Private Technology

: 1049 Helper Tianzhuye

Tsinghua University has been established since the last century, and then experienced the second religion of the founding of the country, to the treasury of the G period, the six religions after the 00, and the second phase of the 12-year medical school. In a yard.

Guan Ming originally thought that the place where he was speaking would be placed in the auditorium of one of the 'Four Major Buildings' of Tsinghua in the early days. As a result, it was discovered that the arranged hall was in the main central building.

Although it is also a building for meetings and lectures, Guan Ming thought that the auditorium would be better. Of course, this does not mean that the main central building is not enough. I want to know how advanced it is.

But you ca n’t say that the ancient Dading stew hot pot is not delicious. Just say that the bronze tripod is worthless. Time has given this play too much value, probably even if it is not delicious, but if you can eat it once, you will probably be happy. Endless.

"I'm glad to be here today, to speak at Tsinghua University, which is a top university in China and even in the world. Here I would like to thank President Chen for his generous invitation, and also thank all the students for sitting here and watching me alone on it. Say something that you think would be fantastic. "

It was a humorous opening remark. At the same time as the audience laughed, they began to applaud.

I'm not sure if President Chen arranged for it. Anyway, the seats below are full.

Guan Ming has a B number in his heart. After all, Guan Yanzu is not stigmatized. The beauty of this flourishing age has been said by everyone who has seen it, and it has reached the point where men and women cry.

"I believe many people know what I'm going to talk about today, and that's space." Then, Guan Ming pressed the remote control on his hand, and the PPT switch on the large LED screen behind it was a universe dominated by the eight planets. .

In 2006, the International has passed a resolution to pluto, and since then the nine planets have become eight planets.

"Human beings are born and grow longer than the earth, but our end point is not the earth!"

"When we go to nature to ask for resources day and night, when many countries and regions in the world frequently dispute over resources, why don't we look up at the shining stars in the sky, where we have all we want There are inexhaustible gold and inexhaustible diamonds. Anything we can think of can be found in the universe. Even the extraterrestrial life we ​​are tirelessly searching for may actually exist. . "

"Of the eight planets in the solar system, water, gold, earth, and fire are terrestrial planets. We do n’t even have to look up and imagine what it contains. There is not only wealth, but also the future, but the problem before us. There is only one, that is, how to mine them and how to make effective use of these resources. "

"I am very fortunate to be born in this magnificent era, and even more fortunate that the country is strong, because just this year, China became the first country in the world to realize extraterrestrial mining technology, and it is also the only country with this technology. The moon is inferior to water, gold, earth and fire in terms of both volume and resource content, but the fact that we can take the first step means that we can take the moon as a fulcrum and take the second step. "

"it's here……"

Rory, let's go, Guan Ming recites the manuscript, and at the same time presses the remote control to let the PPT behind him play normally.

The people who came to Guan Ming's speech today, in addition to the professors and students of Tsinghua University, and the media, Guan Ming couldn't say nothing at all. After all, such a stupid thing, Guan Ming hasn't been able to do it. Foolproof, he does not have the strength to falter, or the American power to disintegrate the polar bear.

The best lies are nine truths and one falsehood, which makes it impossible for the other party to refute, even if there is something logically impossible to agree on, of course, this has also flickered to some domestic experts and professors.

But the problem is that if these experts and professors really participate, they will all get the correct information in China.

The fake part seems to be quite true. The content of Huyou is mainly focused on the "manual mining" project before mechanical mining.

Here I have to mention the Shenzhou V Yang Liwei. After obtaining the consent of the general giant, Guan Ming gave Yang Liwei the other missions, such as collecting some important data of human beings in the sky, and providing valuable experience for future artificial mining. and many more.

Of course, in Guan Ming's words, no one in China has actually set foot on the moon yet, and no real 'artificial mining' has been started, but this does not mean that it is a technical flaw, but that Guan Ming suddenly appeared, directly Transcendence from artificial to mechanical.

The outside world is not clear about Guan Ming ’s robot development time, but from Yang Liwei ’s launch time, even if it is 10 years, it is also important to say that the country has 7 years of technical reserves.

Because Guan Ming stated in the manuscript that he was also involved in the ‘artificial mining’ project at the same time, and also put forward some suggestions and opinions. Finally, due to major breakthroughs in the field of robots, he ‘pained’ and replaced the project.

"General Manager, I have seen a small video of you and your wife on the video. The country and society are being changed by your technology. What do you think the Internet industry will lack in the future, or do you think that the current Internet industry still has What are the shortcomings? "

At the Q & A session, a student raised his hand and stood up to ask questions after getting consent.

After hearing his questions, many students also laughed, probably thinking of Guan Ming's performance in the small video.

"I thought you would ask some questions about aerospace or robotics." Spreading his hands, Guan Ming smiled and continued: "On the Internet, I think it is still old-fashioned and old-fashioned. In terms of education, I have It has been observed that at present, the online education in China is in the "wildness era". Many online education in the Internet is disorderly and grows wildly. As consumers, we have no way to judge whether the other party's qualifications, teaching level or even an outsourcing company. He said that the future of online online education will be the highlight. "

"Electronic glasses and AR / VR allow us to understand the world's major events without leaving home, and to be able to experience the fantasy worlds. Why not apply these to education? In my opinion, the next step of online education Nodes are multi-dimensional educational ecology. "

"Three-tier companies do things, second-tier companies do market, and first-rate companies do. The times are developing. Online online education will become the next outlet. How to aggregate many outstanding teachers, technologies and products is a very important issue because online online education It's not a vertical education service for a specific group of people, it's a multidimensional ecosystem. "

"If anything, I think big data should also be a very good direction. Through the comparison of big data, I can know the age distribution, gender ratio, regional distribution, etc. of users who buy my products, and then follow which strategies to pay attention to which groups of people I think it's all possible. "

"There are still many things left, Internet of Things, Internet +, AI, blockchain, cloud services, etc." Although Guan Ming only knows a few things, for this group of students, Guan Ming doesn't mind mentioning two In the end, maybe one of them will be called Jack Ma II in the future.

After speaking, Guan Ming nodded to signal the end of the problem.

"Mr. Guan, we all know that you first pursue your wife and even become a tutor for a year. What is the standard for spouse selection for someone like you?" After getting permission, a female classmate stood up to ask questions.

The distance was a little far away, and Guan Ming couldn't see his face.

"I hope the next question is focused on the content of the speech ..." He shook his head with a bitter smile, but Guan Ming did not reject the question.

If it is said that Tsinghua girls are full of learners, then Peking University girls are more inclined to think, discuss, and logic, while Peking University is similar to Fudan. At the same time, Tsinghua Peking University belongs to the top of the country and naturally has competition.

Probably, this is not the reason for Tsinghua ’s schoolgirls?

"My criteria for choosing a spouse are very short. I like and like me at the same time. Actually, the status of women is rising now. When many rich people choose their wives, their appearance is not the first choice. I ca n’t say anything specifically, but I can be sure. The thing is, these rich wives are not illiterate, so reading is important. "

The subsequent questions were relatively normal, but it was only relatively speaking. The entire lecture did not end until 5:30.

Chatted with Principal Chen, Guan Ming retreated decisively under the protection of the bodyguard.

On the car, Guan Ming was wearing electronic glasses and was designing an in-wheel motor. Zhou Wu in the driver's seat suddenly asked: "Boss, are the things you just answered true?"

"Huh? What questions?" Guan Ming asked absently, while thinking about the assembly of the regenerative brake ~ ~ After all, if you use electricity, you can save a little bit.

"It's about the future development of the Internet. Boss, you can recruit more people, and let's develop it ourselves." Zhou Wu devoted himself to Guan Ming. For so many years, he has also been used to this idea.

"I ca n’t make enough money. I'm satisfied to make it now, or do you plan to go out alone? I also support you if you go it alone. After all, being a boss is better than being an employee." Guan Ming raised his electronic glasses. Pushed and said with a smile.

Guan Ming didn't mind if his employees resigned and went alone. Even in the early days, Guan Ming would help.

Guan Ming isn't a spider and can't get involved in all industries. Instead of re-acquainting with other industry leaders and starting business, it is better to support his own hands and go on a wave, and then PY with the other party.

Helpers can also help, and it is precious to send charcoal in the snow.

"How come, I do n’t understand those things, and you do n’t know what I did before. It ’s easy for me to protect myself or something, but for business or anything, I ’m afraid I ’ll lose all of my family ’s wealth ~ Zhou Wu had a bright smile on his face.

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