Private Technology

: One thousand and seventy-five

I learned that Guan Ming also followed, and the happiest person was Mu Xiaoxiao. Although she still scolded the **** in her heart, she refused herself but promised the obvious distinction of Guan Da.

But how to say it, Guan Dao fan Guan Ming slap, Guan Ming can only run to find the mother to sue, but if Mu Xiaoxiao dare to fan Guan Ming slap, Guan Ming backhand can sling her up.

There is a difference if there is a difference. The result is good. After all, not everyone will care about the other party's getting better.

"This is my choice, this is my choice, this is my choice!" Suddenly, Mu Xiaoxiao muttered softly, lest he could not help but jump up and poke up Guan Ming's **** to exhale.

"Is this? It's okay, it's pretty." As a 'coup with his wife', Guan Ming always wears the most beautiful clothes on his wife, even if she wears a woven bag, Guan Ming must also brain Make up the explosion of the Paris spring fashion show.

"No, this doesn't look good!" Seeing this Chinese-character face, Mu Xiaoxiao half-coquettishly and half-gassedly threw light green lace bottoms on his face.

Although it was washed, Guan Ming always felt that this thing had faded and he had stained his face with green!

"MMP, don't run fool!" With a twitch in his eyes, Guan Ming made a tiger flutter, making the long-lost starving tiger flutter.

After succeeding, Mu Xiaoxiao giggled and turned dexterously, just like the circus animal trainer, with elegant, simple and rhythmic movements.

Unfortunately, no matter how well Mu Xiaoxiao's balance is, he can't stop Guan Ming and Guan Ming how many rounds. After being arrested by Guan Ming, his backhand is rubbed against the closet.

There are many contents of the artificial island project. Guan Ming makes the final decision. Judging from the current intelligence and calculation of Double Star, it can design N schemes. Finally, Guan Ming will modify and determine the usage scheme. In terms of projects, Guan Ming's main job is to review and review various contents.

But in order to make up for the family, or to make yourself more at ease, deliberately set aside a day to go out with the family and cause overtime for a week, it is probably a good deal.

Horizontal comparison. The normal work of BAT's bosses may be much more busy than Guan Ming's overtime. I heard that Jack Ma has become a trapeze, and with the rapid development of the Internet, this brother has turned to 'Master of Chicken Soup'. Go ahead.

"Dad, dad, look at rhubarb, it ignores me again!" From downstairs, Guan Mingben wanted to say a few words to Teacher Oda, but Guan Mengxi couldn't wait to sue, and she was holding a hand Dog rope, big yellow dog face lying on the ground in despair, he was dragged and ran for most of the hall.

Today, when going out, big dogs and puppies all need to be tethered. Perhaps the best news for Rhubarb is that it will have a lot of skin care products.

After all, as a dog whose dogs have more than half of their bald hair, the owner is afraid that his skin is dry and feels bad, so he goes to the **** to apply plaster, which is an imperial treatment that many dogs cannot enjoy.

"What did you do to rhubarb again?" Holding Xiaobudian's nose and shaking it slightly, Guan Ming looked down at the dog and found that it seemed to be fine except for his mental weakness.

"Hmm ~ Rhubarb is not good. I put on my sister's favorite underpants. It would be disgusting, not a good dog!" Squatting down, Guan Mengxi patted Rhubarb's fat ribs. Department, it was as crisp as Mu Xiaoxiao's belly with Guan Ming.

Climbing up, Rhubarb walked to Guan Ming's feet very aggrieved, and the dog's head was directly placed on Guan Ming's feet, then shaking his small electric **** madly, indicating that he was a poor and cute dog.

There is also a lot of rumpled buttocks. There is not much speed, but Guan Ming feels like seeing afterimages, one after another.

"Nonsense, this underpants is my favorite when you haven't painted a poop, and why do you always use my underpants!" Guan Mengyu couldn't help but jump out to explain a wave, she felt This should be the saddest of all her underpants.

Hearing the second daughter said, Mu Xiaoxiao paused to move forward, squatted down and held Rhubarb's back for a look, and laughed indifferently.

"Haha, it's actually a poop, is it Xiao Xi's painting? It's super fun ~" Looking at a very cartoon **** at the end of this pure white underpants, Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and her eyebrows bent.

Guan Ming looked back curiously, and found that the big girl really was very spiritual, and she was actually very anthropomorphic and painted two eyes on the stool.

The dog's face was grieved with tears. Rhubarb turned to lie on his back, not to look after Ming and his wife, and then thought about the fact that he would still leak poop, so he sat with Guan Ming on his back and sat down firmly on his buttocks. under.

I'm so angry, I don't respect dogs!

I usually draw strawberries, draw carefully, even the little sun. Why draw a poop?

I have always been a hygienic dog!

"Well, don't be angry, Xiao Xi also cares about you, afraid that you'll freeze your **** ~" After rubbing his dog's head, Guan Ming smiled and persuaded Rhubarb. After all, in terms of IQ, he became the commander of Dream Rhubarb, the degree of wisdom must not be underestimated.

"Sister don't be sad, I will change my underwear to my brother in the future!" I patted my sister's shoulder, and Meng Xiyu said earnestly, but whether it was the content of the thriller, the tender voice or the serious expression It's very dramatic.

This ... Is there really a pair of underpants in the house? Isn't this the daily operation of the big girl to play the second girl?

Guan Ming looked at Mu Xiaoxiao with a blindfold, and Mu Xiaoxiao also looked aggressive with two eyes.

"Okay, let's go when everything is packed." Holding the grandson, the tube mom coaxed everyone like a cockerel.

"Oh oh ~ go to the stars ~" He clapped his hands, and Guan Mengxi's attention was diverted. Then the family walked to the company on foot.

When the Double Star Building was originally built, the 8th floor was intentionally built into a small astronomical observatory. Although there is no advantage in observing the stars in the sky for Shanghai's altitude, Guan Ming's biggest advantage is still rich.

It's a pity that Guan Ming had an idea of ​​astronomy, but he didn't have the patience to study astronomy. Today, don't say that I haven't used astronomical telescopes a few times. When I went to school, I didn't know which classmate said that Sagittarius boys don't lack girlfriends.

As for the principle, Guan Ming said that he was as simple as he did not understand.

The Double Star Buildings are arranged in a pyramid, and the use area decreases as you go up, but this is only relatively speaking ~ ~ In fact, the use area of ​​the eighth floor is as high as 19,600 square meters, which is also a large building. The highest floor is 20 meters high.

There is no traditional ceiling. Instead, it is a closed and open circular arc top. At least from the standpoint, it is a very observatory.

Sitting on a robot chair, Guan Ming didn't come up. Although the name is Oda to give the two children lessons, but the form is more like a sightseeing tour, a group of people huddled together, and then Oda introduced various answers Unreliable question.

As for the dogs who were still angry, they are just as happy as they have just been released. They are very happy. They jump around on Guan Mengxi from time to time and lick the back of each other flatteringly. Guan Mengxi will also bow his head and smile to comfort the dog, and occasionally he will pick up the dog and watch the stars together.

Unfortunately, Guan Ming's money was still a little bit less. It was a refracting telescope. Since Guan Ming hasn't paid much attention to this area in recent years, the telescope has not been upgraded. After all, in terms of hardware, the eighth layer is load-bearing or Space is also limited.

A telescope, like a military weapon, a cannon is a man's romance!

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