Private Technology

: 1,099 brilliant achievements of famous people

Looking at the live broadcast provided by Double Star with great interest, Mu Xiaoxiao was looking forward to what the reporters would write.

No matter what kind of question or answer, what Mu Xiaoxiao hopes to do is not only to attract traffic to Guan Mengxi, but also to reduce the burden on Guan Ming.

The last time I watched anime in the video was actually an attempt to reduce the load, but that was too straightforward, the corners were a bit fierce, and passengers said that they could not stand the waist.

People's expectations for Guan Ming are very high, as high as the fans think that idols will not **** and fart. In the eyes of ordinary people, Guan Ming is the type of person who burns 42c and works 48 hours a day. People who can't eat rice.

But Mu Xiaoxiao knew that Guan Ming was not that kind of person, and his family didn't want him to be that kind of person.

Einstein's greatness is limited to science. If you understand deeply, you will have a sense of disillusionment, ruin the ex-wife who may become a top scientist, and roll his sheets with his wife and assistant in his old age. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Guan Ming will not become Einstein. Einstein's pursuit of technology is like Guan Ming's indulgence in Mu Xiaoxiao. The two happened to be upside down.

If Guan Ming is a swollen balloon at this moment, what Mu Xiaoxiao has to do is to deflate a little bit, so that the balloon will not fly into heaven, but always maintain the height.

As for the achievements, Guan Ming was doomed to immortality when he was written into the modern history textbook by other countries.

"How was the interview today?" Guan Ming asked casually, drinking sweet soup.

"It's all good. The press release can be obtained before three o'clock in the afternoon. The news will be available as soon as five o'clock." Mu Xiaoxiao wiped her mouth with satisfaction.

Sure enough, the food I made myself was fulfilled when I fed it, and the bitter faces of her daughters were ignored by her. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

No one knows by birth. Mu Xiaoxiao felt that she must have had such a experience when she was a child. Mu's mom can have today's cooking skills, and Mu Xiaoxiao must have contributed a lot in that year, although she didn't remember it.

"Oh, remember to remind me to watch it." Guan Ming is still looking forward to her first interview.

"Rest assured, you must print it out and collect it at that time, and take it out when Xiao Xi grows up or even die." Mu Xiaoxiao doesn't think Guan Meng Xi can be a star in his life in this family. In China, it may end after marriage, just don't know which calf can be cheaper in the future.

Thinking of this, glanced at Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help sighing, and she finally understood the feeling of Mu's mother.

You have taken away this calf, the flower and the flowerpot.

"Look at me, now?" Guan Ming, who could not understand his mind, sent the soup spoon with half a mouthful of sweet soup left. He wasn't sure if Mu Xiaoxiao was ignoring Guan Ming's mouthful of soup. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

"It's disgusting, okay!" Rolling a big white eye, Mu Xiaoxiao leaned aside disgustedly.

mmp, you have been sleeping for six or seven years. You think you have abandoned an egg.

But Guan Ming was embarrassed to tell this simple fact in front of his parents.

"I'm done, I'll go to work first." Gu Ruo Mu dull the remaining sweet soup, Guan Ming patted his **** and left.

For Guan Ming, the update of holographic projection has no so-called critical period, and it is not difficult if it is difficult. Whether it is hardware or software, with the assistance of dual stars, this is not difficult. The major energy-consuming task is how to expand the content side. Including the upper and lower performance limits of the device and the instruction manual of the supporting software.

Guan Ming does not make content, but he needs to be convenient for the content side to use.

The matching optimization of software and hardware is definitely not a simple one-word sentence for Double Star to make immediately. When Guan Ming asks a question, he also needs to give directions, otherwise, even if there are n hundred network satellites in Double Star Come. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

"Holographic projection 2.o? Will the name be a bit o?" Throwing some stiff fingers, Guan Ming muttered.

The previous products were named after functions. For example, mobile phones, computers, and washing machines are exclusive markets, so users have no resistance to this naming. Unless there are similar products in the future, then Durex will be separated. some type of.

"The boss may be very talented in the name." Shuang Xing said gently.

"... Pull it down. Whatever travels, I won't mention it to the Great Wall!" Guan Ming said for a moment, then gritted his teeth.

The so-called 'love travel' is the name given by Mu Xiaoxiao to her self-driving electric vehicle that participated in the research and design of the vehicle model. The name of the car model can be intervened or not intervened, although the contract was not written and the regulations could not be handled. But the problem is that this name is too much. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Travelling lying down was fine, but Guan Ming couldn't get over that hurdle!

Even looking forward, the children who grow up will be grateful for the names that control fullness, money, and your hunger!

"In the industry in recent years, research on ar and other technologies has progressed rapidly, and patent applications should now be initiated." Shuangxing turned the topic and talked about new technologies.

"Well, you stare at this part. The materials are prepared in advance. Once the other party's patent overlaps with us, you must rush to apply in front of the other party. The time is between half a month and one month. com ~ patents have a protection period. If you want to extend a patent, you need to postpone the application. After all, only a few countries in the world implement the principle of foresight.

The success of Guan Ming's products represents that the ultimate purpose can be achieved, and at the same time, a road is blocked. This is a golden pavement. He does not want to make a wedding dress for others.

"Good boss." Shuangxing didn't think it was difficult.

It ’s not the past, even if it ’s all handwritten in the early stage, but it still has to be uploaded to the computer and printed out at the end. There is a lot of room for the control of the Double Star, even if it is ok one second ahead of the other party, but this is too aggressive. After all, there are not many coincidences in this world.

My fingers were a little numb, and the idiot was not in front of me. Guan Ming continued to shake hands and chat: "Remember to remind me after Xiao Xi's draft, and then control the negative comments that may appear on the Internet."

The appearance of Guan Mengxi is definitely a cake for others. Although there is currently no person in the industry going to control Guan Mengxi, it is because I am not sure who is standing behind Guan Mengxi, and I do n’t know if Guan Mengxi is playing. Leave with one vote.

"Good boss, in fact, many media drafts have already been formed. Do I need to transfer them?" It is clear that Guan Ming likes this big girl, and Shuangxing must have been paying attention to it and assessing the pros and cons of each draft.

"Let's ... forget it, since Xiaoxiao said he wanted to see it with me, then I'll see it again." I wanted to peep around, but finally stopped.

Guan Ming, like an old bear roasting corn, is looking forward to it.

ps: It ’s terrifying. Friends went out for a drink together. I never expected that the bottle of beer was so powerful. I guess I must be drinking fake wine!

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