Private Technology

: 1,106 Reasons to be valued

"Mr. Sun, please sit down." Shake hands with the man in front of the glasses, Guan Ming reached out and invited the other person to sit down.

Of course, Mr. Sun here is not Mr. Sun Yat-sen, but Sun Wubin, a director of Huawei. Mr. Sun obtained a master's degree in automation control from Southeast University in 1990. He joined Huawei's R & D department in 91. Among the chip companies co-founded by Guan Daddy and several third parties, as the representative of Huawei, he is the president of the company, responsible for the external and internal business of the company, and regularly reports to the board of directors.

Guan Ming is valued by the above, but this emphasis has long exceeded a certain range, because Guan Ming actively throws away too much technology, and more than 80% of domestic electronic products can see Guan Ming The shadow is as much as the overall acceleration of the overall development of the country's science and technology.

There are three reasons for throwing it out. The first point is to consider the life span of the person. Guan Ming does not want to wait until he dies, and the company may be dismembered. Instead of raising a behemoth, it is better to separate and raise countless little monsters. , Diversify risk.

The second point is that the world cannot afford such a beast.

The last point is that Guan Dao hopes that Guan Ming can leave something for the housekeeper, on the premise of planning future technology.

Finally, a family trust company was formed in the name of Guan Daddy. All the technology thrown out will re-establish a new company with the best in the domestic industry, or use technology to exchange shares for other companies. This is the wealth of the family trust. source.

Chip technology, coating technology, integrated circuit technology, micro-sensor technology, radar technology, nano-metal material technology, amorphous alloy technology, optical fiber technology, etc.

The industry chain formed by the companies in which the steward's trust company currently participates has covered 80% of the high-tech civilian market, and even the military market has a large coverage.

This is why Guan Daddy always goes out and even spends money in Macau.

It ’s not that the mother does n’t care, but the mother knows that there is more than just a relationship, but there are some commercial things, although in the eyes of the mother, the father does n’t know anything.

As for why Guan Ming didn't count this trust company when he calculated the money, it was because Guan Ming felt that neither his generation nor his father's generation needed to take money out of it, because once they took it, they might stay There will be less for future generations, and at the same time, there is no guarantee that future generations can fight for themselves like Guan Ming.

"I was temporarily notified last night. I didn't expect that President Guan was going to zoom in again." After sitting down, Sun Wubin said with a smile.

After being notified by Liu Mengmeng last night, Sun Wubin immediately communicated with Huawei, mainly discussing the content conveyed by Guan Ming.

Although the mobile phone business is Huawei's profit point, Huawei's important profit point is not on the mobile phone. Although the short-term communication last night did not get agreed opinions, the mainstream voice inside Huawei is not in favor of changing to the content side, they prefer Can get more critical orders, such as chips, switches, terminal routers and so on.

"It's not a big move. I haven't updated the hardware for a long time. If it isn't updated, it is estimated that the market will throw me away." Guan Ming joked, in fact, when the artificial island project came out, most people felt that Guan Ming may face financial pressure.

Facts have proven that Guan Ming is really under pressure, and he turned this pressure into power and directly updated the hardware.

"How can the market abandon you? You must know that every time Guan Guan's products can make people shine, and even open up a new market." Sun Wubin took a sip of tea, and his expression was still a little bit overwhelming.

Without thinking too much about the other party's meaning, Guan Mingkuai quickly said, "Tomorrow I will officially release the news to the public about the second-generation holographic projection. I personally am not sure what new research and development I can have in the next few decades, but Judging from the current market situation, I hope that powerful companies can do the content side and further develop the hardware performance. If possible, I hope that Mr. Sun can persuade Huawei. After all, if the content side is ready, In that case, the gains don't have to be poor hardware. "

What Huawei does is hardware, but also a platform. It is a competitor with Guan Ming.

The mobile phone industry is now a part of the country, and it is not just a matter of input and output. It is more because of the sharp performance of electronic glasses.

Foreign users are not deeply impressed. As the nest of Guan Mingshen in the country, the Chinese are eager to update the electronic glasses. I ca n’t wait to use the electronic glasses to make phone calls. What kind of touch screen and 6-inch mobile phones are thrown away? open.

This is also the case. Guan Ming hopes that when domestic mobile phone makers can still survive, they will try their best to invest funds in a place that does not conflict with Guan Ming and achieve a win-win situation instead of being eliminated by the market.

"I mentioned this on Huawei's board of directors, but internally, the content side's experience and manpower are not enough, and it may take some time to adjust." Sun Wubin refused to refuse, and could not tell Guan Ming that Huawei internally felt that Obviously it is impossible to update all of Huawei's main businesses. This is too offensive.

"It's such a pity." Shaking his head, Guan Ming sighed. Why didn't he know what the other party meant, but the problem was that Guan Ming had already seen the south wall of a company like Huawei in front of her. Com ~ products from civilian to military, from finished products to parts, Guan Ming will definitely be involved in the future, he cannot possibly give up a certain technological industry innovation because of some large domestic enterprises.

"I didn't receive the R & D plan of Guan Zong before. I don't know how the new products of Guan Zong require the chips. Hualong K1050 chip is the latest chip product of the company at present, and its function is better than all chips on the market. I also hope that President Guan will support our company. "Although Sun Wubin was smiling, he felt that Huawei's thinking was a bit cliché.

Not to mention, it is not difficult to set up a content creation department for the sake of managing this person, why bother?

If you really offend Guan Ming, that's not something a department can do.

However, Guan Ming didn't have such a small belly, or he didn't care so much. "The latest holographic projection is based on 1050. You don't have to worry about it, but that's the case, but the price is not too harsh. I want to quickly cover all markets with this holographic projection, and I do n’t want problems, whether it is price or production. "

"This way, then I will go back to find Meng Meng to have a meal and talk about things in this regard." After hearing him say this, Sun Wubin nodded.

R & D chips and production chips are two concepts. The most obvious sign is that the chip company led by Sun Wubin is a R & D company, and the profit point is divided into, patented, and authorized.

The so-called President Meng is the president of a family trust led by Guan Daddy and a chip manufacturer to form a new company president responsible for the production of chips.

As a prerequisite for technology shares, that is, product priority supply management.

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