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There are many things happening every minute and every second in the world, but some things seem boring, while others seem so enjoyable.

Just like a feast, even ordinary people can have a lot of thoughts after seeing this news. In addition to the strong verbal condemnation, some people are full of envy, envy and hatred.

Even if the emotional quotient is as low as Guan Ming, it is not difficult to see the jealous and envious speech.

At least from Guan Ming's point of view, it was not difficult to applaud love on the yacht. The only thing that broke his bottom line was probably so loud and even unbridled.

"Alas, the three-dimensional creature is really terrible, it is still my paper husband ~" Mu Xiaoxiao, who walked in the second-dimensional house, made a very disgusting voice.

The so-called paper husband is a game that is popular on multiple platforms recently. In addition to the fresh and natural style of the painting, the story also features Mary Su, a straight man named Gang Zhigang who said he was a bit confused.

"Hey, think about my feelings when I say this!" Turning his head to look over, Guan Ming scratched her itchy meat with his fingers, his tone was resentful and helpless.

"Hee hee, my husband, Zhao Jiehe, is overbearing. How can you be a coward?" Covering his waist and eyes, Mu Xiaoxiao's hippie smiley face really looked at him.

"Zhao Jiehe? It's tuberculosis! Your sister!" Holding Ming's skinny smile, Guan Ming shuddered.

For women, the main character is a female character, and the supporting role is as many as 12 male characters with different attributes. Reproduced, known as 'Guanming Evolution' by female players.

Damn, what kind of evolution is it? If it wasn't Mu Xiaoxiao who calmed Guan Ming's body and mind, Guan Ming could bring this company to bankruptcy!

Really, the portrait right of Lao Tzu is worthless. Lao Tzu is Guan Yanzu!

"Begging for mercy! I'm sorry! I was wrong!" Mu Xiaoxiao immediately set up a three-pronged combo, and had no idea at all with Guan Minggang.

Although Mu Xiaoxiao spent a lot of money on her husband, but it was only limited to this. At least she was very satisfied with Guan Ming.

"Xiao Xi is coming back today, so pack up and stop, don't play here anymore." Looking at the goods still occupying the computer to watch the public opinion gossip of the feast, Guan Ming began to stun people.

"I ca n’t pick her up when I get back, so I can just wait at home. What can I do to fix it?" Looking at Guan Ming with an expression of mental retardation, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her husband whose face seemed rounder than before. , I think either his head is swollen, or the pig feed is so nutritious over the years.

"Don't make something delicious for your girlfriend. When I went home from college, my mother always cooked dumplings for me. This is called picking up the wind!" Guan Ming said euphemistically that she could go to the kitchen for a while.

"Oh, I remember. At the beginning, you said that you liked to eat dumplings when you were young. When you grew up, you liked dumplings made from dumplings. Say, who is dumplings!" After suddenly realizing, Mu Xiaoxiao had her hands folded on her waist, and her face was very contrived. Angry expression.

"Hockey, my sister-in-law, I am the only child, and this is not what I said!" Zhang opened his right hand and put a set of angry dogs on his face.

"Guan Ming, I'm fighting with you!" Pushing Guan Ming's hand away, Mu Xiaoxiao jumped up from the chair and stood on the ground, like a small **** cat who was always angry, but her teeth were not lethal.

"I told my mother to go, and said you'd beat me again, you're useless!" Seeing Guan Ming still calmly sitting on the chair, Mu Xiaoxiao gritted his teeth and left a harsh word, then ran out of the study.

After seeing the goods go out, Guan Ming was relieved.

"Double Star, please repeat what you just said." After Chang Shu sighed, Guan Ming's face became serious and his expression was solemn.

"Good boss, based on my observations and judgments of the young lady over the years, I have concluded that the young lady is obviously curious about the myth series, especially the Sino-Japanese myth series. With reference to the young lady's play and behavior, you can It is initially determined that her attention to Japanese myths is higher than that of Chinese myths. "Then, holographic projections on the desk and ceiling projected various photos, including photos and videos of Guan Mengxi's trip.

At the door of an old and ancient Japanese shrine, Guan Mengxi waved a small metal stick with a smile on his face. That kind of ... holy?

It can't be said, but this smile should not belong to the child, or the smile rarely appears on the child's face.

Guan Ming has never given up observing children, especially his eldest daughter.

At first, after knowing that the little girl was a passenger, Guan Ming was always worried that the eldest daughter would also be a passenger.

At the beginning, there were very few materials. Neither Guan Ming nor Double Star could be sure. Even after Guan Ming knew that his genes were powerful, he did not give up this observation.

Sorry to say that the world may have two passers-by, but they are all born into the steward. According to this theory, it is not possible for the steward to add one or two more passers-by.

To this day, Double Star has finally found some slightly different places in Guan Mengxi through various analyses, such as attention to the mythology.

"... You also know that Xiaoxiao likes watching anime, especially Japanese anime, and Xiao Xi's attention to Japanese myths is not unreasonable ..." There is no certain tone, even this rebuttal is also a expectation of Guan Ming, Expect myself to be a natural lady.

Guan Ming is just an ordinary person. He can't really bear the sad fact that his favorite daughter is also a cross-traveler.

“Considering your boss ’s genes and the intelligence of the young lady, I have come to the final conclusion here. The probability that the young lady is a natural person is 72.6%. Maybe you have n’t found out that in this video, the dance performed by the young lady can It is classified as a deformation of the Japanese sacrificial dance. At the same time, the metal stick on the hand can be regarded as the sail of the witch dancing, which is a thing tied like a mop in front of a bamboo pole. It is likely to be learned from anime, at least in the Japanese sacrifice dances that have been recorded at present, such dance postures have not appeared. "Shuang Xing said while making a list of various secondary elements.

"Inuyasha", "Magic Forbidden Book Catalog", "When the Cicadas Cry", "Aria of Scarlet Bombs", "Fate of the Fate", "Oriental Project", etc., even the double star also deliberately found that there was a jump inside A clip of the witch dance is shown to Guan Ming.

"... The child is old and very smart, and he will have a strong ability to learn." He squinted and looked at all kinds of characters, Guan Ming asked quietly after a moment of silence.

"... Yes, in fact, according to the data graphs of these years, the young lady's learning ability is obviously better than that of the second lady, because many things can clearly be seen as new learning, not review. Still small, but I already think that she has no less than three perspectives and intelligence of junior and senior high school students. If she learns and explores because of curiosity, the above inference will be denied, but again, over time, The judgement of the young lady will also become more and more difficult, because there are too many uncertain factors. "The double star is also much silent, although this is not good, but ...

This is the answer my boss wants!

"Oh, just like that, the data is archived and backed up. Continue to observe it later, but the analysis is fine. There are too many uncertain factors. It is not interesting to analyze it." Shaking his head, Guan Ming waved his hand, Get up and go to the window sill and look at the scenery of early spring outside the window.

It was just that he had no eyes, and the figure in his head kept tumbling.

Behind him, the holographic projections were turned off one by one, and the room became quiet.

I don't know how long it took, the door was knocked, and when he turned around, Guan Ming saw the stupid sticking his head in, and looked at Guan Ming sneakily, probably trying to determine if he was working.

"What's wrong?" Begging at the stupid, Guan Ming asked with a smile.

"Xi Xi is back. I'm running to see my brother, and I'm pulling my sister together. You should go upstairs quickly. I haven't seen the little guy in such a long time. I feel a lot taller. I want to How high did she measure it? "Su Su, Mu Xiaoxiao slipped in and stood next to Guan Ming.

"I went to see Xiaoyou again, what a ... good sister." After a pause, Guan Ming looked at his wife's delicate smile, and his smile was much softer.

Put your right hand on the other person's brain and rub it lightly. The black and bright hair is very soft, unlike Guan Ming, there are already signs of white head.

"It was such a wretched smile, and said," Don't you watch a small movie while I'm not secretly! "Although the smile on the Chinese character's face is kind and warm and warm, Mu Xiaoxiao always feels that the smile is like 'caring for his daughter' This made Mu Xiaoxiao very upset.

Although he was often called his father, it was all her skin. Mu Xiaoxiao didn't really want to be Guan Ming's girl!

"You stupid!" Guan Ming smiled and scolded her wife after raising her cheek with an indignant expression on her cheek, and then rubbed her head vigorously.

"Huh, what's wrong with being stupid? I've been stupid enough to be so stupid. Have you heard of stupidity?" His head was raised, proud and complacent Mu Xiaoxiao.JPG.

"Stupid, I saw it, Meng's words ..." Guan Ming shook his head with regret, carrying his hands on his back, listening to the general's belly slipping out.

This stupid person is already stupid by default ...

"Guanming ~ ~ I'll fight with you!" Shouting ‘justice ', Mu Xiaoxiao trot two steps forward and lay on Guanming's back, his feet crossed on Guanming's waist.

I was taken a few steps by the inertia belt. Fortunately, Guan Ming's tonnage was large, otherwise I was expected to lie on the ground.

I wanted to reprimand her, but after hearing the crisp, smug laughter in my ear, Guan Ming's revenge mentality was much less.

Supporting her **** with both hands, Guan Ming stepped out of the study step by step.

In the hall, Dad and his father were chatting, and after seeing this scene, they were surprised that they didn't know what to say.

Mu Xiaoxiao, who was smiling, was lying on Guan Ming's back like a quail at this time, and he was embarrassed to see his father and husband.

Mu Xiaoxiao would rarely be so close to Guan Ming in the presence of her elders, because she always wanted to be a boudoir, an intellectual and qualified wife.

But once in a while, there should be no problem, Mu Xiaoxiao was ecstatic and shy.

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