Private Technology

: 1048 Business Touted

From the moment I opened my eyes in this life, Guan Mengyu knew that in this life her family environment was very superior. Whether it was a single-family villa or personal care, every bit leaked out 'hao' and 'soil'.

In artistic tasting, Guan Mengyu felt that his dad couldn't see his car's rear lights, but it was his turn to make money and wealth. Guan Mengyu felt that she had been dumped 800 streets.

However, the local tyrants also have the advantages of the local tyrants, because they do not know much about the art reference and the life of the nobles, and at the same time have a lot of money to spend.

Take this human experiment, for example, Mu Xiaoxiao's daily diet, plant-derived cosmetics, and other consumables consume about 700 a day. Guan Mengyu requires all volunteers to have such a life. It is possible to simulate Mu Xiaoxiao's daily life.

According to the minimum standard, each group of 10 people has 10 groups in total, that is 100 people. The average daily cost of food and cosmetics for these 100 people is 70,000 yuan, and this type of clinical trial drugs is risky, so Wages must be high, about 500 to 1,000 per person per day, and up to 70 million on this day.

Guan Ming is currently unclear how long she will prepare for the experiment, but it is estimated that it will take at least one week, which is 490 million yuan, which has not yet accounted for the cost of laboratory-produced drugs.

Generally speaking, if you are small, you do n’t spend any money, you spend a lot when you spend money!

"Okay, I will arrange this part. Now, you should always tell me what kind of medicine you are doing. Even if you do n’t say, the comparison of the drug test results is the most troublesome, and it can be deduced as well. It works. "Guan Ming looked at Xiao Budian and said.

This is a medicine for his daughter-in-law, and he can't help but care, in case Mu Xiaoxiao feels that his IQ is too high, and wants to be a mortal to create a brain fragment or something, it is really interesting.

"... This is an oral capsule, mainly for women's mediation drugs. It is aimed at the secretion and adjustment of estrogen. Compared with you, my mother pays more attention to her appearance." After thinking about it, Guan Mengyu felt To be honest, it is more reliable.

Don't watch Mu Xiaoxiao provoking Guan Ming from day to night, but if Guan Mingzhen becomes serious, Mu Xiaoxiao will immediately be able to transform into an ostrich, plug his head on the ground, and not forget to pinch his **** in preparation for being beaten.

So in the end, even if Guan Mengyu's drug was a big success, it depends on Guan Ming's attitude. The most important thing is that if Guan Ming really wants to know the role of this drug, Guan Mengyu thinks she can't hide it for a long time.

After all, she often asked Shuangxing its progress in analyzing the drug, and Shuangxing never concealed this information ...

"Estrogen? Testis ... I mean, what is the relationship between estrogen and beauty?" Guan Ming almost said the name of the medicine, but he immediately remembered that it was androgen.

"The secretion of estrogen is too low, the skin will be rough, pigmented, dull, dull, and fat accumulation. If it is too high, the skin will be dry and the fat will become thicker. Of course, these are only changes on the human body's external appearance, whether it is too high or not. Too low will cause other more serious harm to the human body, and everyone's normal value is different at different ages. The main purpose of this drug is to keep my mother's estrogen at normal levels and delay aging. "Guan Meng Yu gave a rough introduction, because she was also ashamed to explain some things, but how to say, this is an additional incidental thing, after all, the subject Mu Xiaoxiao gave was too big.

When Guan Ming heard it, he knew that it was definitely what Mu Xiaoxiao was interested in. He thought about it and said, "This drug can be used for human experiments, but your mother must do a good job of physical examination while eating, don't make a mistake, otherwise I'll hang you up. "

There should be a little more trust between people, and Guan Ming felt it was time to give her some trust.

Guan Mengyu turned over the dead fish's eyes and had nothing to say.


The imperial capital is less rainy. Today's weather is pretty good with a breeze.

Sitting in the car, Guan Ming looked out the window, Guan Ming recalled part of Tsinghua University in his mind.

In fact, when Guan Ming was applying for university, he also considered Tsinghua University of Peking University, but after thinking about it, he decided to go the same way as in his life, because in this way, both life and study can be quickly integrated into it. The thing is that you can save a lot of time to read books in the library, and a lot of knowledge is obtained by Guan Ming from library books, not professional courses.

Tsinghua School was established in 1911, and then changed its name several times, and finally became known as Tsinghua University. It is also 102 years ago, much earlier than the establishment of the country.

It is also a historical reason. Tsinghua University covers a large area. The car is used on the campus. Guan Ming can see many students riding bicycles. I don't know if it is a popular bicycle sharing in China.

Looking at the energetic students, Guan Ming was a little distant from the beginning.

If Guan Mingzhen had the courage to step out of his second life then, probably, he should return to his alma mater at this moment as a well-known alumni, at least with regard to Guan Ming's original achievements, Tsinghua University's problem is really small.

"Hello President Guan." After the car stopped, the reception staff at Tsinghua did not come over and greeted Guan Ming.

"Hello." Shake hands and smiled, Guan Ming remembered each other, as if it was a general affairs or a department in a certain department, the specific work seems to be reception.

"Here, please, the principal is waiting for you in the office."

Without using the word 'you', it ’s not clear what the other person ’s psychology is, but Guan Ming is not a person who cares about it. People who like him in the world can go around the earth hand in hand several times, and people who do n’t like him line up Tsinghua is in Shanghai.

As a man with the title of 'Yanzu', Guan Ming thinks he needs weight!

"Then I'll trouble you." Taking a step, Guan Ming followed.

Today ’s speech is the task arranged above. Compared with the interview, Guan Ming rejects this kind of activity because he has to meet a lot of people and talk a lot. Since many people are meeting for the first time, every sentence must be carefully After measuring, you ca n’t just joke around, which makes Guan Ming uncomfortable.

Guan Ming has had wrong words in front of the giants, and has also shown low emotional intelligence, but this will not have a negative impact on Guan Ming, but in front of others, especially in education, Ming needs to be careful.

If Guan Ming is rich or talented, someone needs to work under his hands.

Tsinghua Engineering is strong in sports, whether it is automation, machinery, electronics or motors, it is top in the country, and the words of the girl ...

In a word, Guanming Company welcomes graduates every year, and a considerable part of them come from top domestic universities, Tsinghua University, which is an irreplaceable force.

"Hello, Mr. Guan is welcome to guide." Unblocked access to the office, a somewhat fat wearing glasses leader came to shake hands.

"Hello, Principal Chen, I ca n’t talk to you. It ’s an opportunity for me to come to Tsinghua for a speech." The community spoke socially, Guan Ming shook hands, and then the two sat on the sofa.

The president of Tsinghua University is a deputy minister, and definitely belongs to one of the senior cadres in China. If you guessed right, Guan Ming thinks that this dark-haired man should go higher in the future. After all, the president of the university is himself Public officials are also people within the system.

"I always wanted to invite Mr. Guan to our school, but I was afraid to suddenly invite some abruptly, and learned that Mr. Guan was coming to give a speech. Our school's teachers and students were very happy, hoping to have a close look at Mr. Guan's style." Sincerely, I do n’t know how much of it is true.

"You're welcome. This time, it's just communication. I can't talk about style. I don't know that Tsinghua University has frequent academicians. Even the Nobel Prize winners have two. I can't compare these styles. Seniors. "Guan Ming deliberately checked before. The academicians from Tsinghua University are currently close to 100. This is a very high number.

"No one can evade Mr. Guan's outstanding achievements in scientific research. The reason why he cannot win the Nobel Prize is that Mr. Guan voluntarily resigned. Only Mr. Guan wants to win the award. "After all, it's no secret that Guan Ming's resignation from the Nobel Prize has long been a secret.

Subsequently, the two conducted a friendly business touting model.

About half an hour later, President Chen invited Guan Ming to visit Tsinghua University, and Guan Ming naturally nodded happily.

This should be the first time Guan Ming entered Tsinghua University. He had been on a business trip to the emperor in his last life, and had walked at the gate of Tsinghua University in the north. However, at that time, the guard was a bit strong, and Guan Ming did not dare to venture in.

Tsinghua covers an area of ​​more than 3,000 acres, which is several times the amount of land bought by Guan Ming. The number of buildings is also much denser than Guan Ming. It can be said that every inch of land is fully utilized.

Tsinghua University sports is a strong point, so it has several stadiums ~ ~ football, basketball, tennis, and even baseball.

Guan Ming's main purpose is Tsinghua Affiliated Middle School and Affiliated Primary School. I'm not sure if this school has a helicopter preferential treatment, but the word ‘affiliated’ will always make people feel very powerful.

That is, he took the lead to get an experimental small, medium, and high, otherwise Guan Ming could definitely throw the twins to Fudan Attached Elementary School.

"It's almost time, should we go to the meeting place first?" Looking at his watch, it's almost three o'clock in the afternoon, Guan Ming said.

When docking with Tsinghua, here invited Guan Ming to come here in the morning, then go to school, meet well-known professors, or even discuss the content of student internships, but Guan Ming did not like this kind of social communication, so he directly Time lapsed into the afternoon.

"Okay, let's go to the venue." I can feel that Guan Ming is a little tired, and President Chen didn't ask for anything. After all, Guan Ming's identity is also very complicated.

PS: Spoiler?唔 ~~

Garbage network, disconnected for a day during the day, can start at night but can't go up ...

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