Private Technology

: 1,114 soon to start

Genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Acupoint Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! When people are busy, they will become more and more busy. A considerable number of people are in the elite class, so busy people will be more busy. Of course, some people are getting busier and poorer, and getting poorer and busier.

Guan Ming felt that he was not a member of any class. He had been so busy at home before death. As a result, after the artificial island was planned, he could become a shit. This should be a model for asking for trouble.

I knew it would be so busy. It was better to honestly choose a coastal poor area to help the poor, and then build an amusement park. It would definitely save a lot of things.

"Mr. Guan, this land has been completely demolished. What are you going to do with the subsequent land remodeling?" The Shanghai city boss's secretary lowered the speed and asked.

Demolition in China is always a difficult task, especially if this land belongs to the Shanghai Stock Exchange. It is foreseeable that ten to twenty years later, this area will definitely be developed and belong to a hot land.

Now, the people stationed here did not wait for the arrival of the hot land, they were demolished first, but the price is reasonable, after all, the demolition fee is only a small number for Guan Ming.

How many trillions of investment can be removed?

"This part of the river relocation needs to be planned. In the early stage, I need a special soil transportation point. After that, I will build a sewage treatment plant, which includes some robots and other vehicles. If I drive at night, I hope the relevant departments will have more. Take care. "

It is not to say that it is overloaded, but that it is hoped that the relevant departments will raise their hands when they detect the unmanned large trucks. Don't see them one by one in the middle of the night.

As for the **** point, this is because Guan Ming is going to dig a big pit, and the extra rock and dirt must always be thrown somewhere.

"This is certain, Mr. Guan is just assured. We will say hello in advance." The little secretary nodded and responded. He clearly knew that Guan Ming had a robot that could be used on a daily basis, and at the same time, he had outstanding contributions in driverless driving. Naturally, you can understand the meaning of Guan Ming.

Seeing that Guan Ming didn't mean to speak anymore, the little secretary said, "Mr. Guan, regarding the future security of the factory, do you need me to introduce you?"

In recent years, even the community has a gatekeeper, not to mention a factory.

"No, usually, there will be no people in this factory. It is fully automated. However, in order to prevent leaks, if there is a drone or other aerial photography in the future, I may call it down. I need to tell you about this in advance. "Thinking for a while, Guan Ming thinks it's better to have a wave of early warning.

Although the artificial island is constructed in sections, each section will reserve a space for the weapon system, and then the whole assembly will be carried out at sea before the weapon installation.

But a lot of things, experts just need to look at it, and probably understand what is going on, otherwise there won't be so many spies going to take pictures.

It is foreseeable that this factory will definitely become one of the places for spies to visit in the future.

"No problem. In fact, we have organized an official security force to control the surroundings of the factory based on the situation of the police station. If the factory is usually empty, management on our side is relatively easy, because we do n’t have to pay attention to The faces are familiar. "The little secretary was indifferent.

According to his ideas, this factory will have three lines of defense, the outermost being the police station, the middle is the factory security, and the innermost is the Guanming robot.

As a result, Guan Ming removed the middle one, which not only increased the outermost pressure, but also increased the outermost patrol area.

More importantly, this factory is in charge of its own!

"Thank you so much." Guan Ming nodded, somewhat perfunctoryly.

There is no way, in Guan Ming's view, as long as it is a person, there will be loopholes. Instead of pinning security on links where there may be leaks, it is better to let the double star.

Compared with the defense forces, Guan Ming feels that these uncles usually have more missions to welcome them, just like the security personnel of Guan Ming company, just the security of the situation.

This is not a military base, and Uncle Tsang is not an elder brother. The area is so large that it is certain to be approached by outsiders.

Later, the little secretary drove Guan Ming around the land and drove Guan Ming home.

Without disturbing his son-in-law, Guan Ming turned into the study after a turn.

"Double Star, how are the robots in reserve?" After speaking, Guan Ming took off his shirt and sat on the chair naked.

After determining the production and assembly methods of artificial islands, Guan Ming asked Double Star to manufacture various engineering robots for the early assembly of artificial islands, including functions such as land leveling, excavation, and subsequent equipment assembly and transportation. Seen as a robot, there is something like Optimus's truck mode, which is only optimized and improved in structure.

"At present, there are 117 engineering robots offline, and 83 are in production, but the 50 site robots that are preferentially manufactured can start work." Shuangxing instant feedback.

In Guan Ming's vision, the main part of the assembly plant is underground and an artificial island 300 meters underwater. If it is assembled on the ground, the height is at least 270 meters. What a joke.

Not to mention the issue of confidentiality. At 270 meters, installation is a troublesome task. It is better to dig a large pit, and then remodel the walls in it.

"Well, hurry up the project over there. Before you build the assembly plant, get the sewage treatment plant and power supply ~ ~. Remember to relocate the river to another place, taking care not to affect the surrounding ecology as much as possible."

"Good boss."

After thinking about it, Guan Ming called up the assembly plant that had been designed a long time and looked again to avoid errors.

On the other side, the little secretary reported all the previous ones and hesitated a moment and said, "Boss, Guan Ming doesn't feel much about security. Robot protection is definitely no problem, but many things have accidents. Did you persuade him to get him some security or something? "

No way, in the eyes of the little secretary, the robot runs according to the internally set logic.

Now that technology is so developed, there should n’t be too many pinhole cameras. Even if the robot can scan all technology products and even confiscate the mobile phone, you ca n’t erase the memory of people.

If you really run into a spy, you'll be fine if you get caught, but if you get lost, or if you're just a curious citizen, it's easy to catch, but letting people go is a hassle.

"It's okay, the small management is still very secure." He waved and the boss didn't explain in detail. After all, this little secretary is not a human brain chip user, and artificial intelligence in China has a very high degree of confidentiality.

The big guy knows that Guan Ming has artificial intelligence, referring to the artificial intelligence currently being used in the country. The above agreed that Guan Ming is absolutely leading in the field of artificial intelligence.

Regarding how to judge whether it is fun or true spy, the country ’s artificial intelligence has handed over the perfect answer sheet, so the above agreed that there is no problem in handing security to artificial intelligence under Guan Ming. As Guan Ming thinks, the one next to the factory Uncle Tiezi, the main task is really welcome.

At present, the only thing that worries me is whether Guan Ming's supercomputing can support such a large amount of data analysis.

After all, there are some things that only Guan Ming knows.

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