Private Technology

: 1093 MMP! 61 why not take a holiday!

"Not a few hundred million, it has nothing to do with this." Patted her thigh, Guan Ming smiled and shook his head.

1% of a 500 billion order is 5 billion. Will a company with an annual net profit of 500 billion not get 5 billion?

500 billion yuan, which is the horror of the world ’s largest private company. What is more terrifying is that, except for a small number of related personnel, the news is not clear to others.

The reason why Guan Ming has the confidence to let the partner give 1% is because this 1% is to some extent Guan Ming to the partner, let the partner do charity in their own name, is to detonate the global charity trend .

Just 300 billion debts, we must know that future technology is not the whole of Guan Ming, in turn, Guan Ming is the whole of future technology!

"Xiaoxiao and I still have some money in my account. I'm back to invest in the company." Guan Ming didn't want to think about such complicated things. He tried to break everything, and money can really do whatever he wants.

Let's not talk about the dividends of future technology in these years. Just talking about Zhong Qiming's dividend also makes Guan Ming fat.

If the world ’s largest private company in the future is like a giant monster hidden on the sea floor, people ca n’t see its horror, then Zhong Qiming is a huge glacier floating on the sea, which is daunting!

Just in the 2012-2013 financial statements disclosed by Zhong Qiming last year, the annual net profit was as high as 800 billion yuan!

20% + 1%, Guan Ming's dividend last year was 84 billion yuan.

The main reason is that Zhong Qiming is still in the expansion stage, and 50% of the profits are used every year for normal business expansion, and the remaining 50% is distributed in proportion.

That's exactly why Guan Ming was able to turn Mu Xiaoxiao into a two trillion yuan lady. Similarly, even if this is the case, Guan Ming's account balance can feed back the company for several years.

As for small companies such as Xiaoyu Pharmaceutical, Guan Ming directly ignored it, with an annual income of less than 10 billion, which could not cause qualitative changes to Guan Ming, and could not attract Guan Ming's attention.

"The boss is mighty, I know how to do it." With a thumbs up, Liu Mengmeng looked much more relaxed.

She was afraid that Guan Ming's request would be painful, such as finding a bank loan or reducing the company's benefits.

"But even then, I can only support it for a few years. It seems that we need to open source and reduce expenditures ~" Guan Ming did not flutter, but was thinking about how to make money spend more slowly.

Guan Ming never cared how much money he made, because he knew that he would always make more money than he spent, but the problem was that he did n’t make much money now, and even needed to feed the company himself, which had to make him worry. Already.

The family went bankrupt, and Guan Ming couldn't eat bran-pharyngeal dishes, but Guan Ming still had to make sure his family could wave if he had the chance.

"Otherwise, do you develop more technology products? In fact, once our company's product hardware is upgraded, it can definitely explode the market, or if you develop a payment software, I think it can also become a unicorn in the industry. After all, The welfare benefits of our company can also be dug up by people engaged in the financial industry. "Liu Mengmeng advised.

In her opinion, Guan Ming currently has just set up a stage, but the market on this stage is trillion-level.

Regardless of whether the platform is bigger and stronger, or to build a more beautiful building on the platform, Guan Ming definitely has an inherent advantage in this field, which represents countless money.

Liu Mengmeng always believed that Guan Ming was a scientific genius, but he was also only a scientific genius. He obviously had unlimited potential, but he did nothing.

Maybe for any professional manager who has an ideal, he will speak to Guan Ming and propose countless feasible solutions, but Liu Mengmeng understands what is called loyalty.

There are infinite possibilities on the infinite stage, there are countless opportunities to realize your dreams, and you can get achievements that people admire.

But this does not mean that dancing in a limited space is a very boring thing, just like a Chinese kitchen knife can handle all the ingredients in the world, just say a sense of accomplishment, there is no way to compete.

"I will consider this." Nodded, Guan Ming did not refuse, but what he thought of was electricity, and controlled nuclear fusion.

Lunar mining came back in the first month, but the second batch was in the foreseeable future. Guan Ming felt that he could try to promote a wave. After all, international transactions had been completed and the dilemma facing the country should be resolved.

After chatting for a while, Liu Mengmeng took the initiative to leave. After sending Liu Mengmeng away, Guan Ming found that the idiot was behind him sadly.

"Don't think about it that much, it's not that there is no way out ~" Touching the dog's head, Guan Ming didn't want to worry her too much.

As Liu Mengmeng said before, the company's current profit is stable, but the stability here is performed on the premise of no change. If Guan Ming updates the product, I would not dare to say that I have purchased Guan Ming products worldwide At least 20% of people will immediately update the product. Without counting the production capacity, it is estimated that these 20% will be in the hundreds of billions and trillions!

Looking at the crazy scene of the kidney cutting and buying kidney machine, we can infer how crazy the sales of the updated product are.

If Guan Mingzhen launches a payment software combining a series of products such as electronic glasses, it is estimated that all payment software companies will be killed.

With the existence of a double star, Guan Ming is destined to be invincible in software.

"The artificial island doesn't need to be that big. It's better to get a smaller one, or even an amusement park directly in the lower left corner of the Shanghai market. Children and I won't blame you." With a sigh of relief, Mu Xiaoxiao had a little grudge on his face.

Mu Xiaoxiao knew the sheer size of the artificial island project, as well as some military uses, but she believed that Guan Ming had promised her that the artificial island was originally designed to provide Mu Xiaoxiao and children A playground.

"Can't make it, believe me, I'm even stronger than you think!" Holding the other's chin to force the other person to look up, looking at those beautiful eyes, Guan Ming smiled at the corner, but his tone was firm.

If Liu Mengmeng reminded Guan Ming of the problem of capital flow after one or two years, Guan Ming might consider reducing the investment scale, but now he has time to brew a new product and create a new industry.

Have you died for others in this life?

It seems not, but Guan Ming is willing to try, willing to work hard, and willing to defend what he thinks.

"Hey ~ Really? Someone seemed to complain about being tired lately at work recently ..." Without shaking his hand, Mu Xiaoxiao pursed and grinned, but his eyes were full of joy and some control. Unreadable look.


Before the word "mei" was finished ~ ~, I was blocked by the chrysanthemum lips.

"Eat more oysters in the evening. I'll go back to the house to get clothes first. I have a new inspiration for watching" East Project "recently. Lingxian's rabbit ears are fun ~" Taking a step back, Mu Xiaoxiao smiled with a tilted head and held his hand Like a young girl, she stomped out and happily went out.

"No, what, aren't you going to write a review today? Xiao Xi's movie premiered today!" Guan Ming's face turned white, and he was even a little stubborn.

"Today is only the premiere ~" Turning his head, Mu Xiaoxiao spit out his tongue playfully, and deliberately shrank his fist up and down near his cheek.

Although Lao Tzu knows that you are so cute, today is June 1st, dare you take a vacation for Lao Tzu!

With a sad expression and Guan Ming's fists clenched, he could not help shouting: "MMP!"

PS: I called with my family for more than an hour, it was almost too late, but fortunately ...

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