Private Technology

: 1098 He only loves mother!

Mu Xiaoxiao is a relatively pure person. She knows what is good and what is bad, but she lives only for others.

She knows that Guan Ming likes her and that Guan Ming has money, but she who knows she is not married knows more about her parents.

After the marriage, Mu Xiaoxiao was not alive for herself. She had parents, husband, children, and father-in-law. She also had a huge name: Mrs. Guan.

She goes, she goes for charity, she takes care of her mother's face, she stays at home, she tries to keep fit, she ...

Everything, she knew what it was for, and she knew what to cherish.

In the eyes of many people, this kind of life may be alive and tiring, or she may not be able to live 'self', but she is very willing, because she knows that she is never alone, she is not born noble, but she is It can affect many people and even to some extent, the country and the world.

Responsibility is a big word, so big that she can't bear too much, after all, she can't be the hope of the whole village, so she only wants to be a squirrel and live in a tree like Guan Ming , To avoid thunderstorms and windy days, but when you can do it, bounce off the leaf-eating green worms, and then start again and again, depending on the big tree, and finally buried in the tree hole.

Similarly, she is sometimes mischievous, she will jump twice on a tree branch, and then trembles and walks to the top of the tree, making a sound that is not loud.

At the general manager's office of Xiyu Entertainment, Mu Xiaoxiao told Guan Mengxi how to answer each question and what his expression looked like.

Guan Mengxi listened to his mother's explanation seriously, did he nod his head to indicate that he understood, his face was serious, as if he was accepting a state mission.

As for Ma Qingyun, she was bitterly aside, and she felt that her general manager career might be a bit difficult.

"Xiao Xiao, it's almost time, let Xiaoxi rest for a while." Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao was still in Barabara, Ma Qingyun couldn't help interrupting her, after all, the child was so young ...

"Okay, after that, the reporter took care of Sister Qingyun." Nodded and Mu Xiaoxiao didn't refute. She was good at listening to other people's opinions, and she also had her own idea. Now, it really is to let the little rest. rest.

When there is no Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao will be called Sister Qingyun, Mengmeng or whatever, and in turn, they will be called Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxi instead of the boss lady and young lady.

Guan Ming's existence seems to be a two-way brake knife, which controls the change of these people's titles.

"Relax, Xiaoxi doesn't need to worry about it. I also have a good job with reporters. To be honest, our company's location can explain a lot of things." Ma Qingyun was not worried that reporters would write blindly and sell dumplings. The Communist Youth League said that Guan Mengxi is all right. If you reporters dare to write in a mess, don't want to go to Ziguangge for a big meal in this life.

"That's right, I didn't expect to just find a place casually, but now it will become a foreshadowing, eh." Mu Xiaoxiao made an unclear meaning, and did not know whether it was meant to be **** or lucky. .

"Xiao Xi, it doesn't matter if you don't memorize it. You can read it with your manuscript." There is no comment on Mu Xiaoxiao's words. After all, the things involved in this are no longer a subordinate to be able to comment, regardless of the party being reviewed. Guan Ming or Mu Xiaoxiao.

"Aunt Qingyun, who I can carry, you can rest assured!" He shook his fist at Ma Qingyun, and Guan Mengxi made a cheering move.

"Xiao Xi is awesome, my mother will give you something to eat at noon ~" Glancing at the other person's little head with a smile, Mu Xiaoxiao seduced him.

The tenacious little face suddenly became bitter, Guan Mengxi looked at the other side, and said pitifully, "Mom, you haven't done well ..."

Ma Qingyun tried his best to control the muscles on his face, so as not to deform the smile at the end, and at the same time try to let his head be empty, not to remember Mu Xiaoxiao's awkward expression.

"Little ghost, be careful, let me let your dad hit you!" Mu Xiaoxiao opened his teeth and threatened him.

Guan Mengxi was not scared, but giggled and lay on the sofa with a giggle.

After half past ten, Ma Qingyun took Guan Mengxi's hand and went to the visit hall.

The interview hall is actually just a large room. On the back, a background board is used for propaganda. Then reporters poke forward with a recording pen. Compared with Guan Ming's press conference, this interview mode LO to explosion.

"Xiao Xi is still young, so I hope everyone will be more gentle and kind, so as not to scare her."

Looking at Ma Qingyun communicating with the reporters in front of her eyes, Guan Meng Xichao wanted to jump out and say that she was no longer young, but when she thought of her own mother, she thought it would be a good idea.

"Meng Xi, first ask a simple question, how old are you this year?"

"I'm 6 years old this year." Sitting on a chair, Guan Meng Ximeng looked at each other with adorableness.

The camera is taking photos on Titicaca, but Unity does not have a flash, maybe the final effect will be discounted, but there is no damage to the child's eyes.

"Meng Xi is really good." Xin Hua Lu Fang "should be the first movie you participated in. How do you feel? Why did you choose to make a movie? Is there anything happy when shooting?" A female reporter asked Road.

"It's funny. My mother told me to make me a star when I was a kid. My uncles and aunts took care of me when I was making a movie." Guan Mengxi carried his lines seriously.

"I heard that the mansions and antiques in the movie were provided by your family. Is this true?" After the two questions, they started to enter the topic.

"Yeah, my dad said that I made the movie for the first time. The effect is better. Grandma bought a lot of bottles before, and then my dad asked Aunt Qingyun to take it to the crew." For a while, Guan Mengxi again It was clasping his fingers and scratching his face. I didn't know if it was nervous or ADHD.

"Is it the rich second generation or the rich third generation?" A later reporter asked loudly.

"Uh ... what is the rich second generation?" Looking at the reporter with a little confusion, Guan Mengxi said he didn't understand the word.

"The rich second generation means your parents are rich, and the rich third generation means your parents are rich." The reporter in the front row quickly explained.

"Oh, but they're all rich ..." Flattered with grievances, and probably couldn't tell if they were rich for generations.

"Haha, Meng Xi, as far as I know, there doesn't seem to be any rich people in China at present. Meng Xi is your real name?"

"Yes, hee hee." Guan Mengxi responded with a smile.

"So can you tell us what your parents' names are? Maybe we still know each other."

In fact, this kind of problem is no longer a problem. Although there is no real hammer, the reporters here almost think that the little thing in front of them is Guan Ming's daughter.

Not to mention that this company is the relatively remote Guan Ming's doorstep in Shanghai. It can be inferred that only the wealthy school-age children of the country can figure out, because Guan Ming had already tweeted when the child was born.

But since Guan Ming doesn't take a stand here, everyone can only knock sideways and try to get a little bit more what the audience wants to see.

"No, my mother won't let me say it." Hearing reporters said that, Guan Mengxi quickly shook his head, but thought for a while and then said, "But Dad said that when I become famous in the future, he will stay with my mother In movies and TV shows. "

"It seems your mom and dad really like you ~ ~ They will leave their work and not do a movie with you!" Journalists are also a bit surprised. Compared with scientific research products that benefit humanity, even movies are No matter how much the topic is, it is a waste of scientists' time.

And this is not yet Hawking's performance in the "Big Bang", after all, Hawking's physical conditions are there, and the audience can't see it.

"Huh ~ Dad doesn't, he only loves mom!" Xiaorou patted the table, Guan Mengxi said with a look of anger: "Every time I eat, only my mother takes care of me and my brother and sister. My father only He will take care of his mother. He wants to accompany his mom to make a movie because her mother wants to make a movie! "

However, she may feel that it is not good to say this. She then said, "But Dad is not without merit. Grandma said that Dad is a smart slacker."

After thinking about it, Guan Mengxi nodded vigorously, saying that he was fine.

The venue laughed loudly, and the clever lazy man was a very interesting description.

However, it is more interesting to write. Celebrities come out to make movies, and they are still rich, and the effect will definitely be good.

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