Private Technology

: 1077 Mu Xiaoxiao's Bribe

In terms of time, Guan Ming actually rarely plays with or interacts with children, no matter how much he likes children, but when the emotions of his two lives are superimposed, he has more affection for his wife and parents than for his children.

This is a kind of pride, but also a kind of guilt.

Guan Ming was able to provide the children with a good material life, but he failed to grow up with the children and failed to bear the responsibility of witnessing the child's growth experience. As a father, this omission was actually serious.

So when Guan Ming rightly held Guan Mengyu, he was pushed by his unlovable little nod with his little hand, and the dead fisheye with a disgusting tone said to Guan Ming, "No, go to your sister, I Don't you hug ~ "

A family member was around, although Guan Mengyu did not show her indifference, but this tone and movement was indeed a little hurtful, at least in the eyes of Guan Dang Guan Mu and Mu Xiao Xiao.

"Haha, my dad has been abandoned. How about holding my mom and letting my dad hug my sister ~" He came together with a smile, and Mu Xiaoxiao hugged Guan Mengyu in his arms, fearing that her husband might have a head. The mallet hit the little girl.

There is no actual proof, but Mu Xiaoxiao uses the sixth sense of her woman who tried Bailing to learn that her husband seems to prefer the older daughter.

Poor second daughter, I hope mother's love can fill your father's love with some malnutrition. Mu Xiaoxiao looked down and looked after Meng Yu, with a smile like ‘spread love on earth’.

"Don't, I want my brother to have no father, my father's face doesn't look good ~" Seeing Guan Ming looking over, Guan Mengxi squatted in front of Rhubarb's dog's head, laughing at the waves of his dad with a smile, incidentally touching his brother's head.

The middle skirt squatted open, and Rhubarb's claws covered the dog's eyes from side to side. It was afraid that Guan Mingzhen would **** it.

As a dog with an IQ no less than that of human beings, he deeply understands how much his owner likes this naughty young lady. Although the species is different, Rhubarb thinks that if you dare to peek, the consequences will certainly be colorful.

"It's a bad guy, then I'm going to Xiaoyou, Xiaoyou is back to me." Squat down to unfasten the strap and hug the child.

Guan Ming doesn't scream like father and sister every day like that fool. Of course, the daughter-in-law's stupid family is used to it.

"Hee hee, that rhubarb is my turn ~" Without arguing or snatching, Guan Mengxi grabbed Rhubarb's dog face and dragged it to his knee.

Unable to resist the power of Meng Xi, Rhubarb was dragged a distance and looked very miserable.

With Teacher Oda, Guan Ming gave his family science knowledge about the sky. At least Guan Ming knew that there were only eight planets in the sky.

Lunch was eaten in the company's office. From the decoration point of view, Guan Ming's office is a five-star presidential suite. After the meal, the management mother accompanied Nao to take a nap, and the management father couldn't help going out.

On the seventh-floor rooftop, across the glass wall, Guan Ming and his wife were sitting on deck chairs and enjoying the breeze.

"Husband, do you know anyone in Sanxiang?" Looking at Guan Ming with a tilted head, Mu Xiaoxiao had light in his eyes.

"Sanxiang? Do you have anything?" Judging from Guan Ming's recipe map, the representative over there seems to be a crayfish, but his head is as big as his body. Relatively speaking, Guan Ming doesn't like this thing. Even in this life.

"I want to be on the show. Recently," Running Man "is very hot. If I participate, I will definitely promote our charity plan!" With a fist, Mu Xiaoxiao made a cheering move.

MMP, don't think I don't know that you are short and blue fan!

Guan Ming can't forget the scene of eating grapes while watching "Running Man" during pregnancy. She always smiled happily every time Blue played, and said that this short was so funny!

No matter how interesting, can I have fun? ?

"Don't make trouble, you went to the show to promote it." Guan Ming's expression was ugly, but he wasn't afraid of her derailment or hated that she would tirelessly say other men.

As a steel straight man, Guan Ming said that he was the only C in the eyes of his wife.

"No, I have watched it. The show will definitely be hot in the future. If I take advantage of this wave, it will cause many people to realize it!" Mu Xiaoxiao tried to explain it, of course, the reason could not be to watch male idols.

Does n’t her husband have any virtues, if she does n’t know, if he tells the truth, maybe he will use his relationship to get the idol off the car.


Guan Ming looked at her with a very skeptical look. This was Mu Xiaoxiao's few requests for Guan Ming's work. Of course, Guan Ming would not object.

Guan Ming believed in his loyalty to love and marriage, and naturally believed in Mu Xiaoxiao.

However, Guan Ming didn't agree so easily, dragging and dragging, maybe he could enjoy a wave.

"Mua ~ OK ~" Seeing Guan Ming's skeptical look in his suspicion, Mu Xiaoxiao first poked her lips, offered a chrysanthemum kiss, and finally put her hands on her cheeks to make her cute.

"Well ... it's a bit meaningless," Guan Ming said thoughtfully, touching his stubble.

"Esdes?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked with the same motion.

"seen it already."

"Fool King?"

"I've seen it 800 times."

"The wind passed to Hinata?"

"... for another." Hesitating, Guan Ming still passed.

"There are new clothes, I think about it ... you must not have seen the swimsuit version!" Seeing Heming's hesitation, Mu Xiaoxiao quickly recommended himself.

"Don't talk! Dead cool water! You have never seen the Hyuga version of Hyuga Hinata, the one with a short skirt on the waist!" Seeing what Guan Ming had to say, Mu Xiaoxiao used it quickly He blocked his mouth with his hands, for fear that he would continue to refuse.

That's all, what else can I do? Guan Ming spreads his hands.

Looking at the proud idiot, Guan Ming suddenly felt a little bit sore, so many anime characters thanks to his frequent viewings in his last life. In this life, he may not be able to keep up with Mu Xiaoxiao's progress in another year or two. When the COS role, you have to go to the mother, this is really ...

Wait, if Du Niang, Guan Ming remembers that there is a girl who has been transformed into a blue and white bear's claw. Would you like to remind this product?

Looking at the wife who wears electronic glasses for remote operation, Guan Ming feels silent. Right, although Du Niang has an identity, there is no history. Such roles are not pleasing to Mu Xiaoxiao.

In the afternoon, it became a professional class time. According to the schedule, today's teaching content is mainly Guan Mengyu. The content is: the entire content of the reaction between magnesium metal and different concentrations of nitric acid.

Although Guan Mengyu is the mainstay, Guan Mengxi must also follow the lessons and study. Similarly, tomorrow afternoon will be based on Guan Mengxi's art class, and Guan Mengyu must also study and look carefully.

AR glasses with metal gloves do not need any physical objects at all, and use programs to simulate very accurate experimental links ~ ~, and metal gloves will appropriately pressurize according to the direction of the user's actions. Reduce stress and make sure this is not just a 'theoretical teaching'.

This teaching mode is well known to the management. Currently, it has entered many private schools. The high tuition fees also mean that the school has more funds to create a better teaching environment.

Looking at the big girl who listened carefully, Guan Ming couldn't help thinking of his humble environment when she was studying.

Probably, every elder will have this experience when he treats his children.

PS: June reward list, thanks: book friends 20180606121427336, dolphins listening to the wind No. 1, love is coffee, book friends 20180211155236191, good loli, crazy than crazy, thank you for your support!

In fact, the subscription of this book is very miserable. Thank you friends who subscribe, and ask for a subscription at the same time!

I added 0 in 24 hours this month. I still have the pictures until now.

Suddenly thinking of the topic of love and responsibility, I went back and sang "Cool".

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