Private Technology

: 1076 Resentful Liu Mengmeng

When observing the light signal of the Sagittarius civilization, Guan Ming considered starting this thing, but the accuracy of this thing is not as good as a network satellite, and certainly not as good as a space telescope that shoots into the sky.

This is also the case. The telescope has not been updated until now. If the child likes it, it is not impossible to update a better one, such as a radio telescope.

On the eighth floor, the elevator opened. Liu Mengmeng wore black heels and a small black suit. He glanced at Guan Ming after glancing at the unobstructed eighth floor.

"Boss." With his hands folded in front of him, he stood slightly lower than Guan Ming.

"Um." Nodded, Guan Ming was not surprised at all about her appearance, after all, Double Star had a hint just now.

"That's it. Last night, many foreign related companies contacted me and asked if there were any related orders. They stated that under the premise of quality and quantity, the price and speed were not lower than those domestic manufacturers, and there was no problem with charity." It's not big, but Liu Mengmeng's bite is clear and neat.

Guan Ming is not surprised by companies like dog noses abroad.

In fact, if there is no strong authority to restrict it, when the number of people who know the content exceeds both hands, the secret will not be a secret.

There were a lot of companies participating yesterday. Some bosses might go out and drink bragging, or be forced by strong partners. As a result, the detailed process of the whole day will be leaked out.

Don't forget that what the media can know is not too secretive in this world, especially the news released.

"What's the attitude of the original partners, I mean about charity requirements." Guan Ming patted the armrest of the metal seat. A few seconds later, a hidden chair in the eighth floor ran out of a chair shape. The robot finally landed diagonally opposite Guan Ming, without delaying him to see his family.

"The original partners have also contacted me. They are very supportive of the charity of the boss and the wife, and they also recognize this kind of charity. However, their current doubt is whether there is a supplementary payment for charity, and Whether the amount of payment has an impact on the cooperation between the two parties is a matter of these two points. "Liu Mengmeng personally actually has such a plan that is completely an" unexpected "company policy.

A large enterprise must have its own plan in addition to its own culture.

It's not that I look down on Mu Xiaoxiao, the incubator of Fudan's graduation, but that the other party did not have an in-depth understanding of the company, the market, and even the region, and hastily formulated an indicator of cooperation and charity. This is incredible for a large company. Nonsense.

However, the beloved wife urged Guan Ming to use this indicator to form a hard indicator. The hard indicator is a hard indicator, but you can report it a month or even a week in advance. You can do it a day or two in advance, let alone the plan. Even the investigation report could not be produced.

Even long-term partners such as Foxconn and Great Wall only learned about this after the fact, and then forced the face to communicate with Liu Mengmeng. After the communication, there were still N problems that could not be determined.

Recently, the sagging chest is not without reason, it is the pot of my boss!

Looking at Guan Ming, Liu Mengmeng's small eyes could not help resentment.

As for why the washboard sags, it is probably a pit on the ground.

"... Xiaoxiao, since it is set at 1%, let ’s go according to this number. As long as it exceeds this number, everything is as usual. If you do n’t reach this number, then I ’m sorry, but I do n’t need to make up, but there is a point To explain, that is to take out the 1% figure without changing the current price, and it is strictly forbidden to pass it on to consumers. If it is found, it is definitely to refuse to cooperate, and this is not called make-up. Donate in the form, and then submit the report to a third party for disclosure, and then we judge based on this, the money is not in our hands, nor in our name. "Guan Ming's last life hated those unscrupulous people who did not raise prices because of their own reasons. Business.

Although Guan Ming did the same in this life, the problem is that he didn't do it in China.

The price of raw materials has risen, and Guan Ming's price has not changed, and the profit has naturally decreased. He can make less domestic money, but he does not need to carry the pot in foreign markets.

Lao Tzu earns so much. Consumers go up to three major iron ore companies when the price of raw materials rises. When he goes down, he goes down. When he goes up, he goes up. Even the rise and fall in tariffs also affect the final price in foreign markets.

What's going on, can I even lose money selling things?

"Okay, I'll tell them in this part, what do those foreign companies say?" Standing on her legs, Liu Mengmeng looked at Guan Ming and asked, even if she understood that the other person's mind was not on it.

"Commercial orders also take a while. Foreign orders are open for related manufacturing orders in the fifth, sixth, and seventh business orders. You can organize them later, and then hold a press conference or something, and companies with ideas let them come to us for this tender. The requirements are still the quality, time and charity. You can just look at the schedule of the bidding session, and then you will preside over it. "Guan Ming waved his hands, then looked at the side with his hands on his side.

The scene just now is very interesting. Guan Mengxi tied his brother with a **** the rhubarb's back. The fleshy dog ​​was afraid of falling on his little master. After walking two steps, he felt that he was still most secure on his feet. Hug the ground, probably feel that even if Guan Mengyou falls, he will not hurt because it is too high.

The vision is not very clear. Guan Ming always feels that his younger son is walking the dog's head. The teeth that just came out may not be big, so when looking from the back, he can only see that Xiaobuldian is holding the dog's head and shaking his head, while Rhubarb is stable. Lie down like an old dog.

It may be that Guan Mengxi was much more embarrassed as a child, and Rhubarb said he didn't care much about this unbreakable attack.

"Are these three levels? Then I understand, what about military orders, when will military orders begin?" Liu Mengmeng seemed to be thinking about her head. In fact, in just a moment, she had determined the commercial order for external bidding. .

In the case of military orders, Liu Mengmeng's current authority can only view military orders at level 3 and below, because the level 2 or higher has exceeded the authority of her non-staff, even if she is responsible for the commercial management of Guan Ming .

"For military orders ... we will start after the bidding for foreigners orders this year. At present, special steel and metal plates are being tendered. I remember that it should be military level 4 for the man-made island metal shell. This part of the bidding will also be hosted by you. "Guan Ming recalled and said.

"Good boss, but that level of steel production and manufacturing is difficult, it may be far behind in progress." Liu Mengmeng knows the requirements of this layer of steel.

In Guan Ming's plan, the artificial island is the aircraft carrier in the sky after removing the layer of tempered glass, so the materials must be at least aligned with the aircraft carrier, and the steel used by the aircraft carrier is not ordinary steel such as screws and kitchen knives at home, and It is a special steel with technical content.

At home, there are very few companies capable of producing this kind of steel. Similarly, this part has already involved the overall safety of artificial islands, so it is not suitable for bidding abroad.

There really needs to be a pit father who deliberately tricked a piece of fake and shoddy products, maybe it could not escape the double star review, but the manpower and material resources and time consumed in the middle could not be avoided.

"It doesn't matter if you slow down ~ ~ The Shanghai market is not flat, and I will process and assemble it on the spot after the materials are delivered." Guan Ming does not think that this thing is within one or two years. It can be built, and if you hurry up, it may take five or eight years to have a show.

In just five or eight years, it might be better to turn this artificial island directly into the Sky City project. After all, the international situation at that time will have a great probability to stabilize, but functionally, the artificial island and the sky city are not only for Guan Ming and even Butlers are clearly distinguished.

Seeing Guan Ming's hesitant expression, Liu Mengmeng thought he was worried about the follow-up period, and smiled. Liu Mengmeng interrupted: "Boss, after this artificial island is built, our company will travel collectively. How about the island ~ "

"... No problem in this regard. After all, I have been involved, and it should be appropriate to give some benefits to employees." Guan Ming froze for a moment, then nodded to indicate that it was OK.

The employees who have been banned from going abroad these years are actually not only Liu Mengmeng and her female companions, two artificial chip users, but also some senior and key employees of the company.

The artificial island can become a fixed place for the company's employee benefits, provided that the artificial island can be built.

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