Private Technology

: 1097 Independently Working Holographic Projections

In the study, Guan Ming sat in a chair thinking about how to make money by developing products.

It is reasonable to say that the easiest thing is to update the hardware of the original product. For so many years, the hardware on the market has been updated for a long time. Guanming's products only need to perform simple hardware upgrades to capture a large number of new products. Old users.

Guan Ming doesn't even need to make more optimizations in performance or innovation in more functions. Those content chasing profit, like games and film companies, will naturally create new top-match games and films for new machines. Works, and better content naturally urges old users to upgrade.

But the problem is that Guan Ming doesn't want to repeat those ‘story’, just like Guan Ming has n’t updated the product before. He always thinks this is a repetitive job, a job without innovation and soul.

Today, hardware upgrade is a hard requirement for both customers and themselves. After all, innovating a brand new product requires not only the cultivation of the market, but also the production of the content side.

However, even so, Guan Ming doesn't want to just update the hardware. What he wants is innovation, upgrading, and bringing a unique experience.

Guan Ming plans to change three hardware, namely holographic projection, electronic glasses and VR headset.

The AR market is very broad, but to some extent it overlaps with electronic glasses. Guan Ming personally feels that this can be handled later.

However, the first three, how to make the updated product have at least one innovation, Guan Ming needs to think carefully.

Guan Ming had no confidence before because the product was very complete. Products as high as a few years ago are still full of science and technology today.

For a moment, Guan Ming transferred the top matching parts on the market and started to upgrade the hardware from the simplest place.

In the evening, Mu Xiaoxiao, who turned into Pikachu, was holding Mu's arm and said what she had heard today.

Did n’t tell the old lady about all three kinds of things that obviously hang, but complained to Guan Mum that Guan Ming did n’t play with her, did he lock the study door alone, did he do some uncommon things in it? .

Your uncle, have I locked it, let alone the door has not been locked, and my zipper has not been locked!

Seeing no one but also acting.

Your sister, is this my daughter-in-law!

Of course, Guan Ma also comforted Mu Xiaoxiao with a smile on the corner of her mouth, and sometimes turned her head to falsely reprimand Guan Ming in exchange for the coquettish performance of Mu Xiaoxiao's face.

"Isn't it just humiliating my face, I'll be fine, too!" Guan Ming couldn't help but utter a sigh. What's more, the two are more than eighty years old, and still playing a humiliating face game?

To be honest, is mental retardation contagious? It wasn't like that before you were old!

"You ah, ah ah, you have the ability to say this, why can't you come to me?" Holding Xiao Guan's arm, Mu Xiaoxiao provoked in RAP rhythm.

There is no need to consider whether or not to be beaten at night. After all, Mu Xiaoxiao is not sure whether there will be other acts of death between now and sleep, so now if you get the opportunity, you must bravely go, and the skin is beaten once. The skin is also beaten twice, so why not be skinned a few times?

She raised her eyebrows, and her mother nodded her feet. If this silly son dares to raise her, she will definitely kick her.

Daughter-in-law looks good, and I'm also embarrassed. It would be so uncomfortable if your fat house with one of the three big and three-faced Chinese characters is over. It's also a hot eye, let alone the psychological ability.

Eyelids bounced, Guan Ming picked up a melon-eating spectator lady just to slap his face, so that the young lady's tears were about to shed.

In the evening, Mu Xiaoxiao, who had been cleaned up, reported his recent thoughts with a grudge, mainly on the side of Guan Mengxi.

"Xin Hua Lu Fang" has now been released for five days, including the Studio + Internet box office, the first day of the box office is 73 million, the next day rose to 160 million, the third day 170 million, as of today, domestic box office five days Accumulated more than 792 million yuan, many people call it a miracle!

You need to know that "Xin Hua Lu Fang" is not the first stage of publicity, mainly because there is no time, and the second is the poor screening time, after all, Liuyi is not a special date.

Many relevant persons in the movie industry predict that the box office of "Heart Flower Road Fang" is expected to be around 2 billion, and this is still speculative on the current basis. If the previous publicity is in place and the schedule is adjusted, the highest of "Heart Flower Road Fang" will be Expected between 2.5 billion and 3 billion.

It is also such a gorgeous transcript. Guan Mengxi has also become the darling of media interviews. Mu Xiaoxiao and Guan Ming discussed about wanting to take her to a reporter interview this week. They had been invited before, but they were all in the name of 'going to school'. Pushed it.

Considering the shooting of the two subsequent TV series, Mu Xiaoxiao and Ma Qingyun both felt that Guan Mengxi needed a certain degree of exposure, and the content of the exposure was limited to the rich second generation. Of course, the questions raised by reporters must be prepared in advance and must be prepared by Mu Xiaoxiao and Ma Qingyun looked at each other, whoever disagreed, clicked it out directly. The subsequent draft must also be reviewed here before it is issued, otherwise they will not agree to the interview.

The crew of the film crew went to the publicity and interviewed in the first two days. I believe that as long as there is no bag in the head, there will be no press conference.

In addition to being young, the crew also leaked some content, such as which actors sponsored the luxury cars, luxury homes, and antiques.

"It's fine for you to watch this kind of thing. If the rhythm is up, you can control it. Anyway, I'm ready to make movies and TV shows with Xiao Xi anyway." Although I like big girls, I have always told this good. Now, she is in charge of her career, and Guan Ming doesn't want to be a broken person.

"It's too casual, but that's your favorite big girl, don't you even read the interview?" Mu Xiaoxiao said something, which was a vague reminder to remind him that there was a little girl.

"I'm assured that you will handle it." The hand holding the other's back was tight, Guan Ming said looking at the ceiling.

Light rain?

The ceiling in Guan Ming's eyes seemed to have a pair of dead fish eyes, like a stalker in the dark, watching the changes in the world.

So, who are you?

You know, I ’m even her now ...

Guan Ming's mood suddenly became complicated.

Mu Xiaoxiao, who was sticking his face to Guan Ming's pair A, did not see Guan Ming's tangled expression, and said to himself: "Haha, you really are an educator. I decided. I need to think about the problem. Then use the reporter's mouth to express my thoughts and ideas! "

"... Don't play big, just the whole family will have my undefeated gold body. Be careful when the identity is exposed later, everyone will talk about it." Guan Ming thought this product was just 'elf weird', but saw the news After reporting, I know that this guy has evolved into Leiqiu, or Leiqiu in the form of Alora, and the skin is heavenly!

"Hey, hey, no, believe me, my big husband is cute!" Lying on Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao waved his hand, in fact, full of feeling.

"It really is wisdom ... Hui, I also know what I am cute." Guan Ming couldn't help but say, if this spontaneous learning ability is used in learning, maybe Guan Ming wouldn't have to go to her to make up for her. Can go to Tsinghua University.

"桀桀 桀 ~" The dark smile also couldn't hide her pride and ... stupidity.

After all, as a woman of perfect stature, Mu Xiaoxiao belongs to a woman who comes with ‘flow’.

In the next few days, Guan Ming focused on the issue of product updates, examining the hardware updates on the market, referring to prices and production, and most importantly, how to add new features, which consumed more than just Guan Ming's energy.

The general idea of ​​the update of the holographic projection is already there. First of all, it is possible to reduce the volume of the holographic projection while improving the image quality and fluency. This aspect of hardware modification is not difficult.

The groundbreaking change is to completely break away from the embarrassing positioning of 'PC accessories'.

The previous holographic projection was more an external PC player, a mouse, and a keyboard.

Regardless of the production or transmission of content, it is necessary to go through the PC in the middle. Part of the upper limit of the use of all holographic projection is limited by the current PC. .

One of the most limited is the network transmission.

In this improvement, Guan Ming wants to make a holographic projection into a technology product that can be connected to a PC or work independently and connected to a network satellite. A total control center is set up on the network satellite to process the data, and then the results are returned to a single Holographic projection, in this way, can reduce the amount of calculation of holographic projection ~ ~ At the same time can make the holographic projection can only be used at home into an outdoor product.

Whether it's BBQ in the wild or fishing, this thing can be taken out for entertainment and learning, even if it is reduced, it cannot be reduced to a watch or a mobile phone.

And the control center on the network satellite is not to do it all. The national network satellite is opened for civilian use. Personally, the calculation of processing does not require additional purchase. After all, the network fee package already covers a certain amount of calculation. , The words of ordinary users are enough.

For enterprises, Guan Ming can provide a template for the control center, allowing them to build such a control center to handle the data packets uploaded by the user's holographic projection in order to speed up the processing of user applications.

Guan Ming is not going to collect corporate money, at least not now. After all, market expansion requires everyone to operate from the heart. However, the rental of network satellites requires money. Zhong Qiming also counts on this meal. .

Of course, it does n’t matter if the company does n’t rent it. Guanming will set up a general processing center. All users who do n’t have a dedicated server queue will be automatically assigned to Guanming to queue, but how long can it be returned for processing. The figures are uncertain.

Just like the 12306 of that year, either you endure the junk website created by this tens of millions of funds, or you stay up late to buy tickets offline, or you don't plan to go home and don't buy tickets.

However, Guanming ’s general processing center still collects network-wide data. It has big data functions and a certain monitoring behavior. After all, data is the thing, right, you have no reason to do it, at least Guanming will not be stupid. Say everything to the earth.

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