Private Technology

: One Thousand And Seventy

"Running Man" is a program just released in March this year. It was purchased in Korea and produced by yourself. The production team and other Guan Ming did not know about it, but this kind of thing does not require Guan Ming to ask himself because of such things. Just let Liu Mengmeng deal with it.

In fact, even if Mu Xiaoxiao went to Liu Mengmeng, that horse-skinner could handle it properly. As for why Mu Xiaoxiao would please manage the problem first.

From Guan Ming's own point of view, it is probably that this product feels that it is necessary to go out alone for a few days, so come to a COS show to celebrate.

Guan Ming absolutely does not admit that he is a gentleman who likes dead water!

"I'll go first ~ we'll see you in a few days!" She was wearing more fashionable, black wide-leg jumpsuits that made her look much slender. Although there was only a small suitcase at hand, she only put some of her inside. It just depends on the documents. The clothes have been transported to the private jet for a long time.

In a week, in addition to holding a COS theme double party in the evening, Mu Xiaoxiao also stuck Guan Ming and Liu Mengmeng during the day to discuss the more detailed relationship between charity and business.

Looking for Liu Mengmeng is to use her head to make charity fit into the company's operation more perfectly, while looking for Guan Ming is to hope that he can recognize and let Liu Mengmeng achieve relevant content.

Don't look at Mu Xiaoxiao as the company's only shareholder, but the company's major events are still the matter of Guan Ming, especially this kind of matters involving the company's strategic level.

"Hurry up, don't forget to call me if you have any questions." Dried tofu rolls with scallions, stuffed with a pile of garlic chili sauce, Guan Mingquan ate.

Recently, seafood has been a little greasy. Guan Ming urgently needs something light to change his mouth. If Mu Xiaoxiao is not at home, Guan Ming's stomach will finally have more digestion of other ingredients.

"Rest assured, a word of silence ~" He shook his head, his long hair fluttered behind him, and Mu Xiaoxiao's action with sunglasses was inexplicably chic.

"Don't adjust the dialect. If you are used to speaking, you can't allow your child to get a mouthful of Shanghai dialect, which is not conducive to the learning of Putonghua." One sentence is not the meaning of the Shanghai dialect 'no problem', and Guan Ming's attitude is not considered Lifted her clothes kindly.

What kind of clothes do you choose? You can show your collarbone with just two shakes. The IQ of MMP and idiots is like this. Without Lao Tzu, you can lose 365 days a year.

Seeing Guan Ming ’s movement, Mu Xiaoxiao pursed her mouth and smiled, and the eyes behind the sunglasses also smiled, but habitually bickered so that she could n’t stop, "Would you always speak the Northeast dialect? Mandarin."

"Mandarin appeared and promoted based on the northern dialect, you know the egg!" Guan Ming has traveled to the southern region several times in his last life, and Guan Ming was only a passerby-level researcher, so he was not taken seriously, good guy, counterpart. In a mouthful of dialects that the south didn't understand, to tell the truth, people scolded Guan Ming and Guan Ming in person and couldn't understand them.

"Huh ~ I probably know better than you, and I don't know who has allowed me to sing the Cantonese version of" TheGirl "every day." Proudly looking up, she looks like a black swan with black fur in a black dress .

"Are you going to say something again when you watched the moon with me, called Xiaotian Tian, ​​and now called Mrs. Cow?" Putting the topic of eggs off, Yu Guang found that his mother had been watching this, Guan Ming was embarrassed. Said that the goods the night before wearing a Niao Maowang set to dance house.

You stupid, didn't you say that Hyuga Hina, the wind that spreads, you are so skinny!

"Mom, look at him, he doesn't want me anymore!" Maybe he noticed that Guan Ming's stomach had no air except for the excrement, and he had a long sound, his body was almost twisted into a balloon, facing him Look at the lively Guanma over there.

"He dares! Xiaoxiao, rest assured, a mother will support you. If Xiaoming dares to bully you, I will put his head in the toilet!" Guan Ma, like General Changsheng, came with a tea cup and came with great momentum.

Don't look at the height and weight of Guan Ming, but Guan Ming is really a son in front of her old man.

"Hee hee, mom you are the best, I will bring you delicious when I come back, I heard that the crayfish is the best, then I will find the best crayfish for you ~" Mom gave a sullen face, and Mu Xiaoxiao made provocative gestures at Guan Ming, and even pulled off her sunglasses to make a face.

"Okay, Xiaoxiao is really a good boy ~" Guan Ma with a kind smile on her face, she hurled the tea cup to Guan Ming's side, and patted Mu Xiaoxiao's whole body with both hands, probably thinking See if the clothes are wrinkled.

I really want to stuff this whole idiot into the toilet, but I have to turn into a tea-tea boy next to the tube mom, so angry!

"Hoohoo, I am the mother's best child ~" Holding her throat, she whispered a child's voice, obviously the oldest boy froze, he was pretending to be tender, and half-squatted himself into Guan Ma's arms.

What's so special, is your university studying history?

Are you a showman?

There was such an illusion, Guan Ming felt that she could go to the dream showbiz!

After all, being able to make such shameless coquettish behavior shows that she has a pure heart!

Lao Tzu is on fire, this must have tea, drink tea to get rid of it!

Grumbling, Duan Tea boy drank the tea ...

"Okay, hurry up, remember to go early and return early." After a period of 'warmness' between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, her mother-in-law began to talk about people.

"Well, I will!" An instructor saw a military salute where he could vomit blood. Mu Xiaoxiao stepped on the heels and went out enchantingly.

"Mom, I'll go to work first." Looking down at the drops of tea in the tea cup, Guan Ming grinned twice, followed by three steps and two steps to retreat directly.

The elderly have a lot of time. One of the important time killing tasks of the mother's house at home is making kung fu tea.

Guan Ming's cup may have been made after half an hour of tossing. If it was stolen by the twins or even Mu Xiaoxiao, the old man would just laugh and remake it. Drink it, it is the result of 'you are not good'.

The man-made island scheme Double Star made dozens of schemes, Guan Ming cut to the end, there are still three schemes to make him scratch his head.

The advantages and disadvantages of the three schemes are not obvious, and the functions and plans are very powerful. If they are different, it may be the difference in economic and military functions, and the difficulty of recovering commercial transformation after military use.

Only after thinking about it for two days, Guan Ming decided to use the third set of plans with the lowest degree of completion, and it was also the fastest one for commercial use in military use.

The artificial island is structurally divided into two layers, and the dividing line between the upper and lower layers is the largest cross section of the prototype hemisphere.

From the perspective of the renderings, the hemisphere below the cross section is an underwater building, and the non-hemisphere above it is mainly a leisure and entertainment building.

From the military and business perspective ~ ~ 42% of the upper floors are commercial, and 27% of the lower floors are commercial. The overall military-commercial ratio is about 7: 3.

The reason for choosing this ratio is because a lot of military stuff can be used for commercial use, and a lot of commercial stuff can't be used for commercial use.

Bulletproof cement is a very important cover layer in the military field. It is wasteful to use it in the commercial field. However, it is not always possible to rebuild the relevant project with bulletproof cement during military use.

In the same way, if the patrol robot is designed with more external interfaces, will it be able to travel quickly when the army is transferred to the army?

Guan Ming reasonably agreed to install some experimental weapons and equipment on the artificial island above. In addition to his counseling, he also studied the national continental shelf.

There are not many places in the four seas that can accommodate an underwater cylinder with a diameter of 50 kilometers and a depth of 300 meters. They even need to be extended to the high seas. Will there be other issues involved in this area? I encourage Guan Ming to express his opinions. .

Only those who can survive can enjoy life. Living is not the purpose, but the purpose is to create a blue sky!

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