Private Technology

: 1094 Weak Chicken Guan Ming

Children's Day is generally for elementary school students and children below. From the age point of view, it is about children under 12 years old.

Although the twins have taken junior high school courses and advanced to high school courses, they are still children from the age point of view, and they are still on holiday today.

"What is Xiao Xi's painting?" Guan Ming asked, curiously beside Guan Mengxi.

I don't want to be night during the day, I only go with the children today.

One meal is one meal, one day of play.

Guan Mengxi is lying on the floor, drawing a very interesting stick figure in a very childish style.

There are three people in the picture, two adults, male and female, with a little girl in the middle. The three are holding hands, the sun and the tree are behind, and the flowers are under the feet.

There is no way to evaluate a child's stick figure with an adult's aesthetics, but considering the age, Guan Ming thinks this man should be a tall and mighty man with a strong build and a handsome man like Yushu.

The woman is shorter than the man. Although the gourd figure is depicted in an exaggerated manner, it can be seen that this is the image of Mu Xiaoxiao in Guan Mengxi's eyes.

The little girl in the middle is not tall and may only reach the position of the woman's chest, but she also has a smile on her face, but the eyes don't seem to be open, a bit of a dead fish-eye taste.

However, Guan Ming thought that this should be a little lack of the habit of observing himself, so he used his younger sister as a template to describe himself.

Happy family like Auspicious Sambo, belonging to the family of Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao and Guan Mengxi, nothing wrong!

"It's my brother, my sister, and me ~" The fleshy fingers poked their heads from man to child to woman.

"... Your thoughts are dangerous. Xiaoyu is not so short, and Xiaoyou is not weaned now ..." Guan Ming didn't like to comment on the gourd body of Guan Mengxi.

"This is my future brother, this is my current sister, this is my future!" Bumping his cheeks is like a puffer fish. Even if he is bulging, he looks super cute.

"But ... this is a family of three ~" Guan Ming smiled like an old mother, with helplessness and vicissitudes in his smile.

My daughter, do you have any wrong perception?

"Yeah, aren't my sister and brother just three in a family." Blinking his eyes, Guan Mengxi seemed to be asking why Guan Ming was weird.

For a while, Guan Ming didn't know how to refute.

"Dad is a bad guy, but Miss Sister will bring her mother next time she draws, otherwise the mother will be sad." Mu Xiaoxiao, who did not know where she came from, knelt beside Guan Mengxi and hugged her Arms.

Looking at his head with two rabbit ears, Mu Xiaoxiao, at least 30 centimeters in length, Guan Ming was in pain.

Your uncle, ca n’t take you alone, take me too, what does it mean to leave me!

"Your clothes are done? Someone has already spoken loudly, but don't drop the chain at that time ~" Guan Ming didn't like the idiot to disturb his friendly communication with the big girl. Of course, there is something to say Part of the meaning of destiny, there is so much expectation.

When he was out of the study just now, he took a special look at what Lingxian was. After only three minutes, Guan Ming felt that this role was not unacceptable.

It ’s just that at night it is a blue-purple-haired bell fairy, a pink-purple bell fairy, or a natural black bell fairy.

Strictly speaking, it can be regarded as full of anticipation.

"Hmm ~ Is Mu Xiaoxiao an unbelievable person, it is someone, but I don't ask for mercy at night!" As soon as he shook his head, Mu Xiaoxiao's face showed a contempt.

Grandma's head, believe it or not in the toilet!

He looked at her with an unscrupulous look, and Guan Ming wondered if he had to use some special means to let her know what is called the "head of the family"!

After thinking about it for a while, it seemed that as long as Mu Mu was invited and the two women were kept in a room for an afternoon, Mu Xiaoxiao would definitely do something to death, and then be fattened.

In the evening, Guan Ming may reap a crying Mu Xiaoxiao.

"Beg for mercy? Will my mother hit my dad? Grandma said that fighting is not good." Holding Mu Xiaoxiao's neck, he could not stop jumping up and down, mainly because Mu Xiaoxiao's thigh had a slope, and he was not stable.

"Ooooooooooo, my dad is going to hit my mom at night. It hurts so much. My dad is a bad guy." Mu Xiaoxiao did not thunder and started crying to his daughter.

But are you sure it's whine, not filth?

Guan Ming ignored the idiot, but lowered his head to help the children clean up the brushes and drawing paper. Although there is no figure of his own in this stick figure, as a prop to witness the growth of Guan Mengxi, it is still commemorative.

Guan Ma still has a picture of Guan Ming wearing a skirt when he was a child. It is a sad story, especially when Mu Xiaoxiao saw the picture, so much sadness can be turned into a river!

"But, but Dad is very weak. Grandma said that if Dad was going to fight with Mom, Dad would be beaten down." Attached to the ear of Mu Xiaoxiao, although the movement wanted to be hidden, the voice was completely uncontrolled.

Listening to such simple words from children, Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but break his tears and said with a very ironic voice: "Minger, have you seen it, even our mother knows the gap between you and me, I Tell you, don't mess with me in the future, be careful I put you on the ground and spanked! "

"Oh ~ oh ~ spanking, spanking! Spanking dad's spanking!" Geng Mengxi cheered aside, as if remembering that he had been stung by his dad.

"Yeah, it's itchy skin!" He sat across from Mu Xiaoxiao with a black face, and Guan Ming rubbed his dog's head in a rage.

In terms of physical fitness alone, Guan Ming is really not as good as Mu Xiaoxiao of fitness every day. Maybe it is the same in combat effectiveness, but Guan Ming always hits her like a joke every time, and she only jumps up to control Guan Ming ’s ass. She kicked and then fled over the map and was captured. But more often, she was holding her head for mercy and waiting for her.

It's hard here, it's soft, it's soft, it's hard.

In the last life, the number of red faces was very small. In this life, it may be because of the child ’s affairs that he has blushed today. Strictly speaking, he should blush with the child and complain about the child with Guan Ming.

"Dad hates it, let's go to my sister and brother to play without dad!" After rubbing the dog's head, Mu Xiaoxiao's face was upset, and he ran away holding the child.

Accompanied by Guan Mengxi's laughter.

Guan Ma is a man who prefers boys to girls. The housekeeper used to have nothing on Children ’s Day. How should I live? However, the birth of Guan Mengyou this year has inspired the old lady's Patty. The home layout is the same as that of the Spring Festival. , Adults play with children.

Although one of the uncle's children is not sensible and one is too sensible, it seems that the only one who is really unhappy is the boss of the uncle.

The attention was completely attracted by the child. Mu Xiaoxiao forgot to write the afterview, but on the Internet, a large wave of sailors brought the rhythm of "Heart Flower Road".

"The most charming thing about the bald version of Shui Bingyue is the hairy thighs ~ ~ The most charming thing about the Huang Bo version of the maid outfit is the chic facial features!"

"What a peculiar thing, I always thought that the pre-conditions of women's ladies are feminine and handsome, but I did not expect that the alternative women's ladies were so powerful!"

"Did I have noticed Meng Xi only? The little ones are very powerful. Both Mandarin and American English speak well!"

"Excuse me, what kind of stick is Zhenxiang?"

On the Internet, under the leadership of the Marines, posts related to "Heart Flower Road Fly" kept appearing, and various movie and television circle celebrities commented on it, and they were all positive reviews.

Even Optoelectronics' Weibo couldn't help but happen, and praised "Heart of Flowers" sincerely.

Of course, the vast majority of people here are courting Guanming, even if the practitioners who do not know that Guanming exists in it, see the results of the review of the speed of light of the photovoltaic energy and successfully cut the line, and the result of not scheduling a new movie for two days, You can also feel the huge energy in it.

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