Private Technology

: 1,087 Performances

Chernyshevsky said that art comes from life, but it is higher than life.

Lu Xun said he was fine.

Guan Ming manually liked Lu Xun.

Well, did Lu Xun agree with this sentence? Guan Ming did not know, but this did not affect Guan Ming's pursuit and praise of beauty.

If 120,000 square meters is a square, the side length is only 346 meters. Normal people walk only 3 to 6 minutes, but of course the plantation will not be strictly square.

Although I have been in my last life, listening to people around me like a small sparrow, Guan Ming's mood is much better.

"Mom, does Dad grow so many smoked and smoked flowers at home?" Holding his sister in one hand and his mother in one, Guan Mengxi looked up and asked Mu Xiaoxiao.

"Is Xiaoxi hoping that all flowers are in front of the house?" Looking down at the girl, Mu Xiaoxiao calculated the consumption funds for planting flowers. Although she didn't figure it out at last, she felt that there should be no problem in her small vault.

Mu Xiaoxiao does n’t know if lavender is a flower, but she can understand what is called “smoked flower”. Even if the child is early, there is always something he ca n’t understand. As a graduate of Fudan University, Mu Xiaoxiao should be Tolerate this 'study mistake'.

"But mother didn't say, does dad have to love you for a hundred years ~ to grow more than 30,000 flowers, is there a place in the house?" Guan Meng Xi opened his eyes and asked, with adorable eyes.

"Stupid, this kind of words are also spoken to the children!" Guan Ming hated Tie Bucheng and nodded Mu Xiaoxiao's head.

What's special, beat his children of a father when I can not, that when strict father is also OK, ah, this is love, then the child know, I also how to establish the authority!

"I didn't say ..." Flat mouth, Mu Xiaoxiao flat mouth, small face aggrieved.

"Can't hit Mom, it's because Dad's voice is too loud. Grandma and Hoe heard it. Don't believe you ask Grandma!" I wanted to pull my mother behind me, but the tonnage was here, I pulled it twice without pulling.

Through Mu Xiaoxiao, Guan Mengxi communicated seriously and seriously with his dad, and also pointed to the Guanma who couldn't bear to see him.

Looking at her mother and mother-in-law who pretended to be there, she lowered her head to look at the big-faced lady, and Guan Ming's expression was slightly awkward.

This is very uncomfortable. Does Lao Tzu ’s excellent gene evolve into your ears when it comes to your side, then your sister will not have a clairvoyance!

"Hmm! Don't play with Dad, Dad is a bad guy!" He slammed heavily at Guan Ming, almost mistaken for a bow.

Following his own mother to study, Guan Mengxi also snorted heavily.

Mother, oh no, it's mother-in-law who turned around and ran to the housekeeper to seek asylum.

Guan Mengyu's little eyes before leaving gave Guan Ming a feeling of ‘your performance is wonderful’, so angry that Guan Ming wanted to plant this little guy on the spot!

According to Guan Ming's plan, I should spend a day at Chongming Island to accompany my family, but at noon Mu Xiaoxiao said that it is time to go back for dinner. The food here must not be delicious at home, and the nutritional matching must not be so meticulous.

In fact, Guan Mingqing, this is because she is afraid that Guan Ming's time is too tight, and she does not want Guan Ming to stay up all night to work overtime.

Everyone can come out and play once, and Mu Xiaoxiao is very happy. She will not go for a complete day. After all, for her, although her journey this morning is short, it is precious and memorable.

Thinking about the love words overheard by her family, Mu Xiaoxiao feels that this can contract her joke for this year and year. Maybe decades later, when everyone's teeth are old and their hair is white, let's talk about it again. After time, we can do each other with a smile.

Maybe it is the other person's attitude of thinking for himself, so Guan Ming always makes her unconsciously strengthen her most beautiful idea.

All morning, Guan Ming returned to the study to continue his work.

The progress of the artillery vehicle is very fast, because many things have existing ones. Knowing the production process and production materials inside the Great Wall, many local authorities can do it.

In China, the positioning of artillery vehicles is long-distance travel, while abroad, because there are not many charging piles, long-distance travel will have some troubles, but this cannot hide the market brought by low prices.

Whether you are talking about continuously variable transmission or space steel, the price is king in the eyes of most consumers.

The price is low, the purchase threshold is low. Of course, it is not denied that due to the strong performance of Guanming electric vehicles and the current domestic consumption upgrade, the purchasing power has increased, but the price is still critical. After all, this car is intended to open up foreign markets. .

This gun car has a ‘fashionable’ shape, complete functions, suitable for playing on various terrains, and suitable for long and short trips. After fully considering the price, Guan Ming ’s guide price is between 120,000 and 220,000.

Why the fluctuation range is so big depends on market feedback and the price is high, the amount of charity will increase.

Guan Ming thinks that there should be no family to grind their teeth to buy this model.

Time lost a little bit, and with the improvement of the artillery, time ran to June 1.

When seeing the big girl celebrating Children's Day happily, Guan Ming remembered Mu Xiaoxiao's kidnapping, presumably the two women were happy.

"I really don't take Xiaoyou? My sister hopes Xiaoyou can accompany her to watch a movie together ~ ~ After all, this is the first movie she made and it is very memorable." Wearing a beautiful dress, the tube Meng Yu said sitting cross-legged on the sofa.

"Xiaoyou is too young to go. If it's not Xiaoxi, I hope everyone can watch it at home." Shaking his head, Guan Ming is iron-hearted and doesn't take his son to the cinema. In fact, the twins are barely going to the cinema now.

It takes time for children's vision and hearing to grow. Generally speaking, children will develop stereopsis around the age of 5 to 6. In other words, children's vision was not sound before that, and they were all in the developmental stage.

In the simplest case, the flash for photography may only be felt as a flash by an adult, but for infants and young children, such a flash may cause irreversible visual damage.

In terms of hearing, it is not uncommon for theater decibels to exceed 120. For children's hearing damage, it is still not to be underestimated. In general, Xiaoyou must not go to the theater to watch movies, and the twins only retreat after watching the stage where Guan Mengxi appeared , Lest physical problems occur.

"Now my sister is playing tricks there, I think my mother must not handle it well." Put a lip and look at the younger sister who rolled into the ball over the ground. Guan Mengyu is not optimistic about the old lady who is talking softly.

"... How could it be just a while, after all, it's also for Xiaoyou." There was a momentary change in his eyes, Guan Ming smiled down.

Looking over, I don't know why, Guan Mengyu felt that his father's tone just changed a little.

ps: school is starting, little friends, are you happy in the new semester?

I think you are happy, after all, the joy of learning is not something that people like me can understand after graduation!

Well, that's fine!

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