Private Technology

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"Xiao Xi, you little punk, didn't you say you can't disturb Dad's work!" Without waiting for Guan Ming to take his time, Mu Xiaoxiao rushed in like a small whirlwind and lifted Guan Mengxi, who had just hugged his younger sister.

With one hand, he grabbed the clothes on the back and lifted them, the one with the sisters in one hand!

If the unicorn arm has a level, Mu Xiaoxiao must be full.

If the daughter-in-law's strong arms are happy, Guan Ming must be the happiest person in the world.

"Hmm ~ Dad is a jerk. Dad only plays with my sister without me!" Hanging in the sky like a propeller on the back, Guan Mengxi grabbed his sister and tried to resist Newton's force.

It's a pity that even if you do n’t point your body, you ca n’t fix your sister for a long time even if you add hands and feet, you have to helplessly release your sister and let her sink to the bottom like jack, oh no, it fell on the sofa.

Unhappy Guan Mengxi looked up, but he could only see his mother's big breasts, and a small hand attacked, scratching Mu Xiaoxiao's itchy meat.

Using the other hand to fix the small dot in his arms, Mu Xiaoxiao used his forehead to forehead and use the electro-optic poison dragon drill that had been lost for a long time.

As if rushing to the ground, the small whirlwind took the big girl again and hurried away, leaving a somewhat aggressive Guan Ming.

"I only play with you without Xiao Xi?" After a while, Guan Ming laughed and shook his head, as if laughing at something.

My baby, do you know that your sister is actually older than you, and that she is several decades older?

"It's not important. This drug is mainly intended to make people at the peak of the body. Let's put it this way, this drug is to let people who have already passed the physiological peak to return to the peak, and let those who have not reached the peak during the growth process. I can use my limits more effectively and completely. This limit is only physical development, not IQ or something. "Guan Mengyu didn't want to talk about his father's love for himself.

To be honest, she also knows what the ghost father is, especially her idiot old lady who is okay and still loves a wonderful character.

If it were possible, she didn't want to talk about her father's love with her dad, and talk about the affection of her sisters or the filial piety of mothers and daughters.

"In terms of physical development ... This medicine still has Xiao Xi's part?" Guan Ming, the old driver, suddenly remembered the good fortune of Gao Liang in Lucky Star.

Don't ask Guan Ming why he knows this role, because Mu Xiaoxiao has been the official 16-year-old cos at 26 years old, but it looks like she is only 10 years old.

"Sister is only incidental, but since there is a possibility of the drug, I also try more in this area, it is best not to look forward to it too much." Seeing his own dad looked strange, Guan Mengyu was also vigilant.

In case, if his own dad is a bad person, how to counter him?

It's time to develop a drug defense ...

"Just do your best, mainly your mother, Xiao Xi is still early." Guan Ming shook his head and said, after all, he didn't have any wretched thoughts in his heart.

It's not that Guan Ming doesn't think about his girlfriend, but the current housekeeper, not to mention that Guan Mengxi is well developed, even if he is not well developed, the person who begs him is breaking the threshold.

Besides, the father can't tell the little girl what the big girl's body is, let alone the little girl, such words are not good to speak with Mu Xiaoxiao.

"How is the progress of the human experiment in this period? When will it enter the next stage?" Guan Ming did not want to continue on this awkward topic, and made the topic straight.

"Based on the feedback of the current data, if there is no accident, the next stage of human experiment will be carried out in one week or two weeks. The specific plan is to take different proportions of drugs in the same group, floating up and down based on the current dose, and finally Observe the external and internal manifestations of the body, and mainly observe the telomeres, active telomerase, and the probability of canceration. "Although Guan Mengyu despised Guan Ming from day to night, she knew her daughter-in-law, but she was relieved, at least better than the whole God only knows that the girl is too strong.

"I remember it should be a group of 5 and a group of 10 people. This number is not enough. The number will increase in the next period. I will say hello to Meng Liting. The number will increase to 5 ... 1000 people. Will authorize Double Star to fully cooperate with your experiment, but one thing you have to pay attention to is that I can tolerate everything you do, but only if you do n’t harm your family, understand? ”Guan Ming did n’t care about the 10-fold increase in costs, he even more What concerns him is his family, even if he is still a lack of money.

Guan Mengyu looked at Guan Ming in surprise. She didn't expect Guan Ming to give her such a big authorization. "Rest assured, she is your wife and my mother-in-law."

Did not say anything touching, because it is not needed at all, and it does not mean anything to Guan Mengyu.

Just as Guan Ming cherishes his family, as the ‘come’ who was killed by his parents ’early death, Guan Mengyu cherishes the existence of his family.

"By the way, the words of 1,000 people are unlikely, because the total number of human volunteers in Shanghai may not be so much, let alone determine the gender and age." Jumping off the sofa, Guan Mengyu slipped up and down. Ready to go out.

"It's up to you. How to deal with it is your business. Don't worry about the money." Guan Ming was afraid that the goods would not be willing to spend money, and quickly asked.

"I see ~" He waved his hands behind Guan Ming and went out.

"This guy doesn't make a fool!" After muttering, Guan Ming couldn't help but pat his knee.

Forever youth and eternal life, this is really ...

One night, Guan Ming didn't do serious work, just pondered what Guan Mengyu said.

Let the double star retrieve all the experimental data and information backed up by Guan Mengyu. According to the double star judgment, the source of knowledge of Guan Mengyu on telomerase was never obtained in this life, and the great probability was accumulated in the previous life. Even the experiments on telomerase are more about observing the structure and activity, etc. It is speculated that ~ ~ should be used for data comparison.

Take the telomerase of this life and the world to compare the telomerase of the previous life and the last world to see the difference.

At night, Guan Ming, who was lying in the quilt, looked at the idiot who was just out of the bath, and drew his head and said, "Xiao Xiao, what would you say if Xiao Xi grows your big breast now?"

The towel that was rubbing his head fell off, and Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Guan Ming with a stupid look, totally unaware that the goods could ask such a question.

"You bastard! That's your girl, she's only 6 years old!" A tiger fluttered, Mu Xiaoxiao rose with a blush and roared at Guan Ming, riding on Guan Ming with his hands on Guan Ming's neck, But it didn't work hard.

Judging from the posture, it should be giving him a chance to argue.

"No ... I mean, what if Xiaoxi had this situation! No other thoughts!" Guan Ming quickly explained, struggling twice, and gave the goods to his arms.

If this drug is really successful, the growth of Meng Xi's body will definitely increase. To what extent the growth rate is unclear, but Guan Mingqing's physical development is stronger than that of the previous generation. a lot of.

Through data comparison, the average height of Asians is constantly rising. At the same age, the generation of Guan Ming is higher than the generation of Guan Da.

So in theory, the average cup is also floating upwards, and referring to Guan Ming's cell optimization, this child is really 'future in the future'!

"If there is a fart, I can warn you, that's your girl!" Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Guan Ming improperly, carefully observed his micro-expression, and moved his hand down, grabbing his handle first, and then said.

Eyelids bounced, Guan Ming always felt that the IQ of this product was not good, and this is not going on the right path!

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