Private Technology

: Different scenes (Happy Dragon Boat Festival!)

There are several cars in Guan Ming, but they are all registered in the company, and several of the car numbers are connected, but this is of no use, it is not a special number, it just applies for the same batch in the name of the company.

Guan Ming's car is not a big brand now. He took a bath, changed his clothes, and used water hibiscus to describe him as disgusting, but it was natural to decorate it. Well, it was disgusting ...

The car did not drive directly to Mu Xiaoxiao's house, but got off directly at a relatively far place, and then took the bus, which was 5 stops away from the battlefield ...

Wu Zhouwu and Ma Qingyun are Guan Ming's personal bodyguards. They just arrived a few days ago. The former is older than Guan Ming. Male, he worked in the Public Security Bureau after he retired, but he didn't seem to be happy. The latter is a little younger than Guan Ming and retired due to injury. It seems that there is a problem with the joints. Immediately after retiring, there is a military disability certificate. Although it is only the lowest level, the country has a subsidy every month and it is issued until death. And at the same time she is a woman ...

Zhou Wuchang is not handsome, and Ma Qingyun can only say that he is not ugly, but at least from the current point of view, the two are pretty good. At least from the current point of view, the two are at most silent in character, and have a good communicative ability and Guan Ming. , But it is most likely a career issue.

However, Zhou Wu smoked, although he did not smoke in front of Guan Ming, but closer, Guan Ming could still smell a faint smoke, but it was also a small problem. Guan Ming also smoked in his lifetime, so he would not force the other party to quit. .

"I will call you when the time comes." He waved his hand, Guan Ming signaled that the two don't have to follow up, as to whether or not to follow is theirs.

These two men were brought by Qian Junhao, or the bodyguards and company security guards of Liu Mengmeng who brought them together, were all brought by Qian Junhao. Although the bodyguards were retired by the special forces, not all the security guards The special forces came down, and they were not a vegetable garden in the backyard.

These bodyguards and security guards have information in their hands and belong to the category of comprehensive evaluation. From a professional level, Zhou Wu should not be able to do Ma Qingyun. After all, the former has a long time to retire, and the domestic police are not Iraqi police, not so many. When moving the knife and gun, but everything is not so absolute, one inch long and one inch strong ...

"Small tube, come in quickly." It was Mu Mu who knocked on the door of the room. The junior high school curriculum was easier than the high school curriculum. At least it was reflected in the class hours. .

Today, Mu's father is not at home. After Guan Ming and Mu's mother talked a few words, they asked Mu Xiaoxiao to study.

同一 In an old residential building, the same person has different identities.

Uh ...

In terms of timeliness, online media is always the first place, because only one news is needed, and the ability of the network can be used to instantly spread to all visitors.

On the Sina homepage of the internet company established by 98, the huge red headline detonated all visitors because the reason was just a report, at 6 o'clock in the afternoon.

"The miracle of cross-border, the fantasy technology that ignites the wave of the future!"

"This reporter was invited to participate in the product launch conference of Future Technology Co., Ltd. this morning. I thought it was a new game or an expansion film of" Magic World ", but I didn't expect that the product was actually A fantasy technology across the ages-operable holographic projection equipment! "

A photo was embedded in the manuscript. Guan Ming was wearing a black suit standing on the left, with his left hand pointing to the left, and the other side of the photo was a building. At first glance, there was nothing but that building. It is actually a three-dimensional image with length, width, and height dropped in the air!

"The operable holographic projection equipment and supporting technology are completely completed by the company's chairman Guan Ming alone. Its functions ..."

"We can expect that the impact of this new technology on domestic and global, it will spawn a lot of new industries, and also wipe out a lot of old industries ..."

"I stood by and interviewed Liu Mengmeng, the company's vice president. She said so about the product from production to the market ..."

"It's not hard to find that future technology intends to turn the cake ..."

A detailed report, almost five thousand words, I ca n’t wait to pinch what Guan Ming and Liu Mengmeng said on the manuscript, but I have to say that this effect is very good.

Liu Mengmeng asked Guan Ming about follow-up questions about operable holographic projection, but Guan Ming didn't have much thoughts on this aspect, but at least from the last report sent by Liu Mengmeng, at least the idea was not bad.

She did not choose to choose local foundries in important countries or regions around the world. It may be from the perspective of the safety of Guanming technology. She thinks that it is better to find a single large foundry in China, although it will definitely be slower than multi-generation unions in terms of daily output. However, because the holographic projection itself is an exclusive market, hunger sales are originally a means to increase people's expectations of goods. On the other hand, taking care of domestic manufacturers is definitely not a big problem. After all, they are all in one country. There may be business exchanges.

"Except the nickname, I'm in charge of this time, the cow X is big, and you can operate holographic projection!"

"I wipe, I just graduated from college and applied to a company to do image processing. Nima will not let me change careers!"

"I just want to know how much is the holographic projection, when will it be available ..."

"Fortunately, I play" Magic World ", I always feel that I can play with holographic projection one day ~"

There is no nationwide network in this era, but it does not mean that the network ’s influence is not high. In fact, after seeing this news, many websites use direct copying, while ordinary netizens simply know what they know. Propaganda, nothing special.

But no matter what the motive, the content of this product launch conference swept the country like a tsunami.

Uh ...

"... this is the general situation, but let him know ..."

"Everything is trivial, after all, for a reason."

"But I see ..."

"It's nothing, but let's do it first. Keep an eye on the following things. Marx said that science and technology are the primary productive forces. There are rare companies in China. We need to support them well. The others you set aside last time. Question, the documents should have been issued today ... "

Uh ...

At night, it was a bit cold and the wind was a bit strong. Through the outermost toughened glass, Guan Ming looked at the turbulent water in front. From the flow direction, this is also the Huangpu River. Now it is off work. There are not many people in the company. Outside the Guan Ming family of three, there are security guards, bodyguards, and Liu Mengmeng at the same level.

Guan Ming thought a lot about the name of the building and also had a pre-selection plan, but it was not until the emergence of the artificial intelligence double star that he changed all the ideas before Guan Ming.

The staggered neon lights, like DNA, surround every layer of the building, symbolizing him and the double star, rather than what was said at the press conference.

"Xiaoming, I'm eating." The window behind opened and Guan Ma's throat broke the silence ~ ~ Guan Ming, who wants to be a beautiful man, wants to ask quietly, where did you buy Pippi shrimp ... ...

PS: Thank you Bingshui Lightning, Sweet Seven, I Am Afraid of Solo Dance, Book Friends 20170502235541470, and thank you for your support.

Then thank you, "Don't kiss," I only noticed the data on Sunday. The result was that I had more collections than I did the previous week. It surprised me a lot. Then I was bored searching for books yesterday and saw that this book friend was actually helping I advertise, thank you very much, I really appreciate it, this is what I saw, and I do n’t see it, I believe there are other book friends to help me advertise ~ ~ The older book friends know I am actually a very lazy person, even updating chapters will be updated once a week, once a week for a certain amount of time, and then only once in three or five days to read book reviews, have not been to other novel book reviews advertised, nothing like Now, the book can achieve this kind of achievement, it depends on everyone's support! Thank you very much! !!

I don't deny that the book is problematic. Defects are used to describe it's too elegant, and the degree is very light. No matter from the level of knowledge, ability, or common sense, in fact, even this book is still a long way from being really good. Thank you very much. Everyone can tolerate me and the shortcomings and flaws of this book.

The novel gives me the first sense to kill time and kill time, so I hope everyone treats it with an entertaining attitude, because this is not a science and education series. No matter the technology or people in the book, they are all fantasy products. The name of science and technology, but in fact this book is not rigorous. In terms of professionalism and human intelligence, it is not rigorous in all aspects. It is just a personal expectation of my idealization of me. I ca n’t do it. Da Liu didn't expect this level to this level.

Finally, happy Dragon Boat Festival ~ remember to call your family ~

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