Private Technology

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Guan Ming originally wanted to call and ask about the contents of the entire deal of the big names in Shanghai or the giants, but it was not appropriate to consider it. First of all, his starting point was to look at liveliness, but this kind of thing has exceeded the definition of "lively" .

The most important thing is, Guan Ming advises!

Specially, Guan Ming's persuasion belongs to the fact that you can't see the top but not the top. What's the fun? It's almost the same. Let's roll around. Guan Ming's positioning for himself is very simple-both value and strength are equal, and love and Real handsome genius!

"Dad, Miss Sister is going to learn the violin, come out together?" Mu Xiaoxiao said pretending to be a child with a pair of red round glasses.

It's not her short-sighted eyes, but it's fun, because it's lensless glasses, she pokes her eyes when she's fine.

Recently, foreigners began to say that Guan Ming's AR / VR and electronic glasses are very damaging to eyes, and urged everyone to reduce the use time of such devices.

However, this is all nonsense, as if drinking water will choke, is it not to stop drinking?

Guan Ming thinks that this should be a foreigner's discomfort with this transaction. Of course, he may want to stimulate Guan Ming to reply and get hot, but unfortunately Guan Ming just looks and doesn't speak.

"My daughter-in-law, I really don't fit like this ~" Looking at Mu Xiaoxiao, Guan Ming showed an old mother-like smile, and his heart was extremely tired.

What good is this ironhead baby!

Tang Seng did not set up such a daughter-in-law when he was framing the scene, otherwise his head would be anxious!

"If you feel embarrassed, you can call my mother ~" Mu Xiaoxiao's big eyes flickered and her head crooked, trying to be cute.

"... Where's the stupid!" Guan Ming shouted, jumping to catch the goods.

"Slightly slightly ~" With a clear laugh, Mu Xiaoxiao leaped to the door like a forest deer, and grimaced while running back.

Originally, Meng Xi was going to learn to play the violin after the filming, but the choice on the violin delayed some time.

The housekeeper ordered a piano in a certain Shanghai music store. However, something happened on the day when Guan Mengxi returned. It seemed to have been knocked off or somehow. Later, he temporarily moved to a foreign headquarters to relocate, and only arrived in China this morning. Of course, I was sent to the housekeeper as soon as I arrived in China.

On the first floor, Mu Xiaoxiao's fitness room, Guan Mengxi was standing in the middle of the room, while the other housekeeper was sitting on a row of sofas behind her, and in front of her was a large glass wall.

Although being watched, she was accustomed to this teaching mode. Tian Qiantong was not nervous, but habitually pulled Guan Mengyu forward.

Don't line up for two people's small class teaching, where can you hide?

Guan Ming didn't know much about music, but just looking at the little girl standing straight and playing the violin, the smile on Guan Ming's face grew, as bright as ever.

It was Mu Xiaoxiao beside him, but there was a look of doubt on his face from time to time.

"Xiao Xiao, don't worry, just learn. It will be ready after a while." After seeing Mu Xiaoxiao's expression at the moment, the stewardess sitting next to her thought that she was abusing Guan Xie.

"Not mom, after all, she just learned." Scratching his head, Mu Xiaoxiao replied with a smile.

But, the sound of the piano just now seems a little ...

"Boss, phone." Shuangxing controlled the robot and reminded Guan Ming in a low voice.

The smiling Guan Ming glanced at the phone in the robot's hand, his smile converged, and he went out with a low profile.

This low-key does not work in front of family members, but the steward family members have continued the previous topic in a tacit manner. Unfortunately, everyone ’s conversations have decreased a lot, and they ca n’t help thinking about it.

"Hello, my name is Guan Ming." Shun the gym door closed, Guan Ming pressed the on button.

"Guan Ming, it's me." The voice of the Shanghai boss came from the phone.

"I don't know what the big guy is looking for me?" There was a smile in his voice, but it was just Guan Ming's habit, after all, he was so handsome and irritating.

I really want to watch my daughters grow up a little bit, but I was bothered by you guys. I just can't say anything, I'm so angry!

"That's it. There are a few scientists from Emperor Capital who want to talk to you, but they can't contact you. They have to entrust me to invite you. Will there be time?"

Although it was questioning, how did you say it? It was not unexpected, but what a scientist the emperor came from.

"Yes, then shall I go to you in a while?"

"Okay, just come over in a while, I will say hello." The Shanghai boss didn't quit, after all, when he was hosting Guan Ming, the boss was still free.

After hanging up the phone, Guan Ming pondered for a moment, thinking that the people who came from the Imperial City might be scientists related to the Ebola outbreak.

Although Guan Ming has been designing artificial island designs at home, he is still concerned about the more recent hot issues. The Ebola outbreak first occurred in 1995 and 1996. However, the medical community has not yet found a vaccine to prevent Ebola. And sources, so there is no effective treatment, in other words, this thing has a very high mortality rate.

At the end of last month, I heard that it broke out again in Guinea, and it was still getting worse.

Although Guan Ming said that he was not good at biochemistry, both in name and in private, in order to disguise Guan Mengyu, the medicine for treating type 1 diabetes was still hanging on Guan Ming's head, so Guan Ming felt that this A professor came to see him, and it is estimated that 80% of them are fancy about his "talent" in this regard.

However, according to Guan Ming's memory, what the virus ended up with is not clear, but there should be nothing wrong with the country.

Upstairs changed clothes. Five minutes later, Guan Ming appeared at the door of the villa. Zhou Wu just drove and stopped in front of Guan Ming.

"Hello, everyone." Shaking hands with the Shanghai boss, Guan Ming said hello, I don't know if it was an illusion, Guan Ming always felt a little familiar to the two in front of him.

"When the Lord is here, I will not be reconciled. I still have a meeting here. If you talk here, my secretary will stay here ~ ~ If you need to talk to him. The big brothers in Shanghai didn't wait for everyone to say anything.

In the room, Guan Ming and the two old men looked at each other, and the scene was a bit awkward.

"Or else, let's chat somewhere else?" Guan Ming looked a little strange.

It was like visiting a bachelor friend's house, but the friend said that you waited at home, I went out to buy a bottle of soy sauce, and then walked away with confidence.

I can't steal anything from you, but in this case, it's not good ...

"Okay, I don't know if there is a small living room or something like that?" An old man turned to look at the secretary and asked.

"Yes, then please follow me." The secretary nodded gratefully at Guan Ming.

Although these three are technology-oriented companies, this does not mean that there are only technology-oriented documents in the Shanghai Stock Exchange office.

PS: Too much work was done during the day yesterday, and it turned out that I had to work overtime until 10 o'clock in the evening to get home.

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