Private Technology

: 114 meetings

In fact, Guan Ming is just asking, even if it is Foxconn, Guan Ming will not refuse. As for whether Foxconn will be raised into a monster and a monster that eats wage earners, it has nothing to do with Guan Ming. He is not God and cannot be changed. The darkness of the world.

At noon, Guan Ming and Liu Mengmeng went to the restaurant on the third floor, but they ate separately. Liu Mengmeng had to ask Sun Yanan to make some arrangements, and Guan Ming held a Thai-style lunch and had a good time.

From the day Guan Ming built the building, Liu Mengmeng knew that he was not the kind of person who was very dedicated to work, or that he was a happy person, otherwise it would not be possible to build such a building, so Liu Mengmeng was digging a chef The above also worked hard.

Thai food, Guan Ming's favorite food is pineapple rice and palm Zhongbao, but mainly because he eats a small number of times, so rarely touch too many dishes, but Dongyin Gong soup, he does not like at all, always feel the same The spicy food he usually eats is not a taste.

The restaurant is very spacious. Apart from the small number of people, it is mainly large enough.

"Boss, when can we use holographic projection." Seeing Guan Ming eating himself, he finally came to a chubby employee.

Looking at this delicate little face, Guan Ming only remembered that it seemed to be Li or something. The specific name was forgotten ...

"Wait for mass production. After all, I made it by hand before." Then, Guan Ming raised his chin and motioned to the other side to sit down and eat together.

"But I heard Sister Liu said that it will take a while." She did not give up the topic, but the action of eating was more than Guan Mingwen.

Her lunch is a T-bone steak, mainly because the bone is more prominent, and there are some other decorations on the plate, and a glass of juice.

After eating, there is not much movement. The method of using the left fork and the right knife is regarded as "standard western style".

Although the power of the left hand is generally smaller than that of the right hand, Guan Ming feels that if the left knife is still the right knife, it should not become a strict standard, as if someone is used to holding chopsticks with the left hand.

But, the other side felt Guan Ming a little deliberately.

"No way, I don't have much time to do it by hand." If it was for the family, Guan Ming had no trouble with the hand, but if it was a friend or employee, then forget it, even Liu Mengmeng and Qian Junhao did not have a holographic projection. .

"The boss is still awesome. I really hope that the boss can make dynamic projection earlier, so that the scope of application will be wider, but I envy other departments and can play games at work. I have been preparing for the contract recently and I am busy every day." After work, I stabbed the steak on the right hand without a knife.

"The nature of the work is different." As long as the work is completed, Guan Ming will not be responsible for the activities outside the work.

Work does not necessarily require that you work for 8 hours or work overtime to be a good employee. Although the company does not have a ranking and rewards for the workload in the unit, high efficiency people are eligible to enjoy the remaining time.

Guan Ming was a high-efficiency person in his lifetime. If he did n’t work overtime, he could get off work at about 4pm every day. If he had to sit for 8 hours, after a long time, maybe the whole person ’s work energy would be exhausted, but he could n’t. Improving the quality of work, for example, 'reasonably' arrange 8-hour work content to ensure that everything is done just before work, and then hand in the work, what will happen after that, Guan Ming does not like this way of working.

I may see that Guan Ming is not very happy, and the other party hastily ate two mouthfuls to indicate that they are finished.

I stepped into a tight skirt, watching the swaying figure, Guan Ming shook his head silently.

Want to bubble tube Ming? Sue? Or something else?

Guan Guanming is not sure what the other person is thinking, and he will not do anything. Life is like this. Sometimes, it ’s not that men become bad when they have money, but that the world is changing too fast.

Of course, it doesn't matter if it gets worse, sometimes it depends on personal choice.

Uh ...

"Professor Bian, talk about this holographic projection." In an office, there are people with an average age of 50+.

As one of the participants in the conference, Bian Bianwen has a simple job of evaluating the holographic projection and evaluating Guan Ming, specifically, evaluating his potential in scientific research.

"The holographic projection is divided into two parts, hardware and software. We have also evaluated the hardware these days. Firstly, it is not difficult to copy the hardware, because it is a commercially available part, but the hardware itself is embedded. Software and the software submitted by Guan Ming, I have not yet cracked the idea. "

"Are some people studying, will there be a breakthrough in software?" The man sitting in the deputy asked.

"It's difficult. Actually, the country invests a lot in the frontiers of science and technology every year, and the scientific research power of holographic projection is not small in the world, but only Guan Ming has completed, indicating that in some areas, he is still in an absolute Leading position, at least until now, no one has published a presentation or paper of this type of projection, of course, not including pyramid projections, etc. ~ ~ Bian Chengwen shook his head and said.

Cheng Bianwen, professor of computer science, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, deputy director of an institute, part-time think tank related to computer, of course, he is not the only one.

听说 "I heard that he is currently making supercomputer software for schools. How is the software doing?" There is not only one deputy, the other is asking.

"The current progress is still very fast. From the design idea to the specific software code, it can reflect Guan Ming's personal thinking habits, concentrated on simplicity and efficiency." Ask what to say, which is summarized by Bian Cheng for so many years Yes, because seniors don't need you to make decisions, you just need to say what you know.

"How about Guan Ming? From a technical point of view." The man sitting on the main seat asked.

"The technical aspect should be at the level of international front-line scientific researchers, or higher." Bian Chengwen thought for a while and continued: "At the moment we only see that game, supercomputer and holographic projection, but this is only Guan Ming's initiative to give us What we see is unsure. In the invisible place, Guan Ming is not exposed. We do not know, but even so, from now on, he is a rare scientific research. Talent. "

"Especially from the perspective of the project cycle, if there is no intermission, one project after another, the holographic projection may take only four months from project establishment to implementation." Bian Chengwen couldn't help but add it at the end One sentence.

He got along well with Guan Ming, there was no conflict of interest, and he also learned a lot, if he could, he didn't mind saying a good word for Guan Ming.

"Oh, like this ..." The one sitting on the Lord heard the words and nodded, not surprised, because many things are not secrets.

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