Private Technology

: 1063 Return and Hot Spots

There are many rooms in the housekeeper's villa. Guan Mengyou naturally has his own room. Now it is his baby room. In the future, it will be transformed into his own bedroom. Biological child.

Now, in this small baby room, there are several people crowded, and the stewardess, mummies, and twins are all sitting on the big bed, and in the middle is the magical pacifier tube, Mengyou, only Wearing a little diaper, scratching with small hands.

At the door of the baby room, Mu Xiaoxiao crawled down obediently.

In front of Guan Dao and Mu Da, it was too hasty. Mu Xiaoxiao didn't want to be too naive in front of her children, although she was often naive to mentally retarded in front of Guan Ming.

"Let ’s run to see Xiaoyou, is Xiaoxi tired of filming?" Going to the end of the bed, Guan Ming sat on the bed with a small head in his hands.

"Hee hee, not tired or tired, super fun, if not my brother and sister are not there, I want to take a few more days!" Probably got used to it, Guan Mengxi did not resist at all, but instead A very childish smile appeared.

If it's Guan Meng Xiping, when he says this, he will spend a lot of time emphasizing his mood, but now the little finger is pinched by his brother, this little girl is just like being fixed, just turning her head and smiling .

"Wow, doesn't Xiaoxi want grandma, grandma, dad, mother?" Guan Ma pretended to poke the little girl's fat face angrily, pretending to be angry.

"No, no, I do n’t worry about my brother and sister. After all, they are not as powerful as you. If I am not in front of you, I do n’t know how my brother and sister are going to live. Look at my sister. I have n’t been out for a few days, and she will Slimming! "Guan Mengxi said half coquettishly and half complainingly, listening to Guan Mengyu rolling his eyes.

Come on, you can't go out for a week. Where can I lose weight?

Also, this is not thin, this is normal shape!

Guan Mengyu always feels that the younger sister is too lively. In addition to being able to stop the meeting every day while taking care of her younger brother, the rest of the time is running around. The most important thing is that she always pulls herself together to run.

"By the way, Qingyun gave me a U disk just now, saying that there are photos and videos of Xiao Xi's filming and travel, let's take a look together." Regardless of his father and husband just talking about national affairs downstairs, Mu Xiaoxiao took out a U disk from his pants pocket and placed it on the nightstand.

The large drawer under the bedside table was opened, a small robot climbed out, put the USB stick inside the body, and then climbed onto the bedside table, and the upper part of the robot projected the impact.

The picture shakes a lot and the sound is a bit noisy. It can be seen that it should be a picture taken manually by one of Guan Mengxi's entourage.

The picture shows the scene in the Zhangjiajie villa, with something like railroad tracks on the ground, and Guan Mengxi is scratching his face with his hands.

After a few seconds, the movie started shooting.

Mu Xiaoxiao scratched his face and looked at the bald head in doubt, saying, "Is this thing rare? But there are many in my house."

Another male protagonist laughed and looked at the bald head and said, "This child will still lie. There are many Lafite in 1982. How many bottles have I got recently? I remember it."

Dang Erlang's male lead is in a state of frustration in the plot, so it seems indifferent, even with a kind of ridicule.

"Don't talk nonsense, all the people who can live in the villa are rich people, look at that." The bald whispered, and at the same time raised his chin, motioned to the other side to look at the cabinet, there is a pile of porcelain on the side.

"Tang Sancai ceramic horse, that's the real thing, but it's not a prop in the movie. I checked it just now. Sotheby's in New York sold for more than 17 million yuan!" I was also afraid that the other party didn't understand, and he took out his mobile phone and showed him data.

In the picture, the cameraman controls the lens close to take a look at the screen.

I saw this ceramic horse tube. It was bought by Guan Ma when she went to a foreign auction house in the early years. The price should be 20 million yuan. Most importantly, the earliest use of this thing was to play with Guan Mengxi. After all, she likes little yellow ducks, so Guan Ming naively thought she would like this harder animal product.

However, one day Guan Mengxi accidentally broke a blue and white flower with an auction price of 130 million yuan, Guan Ming collected the Tang Sancai ceramic horse.

It's not that you're not afraid of being hurt, but you're afraid of breaking your hands after being broken-anyway, Xiaobulidian seems to prefer hard plastic ducklings.

I found that she was actually being videotaped, and Guan Mengxi blushed, and was embarrassed to put her head in the arms of a fool, obviously shy.

"Ha ha, Xiao Xi is doing really well. When the movie is released, you must go to the cinema to see it for yourself. Xiao Ming, tell the director that Xiao Xi ’s footage must be kept more. Do n’t delete it all. Another thing is to help make this happen. The movie was released soon, and I heard that there seemed to be some review. "Turning his head to look at Guan Ming, Guan Ma laughed and ordered.

"Rest assured, I will do well in this part." Looking at Guan Mengxi in the picture, Guan Ming's mouth bent, smiling as usual.

Guan Mengxi is the pistachio at home. When she is there, there is no time to stop at home, but even with such a cute naughty bag, everyone will forgive her even if she is in trouble, not to mention she has never been in trouble!

"Husband, I think you are weird today." After the hair was dry, Mu Xiaoxiao lay on the bed and looked at Guan Ming who was lying down and said.

"How weird? Weird handsome?" Looking at the idiot, Guan Ming replied with a remark.

"Friend, do you have any wrong understanding of 'handsomeness'? Who gave you the courage to make you so confident, is Liang Jingru?" Xiuqiu's fingers clicked on the bag on Guan Ming's right cheek.

I didn't find it in the morning, but the bag became a little bit red and swollen in the afternoon. I was full of confidence. Mu Xiaoxiao felt that it must be because she hadn't slept with Guan Ming in the past few days, so he got angry, and finally face There was a big bag on it.

Thinking of this, Mu Xiaoxiao has some sorrows, why she is beautiful, beautiful, generous, elegant ... 800 words are omitted here ...

"Now the little girl, she ’s superficial, she just knows how to look at me, but I ca n’t appreciate my inner beauty ~" Guan Ming sighed pretentiously, but never thought that the idiot Mu Xiaoxiao would be so sensitive. She didn't even see her.

"You are an old cow eating tender grass. As a little girl, I'm so scared ~" Guan Ming was distorted, Mu Xiaoxiao's forefinger pressed on the corner of his lips, although his expression was simple, but the accelerator on this foot It was a bit cruel, and Guan Ming was almost thrown away.

The angry passenger grabbed the steering wheel and headed towards Akihabara, oh no, heading towards Akiyama!

The next day, when Guan Mengxi knew that Guan Ming was going to build an amusement park, and at the same time Mu Xiaoxiao's invitation, the younger sister took her younger sister, followed the mother's buttocks and entered the study room, and began to contribute all his IQ.

Guan Mengyu's scalpel-like shape does not need Guan Ming's veto. The younger sister directly surrendered to her sister by force, making the latter obediently redesign.

The steward, with the return of Guan Mengxi, seemed to return to the original rhythm.

The outside world has new ripples.

When the storm of a feast did not stop, the state announced that it would conduct trade with various countries such as the United States and Russia. After one and a half months, China's total orders signed with many countries were 775.2 billion U.S. dollars, except for military orders worth 568 billion U.S. dollars. The rest are things like imported beef, soybeans, corn, etc.

However, people with good eyes know that it is impossible to have US $ 207.2 billion in beef and soybeans. The most important thing is the word 'like', but there is no report above, so netizens can only speculate wildly.

"I don't know if there is any beef imported from Australia. Recently, too many people in the country want to buy Japanese beef. I hope to take the opportunity to order more Australian beef."

"Will it be anti-gravity + robot + lunar mining as the transaction content? It always feels that 770 billion US dollars is too much, but after calculating it, I think of two trillion Mu Xiaoxiao again. At this moment, my face shows poverty Smile. "

"In recent years, military orders from countries for foreign imports have been decreasing year by year. With so much tone, it is estimated that there may be manufacturing technology and some manufacturing equipment or even production lines, rather than pure ready-made products."

"I want to know if the country has introduced the Japanese animation industry, such as the new master X Master X 番 X last month. I personally think that the development of the national animation industry requires time to accumulate. The introduction of more advanced technological ideas will promote Domestic industry development! "

"Upstairs, borrow a talk! By the way, what is the technical idea you are talking about?"

"Losing [dog] is your pit goods, and even the" Pleasant Goat "has been rectified by the state, your uncle!"

There are all kinds of comments on the Internet, but Guan Ming is only interested in those speeches with unique thoughts. Of course, he feels that Xinfan or something is not a big issue. He and Mu Xiaoxiao can see the latest anyway. of.

The two networks of the country are being integrated, but this does not mean that the country can completely ban certain things. After all, to exchange information with the outside world, a traditional root server is still needed. At the same time, if you use a PC to ban the management of its products at the same time, some foreign websites Also accessible.

However, if it is more than 700 billion U.S. dollars, Guan Ming thinks that the country should make a fortune. Although the transaction content must not only include lunar mining technology, the problem is that as the core lunar mining is only the initial level ~ ~ It's the kind of artificial mining.

To be honest, at present there are not many countries in the world that can send people safely to the moon, let alone mining.

Besides, those who are qualified to go to the moon, in addition to medical examinations and other things, you must first understand the life of the moon, equipment operation norms, etc. It takes time and effort to train such a person, but if you can only go to the moon to plan a pit Hehehe.

Guan Ming is looking forward to this scene in the future. At that time, Guan Ming will definitely record a blessing video.

PS: PS will be charged if the previous picture is PS. At the same time, the number of characters is PS. At least no extra cost will be incurred.

The chapters have all been read. After thinking about it, I think it's better to fight for it.

The mouse broke last night. Fortunately, the notebook that was flooded with water was just a keyboard that couldn't be used, and the touch screen could be used. It was really a disaster.

Finally, thank you for your support and asking for a subscription. I use a laptop computer that is about to graduate from elementary school. I really feel that if I open only one document, I will be stuck with doubting life.

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