Private Technology

: 115 files and reports

Everyone has their own file, from small to large, from the first bank card to the first phone card, from the elementary school transcript to the college admission notice. Some things may not be remembered by me, but there are always Traces, and some people can find them.

Not only archives, but also some assessment reports.

Looking at the report at hand, even a plain taste can build a person's image in his mind.

之前 Before high school, he looked like an ordinary person. He had a record of premature love. More than once, he had a good college entrance examination score.

On the contrary, in the college era, it was much quieter than in junior high school. I often went to the library. My grades were outstanding, but there was no sign of postgraduate entrance examination. In the four years of college, personal banks have gradually remitted money, totaling nearly eight million. Microsoft Crawler Bonus.

Later, using this as an initial fund, I bought a real estate in Shanghai Greenland Center, and then rented an office. It was reported that I had purchased a large amount of computer hardware, suspected to be a DIY supercomputer, and it cost between 250W ~ 300W. "Magic World" games, then component company management and grassroots.

Although there is no way to know exactly how much money each meal costs in Guan Ming's archives, it can also be accurate to where the three meals are eaten a day.

There is even a special note in the file of the home of Greenland Center, Guan Ming also DIY a supercomputer by hand, the purpose is unknown.

"Oh, funny little guy ..." The man on the subject looked at the files on his hand and shook his head with a smile.

Not to mention the ridiculous company structure, not to mention the high-level of LES, Guan Ming, as a person with obvious homeownership, would actually go to tutoring, a live-action RPG game?

"It seems that he is really a research-oriented person." Putting the materials on the table, this person knocked on the table and thought about it.

How to determine whether a person has made a great contribution to the country is not just a look at what the person has done. This is a comprehensive consideration. It is as if the academicians of the two academies do not deny the suspicion of capitalism scholars, but this is in itself Past affirmations and future expectations.

Technical house, poor management, idealization, overwhelming, simple, naive, ridiculous, learning, etc. For a moment, after looking at Guan Ming's file, a lot of such words popped up in his mind, mostly negative, positive less, but What cannot be ignored is this positive evaluation.

多少 In the early days of computers, how many hackers were recruited, this is still a case of economic losses, but Guan Ming has no black history.

Just joking about the same company, the same high-level, the same idealization, in his view, does not negate the advantages of Guan Ming, even in his opinion, a company, if Guan Ming can create more meaningful scientific research results This kind of company does not say that it makes money. Even if it loses money, the country can still bottom it out. Of course, if Guan Ming can work in the unit affiliated with the country, it should be better.

"Go and say hello, things can go on the market, and then you greet other units, let them pay attention and take care of our cute little guy. By the way, you can consider working with him on the development of dynamic projection, of course, tone Be gentle, the results will be clearer, Qian Junhao. "

"Yes." Qian Junhao was sitting on the seat, his waist was straight. Although years have turned into a ruthless belly, this does not affect his performance.

"The Shanghai market is not very stable recently. I will say hello in Jingli. If you are in Shanghai, pay more attention to it. I remember that you had an agreement with his company. At the time, Professor Qian Xuesen's story had been spoken abroad for decades. "

"Yes, I promise to complete the task." Qian Junhao's voice was not loud, but it was sure and simple.

Bian Chengwen can have space to play freely, which is brought about by his own position and position, but Qian Junhao, in this room, in this meeting, the level is not high, although it is valued by some people, but Just some people.

Uh ...

管 Without Guan Ming's knowledge, some people in the world have turned their eyes to Guan Ming.

Guan Ming really wanted to take the opportunity to launch his own third-party payment platform, but after consulting this matter, he felt that these things were not suitable for him to do.

Funding is not a problem. The problem is the qualifications and management involved, which are not suitable for his company.

Now the well-known domestic payment platform is Alipay, relying on Taobao to develop rapidly. In the future, WeChat will also rise, and WeChat started from a huge communication device.

It is impossible for Guan Guanming to put his own channel on a certain platform. Although the Doujia platform has some troubles in collecting accounts, it is just trouble.

Of course, you can also choose not to use a third party, but direct bank docking, as long as you open online banking, you can still pay.

But in this regard, don't worry, getting a permit is true.

The fourth floor below is the one planned by Guan Ming. The area is very large, and there are not many rooms. There are three in total. The supercomputer of the game is not qualified to enter any room, but is placed outside the room. Whether you look at it or use it, you don't feel that space is being crowded too much.

In the largest room, the electronic components are assembled. In terms of the number of components used, it is more than ten times outside the door, and Guan Ming is conducting the final inspection ~ ~ see if there are components Not installed, see if all parts are perfect.

This is the new home of Shuangxing, and Shuangxing is currently lying on the supercomputer in the center of the green space.

Guan Ming did not consider such a hard disk, and then installed this physical move. Instead, he chose to let Double Star move from the Internet a little bit. The company's network speed is the fastest, but this is only the speed of the company's upload and download. The network speed on the side is very touching. If you calculate it over time, give up the current calculation amount and send the data in a package. It takes about a day and a half. At the same time, you have designed a software to regularly format the supercomputer in the green space center. .

If Guan Ming is just in case, after formatting, you can take a sledgehammer, one sledgehammer, and break all hard disks.

"Boss, boss ~" Even on the fourth floor, there are still microphones and small speakers on the ceiling, and the sound quality is not bad. At least I can hear the voice of Sun Yanan.

Open the phone, Guan Ming called Sun Yanan. Usually, when Guan Ming is in trouble, he will take the initiative to turn on the phone. After all, this phone number is no longer confidential, at least the reporter knows, and the reporter ’s patience Guan Mingda is much, as long as ten minutes are turned on, at least one reporter will call in.

"What's wrong?" Guan Ming asked, looking at the lights on the supercomputer.

"Secretary Qian of the school brought someone to say that he had given us a permit. Sister Liu can't come back to talk about things outside. Does the boss have to come forward? Do I need to call Sister Liu to get her back?" Sun Yanan's voice was a bit Hastily, it was obvious that the other party came a little suddenly.

"I'll go up here, you go and ask the secretary Qian to sit in my office." After thinking for a while, Guan Ming decided to go up and see what happened.

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