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There is no stop on the work side, and there is no stop on the side of Mu Xiaoxiao.

After hey at night, Mu Xiaoxiao had a rosy face on her face, looked at Guan Ming with watery eyes, and her voice was a bit sweet: "Nana, classmate Mingming, when will you let the sister go to the cast of" Langxiebang " . "

I know that my husband likes big daughters the most. Last time Xiaoxi went to film, the fat man sighed and sighed something bad as soon as the sage time came tonight.

What kind of scenes are there for the conditions at home?

It looks so wasteful in the entertainment industry.

MMP, originally said that everyone is responsible for one!

You bring me the younger, I didn't say anything, but the big one always has a little say!

"Are we going to film again? I remember it's time to kill the youth, or else forget it."

As Mu Xiaoxiao thought, when she heard that the big girl was going to make a movie, her husband quickly regretted it.

You know, Guan Ming was the one who selected Lang Lang.

"Qingyun has already negotiated with that, and the director is still waiting, just a few days," Lang Xie Bang "is a costume drama, there are not many children's plays." The big hand clinging to his belly, Mu Xiaoxiao has a stance of "If you don't promise me, I won't let you play".

"Magic changes hurt the original ~" Guan Mingyan said insincerely.

"What hurt the original book, we didn't give money!" Mu Xiaoxiao said bluntly, as if it was a normal routine to give money to the other party.

"But ..." The thought of one of the twin girls in the family not being at home, Guan Ming felt that the house would be deserted a lot.

"If you don't agree, be careful I will take you to the restaurant for dinner tomorrow morning, the princess hugs!" The threat seemed to make a double gesture at Guan Ming.

Guan Mingnao made up the scene of being held by a beautiful princess with a good figure, a little hot eyes ...

"... Is it because I'm stuck with money or why?" Guan Ming thought for a moment and asked.

The specific contact with the crew was performed by Mu Xiaoxiao and Ma Qingyun. In the costume drama, villas and luxury cars are definitely not used. In the case of antiques, they only add details.

what? Afraid of being held by a princess?

Based on Guan Ming's face and weight, he absolutely did not admit that he would be threatened!

"No, it's a review and a later period for us to do. After Xiao Xi's interview came out, many people in the circle knew that Xiao Xi was our girlfriend." In her opinion, this is okay. The difficulty of the second crew is much smaller than last time, and it also saves a lot of money. After all, what she can see is that the villa in Zhangjiajie was built and demolished, but she can't see the electricity costs and delays caused by the double star operation Value from other work.

Looking at the smiling daughter-in-law, Guan Ming thought that it should be a reporter who had a bad tone at the time, but considering that Guan Ming had not yet expressed his attitude, even if the news leaked out, it could be controlled to a certain extent.

Furthermore, Guan Ming was not prepared to conceal his death at first. What kind of drama of Long Ao's face? Guan Ming didn't want the child to experience it.

If you can move forward smoothly and smoothly, why should you take a bumpy road?

The entertainment industry is so dark, isn't it bad for children to look at the bright picture?

"It's okay, but how many days will it take for Xiaoxi?" After thinking about it, Guan Ming is not trustworthy. It doesn't matter on his own side, but the child's reputation is still very important.

"Hey, there aren't many dramas, just three or five days. Qingyun will go with you at that time, just rest assured." He reached out and looked at Guan Ming's big fat face, smiling, Mu Xiaoxiao ran away. The bathroom was washed away.

Scratching his belly, Guan Ming pondered for a while, and then went to wash it.

Regarding the younger sister's going out to film, Guan Mengyu was also happy with a little depression. If the younger sister usually does not like to play with herself, she should like her better.

"Mr. Oda, I'm bothering you over there." Shaking hands with this beautiful female teacher, Guan Ming said.

Tian Qiantong has also become accustomed to such things as 'Oda'. She may have been in contact with children for a long time. She is more gentle than initially, and Mu Xiaoxiao, who only knows to be skinned with children, is in two directions. It seems that smelly flowers have two evolutionary routes: overlord flowers and mermaids.

"Guan is relieved. I will handle the homework on Xiao Xi's side. If it is a little rainy, it will be more troublesome for you."

Normally, Tian Qiantong does not need to follow Guan Mengxi, but Guan Ming said that these days he can take Guan Mengyu for more professional training, and hope Tian Qiantong follows Guan Mengxi to take care of her education.

In this regard, Tian Qiantong could not find any reason to refute.

After installing the human brain chip, Tian Qiantong naturally understood Guan Ming's achievements and contributions in the scientific field.

Perhaps in the study, Tian Qiantong, a human brain chip user, has confidence and Guan Ming, but in the invention and creation, they are still in awe of Guan Ming.

He smiled and nodded, Guan Ming said nothing.

"Bye, I'll be back soon ~" Guan Mengxi waved at everyone, carrying a small schoolbag, and slammed out.

Twisting the enchanting fat buttocks, Rhubarb followed Xiao Xi and got on the car. Soon, the team drove away.

"Today I took Xiaoyu to the company for experiments." Guan Ming greeted the family members who had not yet entered the house, and then left with a small point.

"Come back early ~ I'll wait for you to eat at noon ~" Mu Xiaoxiao shouted at the gate of the house.

The Shanghai market is about to enter the rainy days. The weather is muggy and the air humidity is relatively high these days. Guan Ming, who has not walked for a long time, decides to walk to the company, while Guan Mengyu sits next to him on a toy car.

Today, I went to the company with Guan Mengyu to watch the experimental progress of telomere drugs. It was not Guan Ming who wanted to see it, but Guan Mengyu's invitation.

"Has already entered the second phase of human experiments?" Guan Ming asked casually.

The first and second phases here are different from the first and second phases of clinical drugs in the broad sense. Similarly, so-called human experiments are also normal, and volunteers are aware of the pros and cons, not immoral human experiments.

"There aren't many local people willing to experiment in the Shanghai election." In order to cooperate with Guan Ming, the four toy carts stretched out while supporting the body to Guan Ming's waist while sitting inside. Guan Mengyu is probably at Guan Ming's chest, so he doesn't have to speak too loudly, and both parties can hear it.

"We need to be more prepared in terms of safety. If there is an adverse phenomenon, we must detect it early and treat it early." Guan Ming instructed him to avoid being sprayed later.

"There is no problem in security, physical examinations are performed every day, but ..." Hesitated for a moment, Guan Mengyu said.

"But what? Someone has a problem?" A subconscious frown, safe and trivial, if the person has cancer or something, that's not a small problem.

"No, through the physical examination, I found that a considerable number of people may not keep a secret. In the last week, I found a pinhole on a volunteer. She said that she was accidentally stuck at home, but this This is already the second case. The first case is another volunteer. The most terrible thing is that these two needle eyes are stuck on the meridians. Obviously, blood samples are taken, while those like hair, nails and saliva are not. Clear, and at the same time I am not sure if there are any leaks of experimental content on the head of the population. "Guan Mengyu's expression was a bit heavy.

In this human experiment, all the volunteers' food, clothing, and transportation are the project team, that is, Guan Ming is in charge. All people can go out and play for half a day every week, but the location is limited to the local Shanghai Stock Exchange. At the same time, they must come back to agree to arrange food and drink .

However, for half a day, the same situation occurred for two weeks in a row, and Guan Yu, a 'quiet and troubled', felt that someone must be dealing with her.

Therefore, she took the opportunity to ask for leave and invited Guan Ming to go to the project team to view it.

Knowing her father's energy, Guan Mengyu will not let it go. Before she grows up, she still needs Guan Ming to shield her from the wind and rain.

It's as if Guan Ming infinitely expects that when she grows up, she can shelter the housekeeper from the wind and rain.

"Blood sample? How old are those two people, do they have anything in common?" Guan Ming stepped back, immediately thinking of the above.

Those who can enter the management company, whether they are employees or other people, will definitely go through a political review. Of course, the political review is only secretly checked. If there is a problem, the peripheral school security will refuse to release it and report it to Zhou Wu at the same time. Zhou Wu judged whether to inform Guan Ming.

And this political review is effective for a long time. In other words, people involved in Guanming Company will be monitored as soon as they leave the school gate.

From the perspective of Guan Ming, the extraction of blood samples is likely to be performed above. After all, from the perspective of effects, there is definitely a need for this.

"A 57-year-old and a 63-year-old, both of whom have had teeth rebirth and white hair turned black. Both had received high school education in their early years, and the factory closed after work. From a family economic perspective ~ ~ The families where people live are somewhat poor, which may be the reason for their old thinking, so they came here as volunteers to carry out drug tests and wanted to make some money to subsidize the family. "Guan Mengyu said without any confusion.

At the age of 60, it should be the generation of Guan Dad. During this period, Guan Ming did not want to elaborate, but considering the age division, Guan Ming also had a decision in his heart.

If it is the person above, can human experiment volunteers find it faster?

As for the confidentiality of the drug, Guan Ming didn't care, because biochemistry and physics are different, and the same manufacturing process is also an inevitable point.

The most important thing is that Guan Ming doesn't think the above will hit a scientist because of a product.

Because engraving only represents the present, innovation is the point of sustainable development, especially for such things that can affect ‘life’. Under the conditions, everyone will choose the best product.

In simpler terms, that is to support originality.

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