Private Technology

: One thousand and eighty-six eternal memories

"It's just a good time today. Why don't we go and watch lavender together." Guan Shengsheng relied on his willpower to resist the stupid attack of the two cute goods, Guan Ming said slowly.

There is a reason to choose today. Today is Monday. Although it cannot be denied that there will be a Monday rest in this resident population of more than 20 million, but compared with Saturday and Sunday, those who have time to go out today must definitely Less than Saturday and Sunday.

"Eh? Really? But you have to work ..." Surprised, then Mu Xiaoxiao looked aggrieved.

I have already refused before, why do I have to do it again!

In Mu Xiaoxiao's opinion, apart from counseling, the biggest feature of Guan Ming is laziness. Such a lazy person would not actively invite everyone to see what lavender.

Is it hot outside? It's hot, it must be hot. In such a hot day, which fat man would like to go out to waves.

"There was nothing wrong with taking a day off, and I went to Emperor to report the work two days ago. If you don't take a break, Bacheng will enter the old age in advance." She reached out and helped her hang down her hair behind her ears.

The exquisite face can never be tiresome, and it may be a bit broad to use the word "beautiful in the eyes of a lover". Guan Ming feels that the beauty of the world in his imagination can appear on her, so for Guan Ming, she is so beautiful and touching. .

In the middle, we cannot deny Mu Xiaoxiao's own efforts and wisdom. After all, he can figure out the beauty in Guan Ming's heart. It is by no means a truly stupid person.

I wanted to reprimand my son for his rather old-fashioned argument, but when he saw his son's unexpected expression of dog food and daughter-in-law's shameful expression, he opened his mouth and managed to lower his head and drink porridge, all when he saw nothing.

The son and daughter-in-law have good feelings, and the management mother will naturally be happy, but the problem is that these two people are uncomfortable to show affection from time to time. Even if they don't care about the thoughts of the old man and the old lady, they should always avoid the child. The child is so early, just in case Forming a strange three views, that's really dead.

"What's your father's name when he's old?" Looking at his sister tilted his head, he couldn't tell from Guan Mengxi's expression whether it was a simple question or a spit.

"Probably ... call the old man, grandma sometimes calls it grandpa." Guan Mengyu thinks that with a normal person's IQ, he can't understand the idea of ​​the younger sister, so follow the heart and give the adults at home Over again.

"But if Dad becomes a veteran, what will grandpa do ..." Xiao face tangled, it seems that Guan Mengxi is worried about the tragic future of his grandfather's name.

"Don't listen to Xiaoyu nonsense, your dad is your dad, your grandfather is your grandfather." Guan Ma gave a glance, maybe suddenly found that this gesture of action is likely to cause irreversible trauma to the child's heart, and then with the color of joy.

"Haha, my father will become a chubby coach in the future. At that time, my brother will cry in tears and kneel in front of his father and shout: Coach, I want to play basketball!" Laughing and avoiding Guan Ming's palm, it may be because of excessive shyness For reasons, Mu Xiaoxiao kept talking nonsense.

"Xiao Xiaohu said, Xiaoyou will not play basketball in the future ~" I shot Mu Xiaoxiao strangely, but Guanma didn't want to play basketball with her only grandson.

What if Yao Ming is like that, it is not to be honest to return to take over Ming's class.

"Yes, yes, my younger brother will not play basketball, stupid, my younger brother will be a scientist, my younger brother will be better than my dad!" Guan Mengxi shouted loudly, with a much stronger attitude than her mother, like anime Like the little devil in the middle, the children's spoon on the hand made a good gesture, which meant to practice both hands with his mother.

"Yes, yes, my younger brother is more powerful than my father, my father is a fool, my younger brother is a genius ~" Mu Xiaoxiao's remarks are not only a coax, but also the most sincere expectation of mothers and children.

If possible, in China, the vast majority of parents may want all the advantages, talents, IQ, and experience of themselves to be cut and pasted into their children, even if the cut is unique.

"Hurry up and eat, and go to Chongming Island in a while." Shaking his head, Guan Ming no longer wanted to talk about his daughter-in-law calling his father in front of his parents.

Guan Ming considers himself a good man of the new century with a very good moral character, otherwise he would be called a dad by his pillow every day. It would be impossible for Guan Ming to evolve into a ghost father after ten years.

"You eat first, I'll let Zhou Wu prepare it." The first one who finished the meal was the tube father, who signaled everyone to eat slowly while making some advance arrangements.

This time it was the family going out together. Although it was impossible to clear the market or something, it was necessary to plan the route to some extent, and even a certain degree of camouflage.

Guan Ming is a public face, as long as he doesn't see him before, he basically can't see that he is Guan Ming, but Mu Xiaoxiao's words have to be covered up a bit, after all, beauty always makes people pay more attention.

Even Guan Dad thought about bringing both of his in-laws together, and it's been a long time since I played together.

Dad Mu is not like Guan Dao who can go to Macao casually, the old man's entertainment intersection is only halfway.

At the urging of Mu Xiaoxiao, everyone ate quickly for this breakfast. The children's clothes were handled by the old lady, and Mu Xiaoxiao went back to the room to put on makeup.

Of course, instead of drawing ugly, she is developing in a cute and lively direction. She doesn't want to be recognized and doesn't want to be ugly. Except for the dignified point, she can really choose not many directions. She can't come to a non-mainstream or It is the temptation department. You must know that the elderly and children are on the battlefield today. If she does not want to be scrambled by the map, it is best not to be too special.

Looking at Mu Xiaoxiao who was facing his back and wearing high-waisted jeans, Guan Ming suddenly thought of a short movie, of course the content was **** and sex.

It may be that too many eyes have been used in recent work. Guan Ming feels that he may have astigmatism. Otherwise, how can he think of these things, and he is clearly a gentleman!

"What are you thinking about? Change your clothes quickly." Fasten the buttons and look back at Guan Ming who is in a daze. Mu Xiaoxiao came over and patted his belly.

"Ah? Oh." The eyes could not help turning with the flashing clavicle, but unfortunately he was wearing a round neck cotton T-shirt with Pikachu printed on it.

But it ’s okay, you do n’t suffer from being conservative, especially Pikachu, whose face is almost supporting the explosion, looks so cute ...

"Doesn't look good? Should I change another set?" Mu Xiaoxiao noticed Guan Ming's gaze.

It may be because of breastfeeding. Originally conservative and fit clothes, now it looks like you can show your belly button with your hands stretched up. This is still wearing high-waist jeans. If you wear a low-waist, you may not need to stretch your hands. To show a touch of fairness.

"It's okay, you think it's okay." Guan Ming's taste is limited to convenience. He can't understand the details, and in terms of Guan Ming's temperament, he can wear Armani's suits as Anima. feel.

"That's it, that's it." After a turn, Mu Xiaoxiao felt that he could wear it, and he was not ready to change it again.

The size of the bust is flat and the abdomen is flat. Although it is not short, Guan Ming always feels that the abdomen is looming, as if it does not exist, and it is completely highlighting the expression of Pikachu's burst.

Mu Xiaoxiao, who was looking for Guan Ming's clothes, didn't notice the insignificance of the other person's heart hidden at the moment.

After a while, everyone got on the car to Chongming Island.

Lavender's flower language is 'waiting for love'. It is divided into five colors: blue, purple, blue-violet, red, and white. Lavender in Chongming Island should be blue-purple in Guan Ming's view. After all, he has not refined fine arts. , The judgment on color is still rough.

The weather is very good today, so even on Monday, there are not many people.

"Nana, this is the only plantation in Shanghai that has introduced the Proven lavender variety." Even with Guan Ming's arm, Mu Xiaoxiao can give people a sense of escape and liveliness.

Walking on tiptoes, similar to hopping, looks very good.

"36,500 lavender plants, I love you for a hundred years ~" Guan Ming naturally knew what this stupid thing meant, and he went down and said blushing love words.

There are a total of 36,500 lavender plants in the plantation. The lavender flower language naturally loves you for a hundred years. The most important thing is that when Guan Ming came with her last time, she kept saying 36,500 plants and what flower language is waiting for love. Just send Guan Ming to connect these together again.

However, Guan Ming was not a clever person. Mu Xiaoxiao pouted and did not talk to her, knowing that Mu Xiaoxiao finally told the truth of the facts.

Of course ~ ~ Guan Ming is not a clever person in this life, but the problem is that he knows the answer in advance!

Sending the sub-question is wrong, it may be the distance between Peking University and Beida Jade Bird, but if the sending question is wrong, it is the difference between the princess and the princess grave!

"It's only been a hundred years ~" With a long tone, he leaned his head on Guan Ming's shoulders, and couldn't see the face, but she also knew that she was shy and coquettish when listening to that sweet sound, of course, there was still a trace Silk meet.

"A lifetime, no, it's three lifetimes." Rubbing the thick hair of the brain, Guan Ming said with a smile.

"It's only three lifetimes. I'm not going to leave you, I'll go and see the younger sister ~" Shakes off Guan Ming's hand, Mu Xiaoxiao made a face at Guan Ming, then leaped to the back to find a child to play .

Looking back, a couple of young people wandered around the crib, and the management mother pushed the crib. Mu Mu scolded Mu Xiaoxiao, while Guan Dao and Mu Da fell to the end, and they didn't know what was happening internationally.

Bursts of flowers are matched with a blue-violet background. Guan Ming feels that the sun is much calmer at the moment. She helps her glasses and the built-in camera perfectly frames this scene into eternity.

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