Private Technology

: One hundred and thirteen

Regarding the N ways of skinny shrimp, but the most commonly eaten is directly boiled in water, but this season is not the best season to eat skinny shrimp, you can eat the most fat skinny shrimp every spring, It is now August. Although Pippi shrimp is not as delicious as May, it is still a very good dish for Guan Ming.

Seafood is cold, not suitable for pregnant women.

When Guan Ming was in college, he met a lot of foreign students. When he first arrived in Daocheng, he would not drink alcohol when eating seafood and said he would have a stroke, but Guan Ming as a local said that he would eat seafood and drink beer. There are many more, and only a few have strokes. This thing is related to personal constitution. Even if this is scientifically based, it is not just that eating seafood and drinking beer will cause a stroke, and eating other things will also have a probability of a stroke. Without so much attention, it seems that smoking is harmful to your health, but you should still smoke.

"Cool ~" The cold beer slammed into the stomach, and the irritated head hurt a little, but fortunately, Guan Ming didn't have tooth decay, otherwise it was a toothache.

"Uncle Guan, how does this thing feel like a tide bug." Liu Mengmeng looked at Pippi shrimp, but it was mainly a question of how Pippi shrimp looked.

"It's okay, it's delicious." Guan Dad waved indifferently.

There are shells in the tide bug and the skin of the shrimp, but the size must be different. Of course, one can't eat, one can eat.

"It's delicious, but you are not a coastal person."

Liu Mengmeng is a turtle, but turtles do not mean that Pippi shrimp have been eaten. I heard that in the city where Liu Mengmeng studied, few Pippi shrimp were sold.

"No, the mainland." Shaking his head, Liu Mengmeng carefully cooked the cooked Pippi shrimp.

"When you come to Daocheng when you are free, there are a lot of seasonal aquatic products." Guan Ma said in passing.

"Come on, you all come here to stay, but also aquatic products." Guan Ming listened and rolled his eyes.

Before dinner, he and Guan Dian talked about this aspect. Guan Dian gave the spirit of the "Housekeeper Old Couple One Afternoon Meeting". Now they are not ready to move in with Guan Ming. At the same time, When Guan Ming's future daughter is pregnant, she also promises to quit her job after returning, and officially retire or be laid off when she moves in.

The concubine was confinement, and the man's parents were waiting. Guan Ming didn't know if this was the habit of his family, but it seemed to be basically the case.

Some things are not mentioned in detail, for example, it takes a little time to get married, there are many family members, and many things are not good.

I didn't think too much about Guan Ming, but I told my old couple to pay more attention to rest. Don't worry about money. At least the stall of the management can be stopped.

The dinner was made by the steward herself. The company chef did not make it. Although the level of stewardess must not reach the chef whom Liu Mengmeng dug from the perspective of color and fragrance, the meals made by her family have a homely taste. This may be a form of thinking that governs taste.

I do n’t care how long my father and mother stayed in the Shanghai Stock Exchange. In fact, the old couple went back the next afternoon.

There are a total of five basements in the basement, and the second to last, that is, the fourth basement. As the second largest floor of the building, at this moment, cardboard boxes are piled up not far.

When the company moves, the school naturally understands the tightness of time during this period of time, and it does not have to be on time and on time, like the teacher treats students, or whatever. Guanming has a week to deal with company affairs.

Although the villa, Liu Mengmeng is talking with the contractor, but this does not mean that Guan Ming has no place to live. On the seventh floor of the company, there are also suites to rest while working. The father and mother are here for a few days. The rest, the suite room belonging to Guan Ming is not small, Guan Ming also stayed here with his old couple as a good son these days.

"I feel so cold." Liu Mengmeng shivered with his hands on his shoulders.

Although the entire building has a central air conditioner to regulate the temperature, the entire floor is more than four meters high. Under the light, the walls are all metallic cold.

"However, this is just what you feel, mainly space." There are only her and Guan Ming on the entire floor.

Each floor of Qiqi Building designed by Tong Guanming is square. The side of this floor is 250 meters long, and some pistols have a radius of only 50 meters. Although the original construction involved load-bearing wall partitions and the like ...

Wu Shuangxing needs to move because Guan Ming is moving. As for the property in Greenland Center, he is not in a hurry to sell it out. He keeps it, and it will become more and more valuable anyway.

"But it feels too rude, although I don't know what the computer rooms of other companies look like, but let's do this ..." Liu Mengmeng groaned as he opened the box.

She didn't ask why to build a supercomputer, maybe for games or other things, but these are not important to her. What is important is to work hard.

The company has different levels. If you said that everyone worked in the same room before, you may not see it, but after the company moves, the level is a little conspicuous. Not to mention the salary, which can be seen at a glance, whether it is office location, accommodation Even using a car, all show class distinctions and a clear style of behavior.

If the company that pays wages and subsidies on time is a normal company ~ ~ The company with two golds is a large company, and the company that provides accommodation is a good company, then what Guan Ming gives is definitely the most cost-effective company Even if the townhouse will start construction after the Guanming Villa is completed, but from the perspective of cash, Guanming will not make everyone play.

干 Doing it well is the most practical, because as long as you do it well, employees will get more benefits.

"How's the holographic projection review?" Guan Ming asked as he assembled the parts.

"It will take some time. I talked to me once, and I might talk to you again. It is mainly about technical issues." Liu Mengmeng said.

Responsible for the review of holographic projections still belongs to Liu Mengmeng, but there is a lot of content in this matter review, such as security, etc. Without Liu Mengmeng, Guan Ming knows what the consequences of the holographic projection will be. It is nothing more than unloading eight blocks to be studied to see if the above technology can be obtained in a short time.

If it is an ordinary product, such as a mobile phone, it doesn't need to be so active, but the problem is that this thing is much more powerful than a mobile phone, and the application range is not small. Although Guan Ming is a Chinese and the company is also a domestic private enterprise in China, but It is better to have something in your hands than in the hands of those around you.

"It's okay, just contact me when the time comes, the OEM will contact you?" Guan Ming asked.

"There are currently several foundries who contact me. I think it's still Foxconn, the world's largest foundry, and the world's largest electronics manufacturer. I heard that there are many well-known mobile phones and Foxconn have business dealings." At present the Internet is not As a result, Foxconn's negative news can easily be suppressed. Although there are some things, Liu Mengmeng faintly heard the wind, but this did not change her attitude.

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