Private Technology

: 1092 Financial Crisis

It may be because of the holiday today, or because of inter-bank and reporting. The feedback from Mr. Sun is not as fast as expected, but it does not matter. Anyway, things are going according to progress, and Guan Ming does not care too much. many.

It ’s just that Mu Xiaoxiao went out to make a phone call. It seemed like a long time. He clearly said that he would stay with me, oh no, I wanted to accompany her to write a movie, you are not coming back, I am Everyone!

A look out of the study revealed that Liu Mengmeng had come to the house and was chatting with Mu Xiaoxiao in the lobby.

"Here it is." After nodding at her and saying hello, Guan Ming came over and sat on the sofa.

"Well, I heard that Xiao Xi's movie has been released. I just finished watching it in the morning. No, I immediately came to look for Xiao Xi to sign it, and I will be a heirloom if I am not sure." Liu Mengmeng has no corporate executive His shame is louder than a slap.

The question is who do you want to pass this heirloom to?

You always say how you can fall in love with different genders, but the problem is how do you have children with the same gender!

Guan Ming was worried about her daughter being taken awry, after all, the big girl was so sticky to the little girl, but fortunately now, Xiao Budian nestled in Mu Xiaoxiao's arms and did not fall into the clutches of Liu Mengmeng.

"Aunt Mengmeng, rest assured, as long as you want it, I will sign it for you!" Handling a hard plastic duckling, Meng Xi's face leaned on Mu Xiaoxiao's chest, seriously Talking.

"Xiao Xi is awesome!" Liu Mengmeng touched the fleshy little face with his fingers, while Xiao Budian shyly buried his face in Xiao Budian's chest.

Knowing that Liu Mengmeng belonged to someone who did not board the Three Treasure Hall, they chatted for a while, Guan Ming asked directly, "Is there anything wrong here today?"

"There is something I want to report, it is about the company's funds and the progress of the artificial island project during this time." After looking at Meng Xi, Liu Mengmeng said without hesitation, but left three points.

Zaohui ’s children ’s memory will not be too bad, and Liu Mengmeng just heard Mu Xiaoxiao ’s talk about the schedule of Guan Mengxi ’s next year. Some things should be avoided, otherwise the child will be fooled, and there must be part of the pot To buckle her head.

"Come in the study ... Xiao Xiao will come with me, too." He stood up and greeted him, thinking about it, and brought Mu Xiaoxiao with him.

The charitable idea put forward by Mu Xiaoxiao has affected the company. On the surface, she is operating as the wife of the company and as the shareholder of the company.

But what Guan Ming saw was Mu Xiaoxiao, who became more confident, and Mu Xiaoxiao, who was more independent.

Charity may be beautiful and noble, but for Guan Ming, this is only the first cry of Mu Xiaoxiao, just like Guan Mengyou's first loud cry.

People realize that many thoughts are backward, but those backward thoughts are engraved in people's hearts as they penetrate into the bone marrow.

In essence, Mu Xiaoxiao is just a traditional person and a backward person.

"I? Not so good, me and I have to take care of Xiao Xi ~" He waved his hands quickly, Mu Xiaoxiao declined.

Knowing her own weight, she is unwilling to know something, because it may be a sentence or even an expression that will affect Guan Ming's judgment and decision. She is unwilling to be such a person.

Identity, ability, status, and money can make the world glorious.

"Come in and listen, there are some things you need to know, Xiao Xi, take your sister to go to your brother to play, Mom and Dad are going to work." Guan Ming intentionally let Mu Xiaoxiao go into the company.

Liu Mengmeng is a professional manager. She still performs well under the aura of control, and her thoughts and ideas are worth learning.

Mu Xiaoxiao cannot be Liu Mengmeng's successor, but this does not mean that Mu Xiaoxiao has no possibility of starting a company in the future. Even when he teaches Guan Mengyou in the future, this is also a good material.

"Well, then I went up ~" Nodded strongly, Meng Xi jumped up and down and ran upstairs.

Compared with mom and dad, brother is the best. The little guy is beautiful, cute, and very obedient. Let him kiss me, kiss me, great!

My heart was full of joy, Guan Mengxi didn't notice that the dog at his feet also followed.

"Boss, the first commercial tenders at home and abroad on the artificial island have ended. The names of the military tenders are being sorted out. The most troublesome issue is the funding problem, including the orders for the military tenders that have not yet started, including two commercial tenders Orders, annual consumption of the company and the assembly plant in the lower left corner, the company ’s annual expenditure this year may exceed 800 billion yuan, and the company account balance is 730 billion yuan, which does not include the 422.8 billion that have been allocated to independent accounts Renminbi. "Liu Mengmeng said, opened Kun package, took out a dozen documents from it and handed them over.

Guan Mingshun took it over and looked at it and said, "Estimated military order is 350 billion yuan?"

There are many places for Guan Ming's expenses. The big part is still the salary. The five insurances and the two benefits do not say, and the minimum new employee's salary is more than 10,000 after tax, let alone the group's water and electricity.

The company's vice president can be raised into a house with more than a hundred units, and it is only a few years of work, which shows how high the company's salary is.

"Not so much. Some of this 800 billion is tax revenue this year. In fact, I expect that the military bidding fair a few days later, our total order price may be around 120 ~ 150 billion." Liu Mengmeng shook his head and said.

This military order does not involve weapon systems, but more military-grade equipment and parts.

"I am mainly worried that the company's cash flow may be short. With the current annual net profit of the company at about 500 billion yuan, there may be a shortage of funds in the next few years."

Liu Mengmeng has long passed the time to come to the door just to make fun of her, and this time she came to have a serious look for Guan Ming.

Although the company's current account can support one or two years ~ ~, the problem is that after one or two years, once the company is in a shortage of funds, there are only two ways to choose. The first is to reduce the investment in the artificial island project. The second is to pull in new investors.

The disadvantage of the former is that it will lengthen the project time, which is a long time-consuming man-made island, and the latter will cause unnecessary disputes and make the man-made island project not pure.

"800 billion and 500 billion ..." murmured, Guan Ming lost in thought.

The debt of 300 billion yuan a year, and it has been so for several years, the country must not be able to bear so much. If the market, he will not let the company go public, nor will it introduce foreign funds.

"Or else, cut out the charity? In this case, the company should be able to invest a lot less." Mu Xiaoxiao said frowningly, scratching her eyebrows.

It is a good way to reduce unnecessary starts. Mu Xiaoxiao, who has no management experience or even working experience, finds that her opinions are really bad.

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