the foot is like an arch. Mu Xiaoxiao gently rubbed Guan Guanming's belly with the inside of his left foot, but did not stop Guan Ming's big claws.

Testimonials go hand in hand with transactions!

Guan Ming acted for a while, then couldn't laugh or cry.

Damn, you want to post that paragraph?

This is very skinny, okay. Although many people say that Lao Tzu is fat, there are few when I dare to say so!

"You little devil, be careful when I go home to serve!" If you can intimidate once, intimidate once, Guan Ming puts her leg straight on his own leg, and looks at Mu Xiaoxiao with a serious look.

"Scratching your feet? Eat lemon? Stand upside down and drink Cola?" Mu Xiaoxiao heard it, looking at Guan Ming with a timid expression on his face.

What a punishment to drink Coke upside down? Are you a player who can squash in the pit? Would you care?

Seeing Guan Ming's serious face collapse, Mu Xiaoxiao retracted his feet, and then bent over to wear shoes. After all, the road was too close, just to say a few words.

"It is natural to find excellent channels for external publicity. Brushing videos is currently very hot. I also saw videos of girls from the island country some time ago." Mu Xiaoxiao felt that text and photos were always not as fast as videos, and brushing videos, Just compound Mu Xiaoxiao's requirements.

As for the fact that ordinary users only have 15 seconds of permissions, Mu Xiaoxiao said that the problem is not big. Anyway, the double star editing only takes a moment, and 15 seconds and 4 sentences are completely fine. If you do n’t give it 1 minute of permission for a long time, Then Guan Ming would find Liu Mengmeng and let her help negotiate.

"I'm going, I haven't closed the video yet? This review is not enough ~" Guan Ming ‘take a breath of air’, and ca n’t wait to say “horror like that”.

"What do you want, the dancing video of someone's sister, that touched ~ touched." Rolling his eyes, Mu Xiaoxiao popularized Guan Ming.

But science is not as good as science. What ’s special is "AiseEuTePego", which translates to "If I Captured You", transliteration depends on the situation. If Naruto is transliterated into 'Nuoduo', it will probably be Feel the egg hurt.

Guan Ming still wanted to say something, the car stopped slowly, and he had already reached the villa in Zhongnanhai.

"Mom ~" Open the door ~ ~ Guan Mengxi came to see it, and then the spit girl ran to Mu Xiaoxiao's side. When she hugged her thigh, it came from Newton's inertia. on.

The skill of this rocket mallet has 30% of Mu Xiaoxiao's skill. At least, he can see Mu Xiaoxiao's eyelids jumping, holding back the pain and smiling, Guan Ming said that she looks so beautiful ~

"Xiao Xi, what's the matter?" He slaps on Xiao Budian's head, Mu Xiaoxiao quickly hugged her to avoid a serial hammer.

Compared with Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao's big chest cushioning ability is stronger.

"My brother can talk ~" Guan Mengxi said with a rush.

"Hah? Your brother can speak." Guan Ming, who was changing shoes, couldn't help but look up, looked at Guan Mengxi staggered, and then looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, his face furious.

"Yes, yes, he will say‘ Ah ~ ’now!” With a serious face, Guan Mengxi nodded hard, his head pinched on his big chest.

Mu Xiaoxiao pumped at the corners of her mouth, and didn't know if it hurt her heart or her body.

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