Private Technology

: 1,116 Hidden dangers and solutions

"I will investigate this part later. The question should not be too big." Although Guan Ming had an answer in his mind, he would not be 100% sure until the end.

"Well, safety is the most important thing. There is no possibility of leakage of the drug, but the experimental content and experimental results will be for many people ... Can't wait. If you can't handle it, I can provide some in time. Experimental data. "Gong Guanming glanced, Guan Mengyu thought about it and said.

Guan Mingzhi advises, as everyone knows, now he just gives such an answer after thinking about it, presumably he knows it, at least in the view of Guan Mengyu, Guan Ming is so indifferent that everything is not going well, at least Neutral, does not develop towards the worst point.

So, the probability is high?

After a bit of recollection, Guan Mengyu also confirmed this speculation. After all, the country has developed rapidly in recent years, and from the perspective of the number of monitoring equipment in public areas, it is also the top in the world. You can contact volunteers without being detected. You can even contact different people for two weeks to counteract it, and keep them silent after success.

"Oh ~ You look down on your father and me too much, I won't be able to carry it?" Guan Ming sneered.

Actually belittled by my own girl, so angry!

In your mind, am I just an insult?


Laozi's counseling, you can't even imagine!

Can't carry it? how come!

The premise of not being able to carry it is that you have to carry it!

Come here and see where Lao Tzu's body shows ‘will carry’? I turned back and immediately changed!

"Ha ha ~" A glance at Guan Ming squinted, Guan Meng Yupi smiled fleshly.

Hearing this ridiculous smile, Guan Ming really wanted to flatten her.

The villa is not far from the company, it's only a ten minute walk.

During the human brain chip human experiment, the company had an underground expansion. After the human brain chip experiment is completed, the expanded part will not be buried, of course, but the expanded part after the third floor is not the same as the second floor. Used, but closed, after all, the previous three underground floors have been able to meet Guan Ming's needs.

Today, this enclosed space has become the venue for Guan Mengyu's human experiments.

Unlike the previous human brain chip, the head of this human experiment was Meng Liting, who was assisted by the company's security personnel.

"Boss, Miss Er." Meng Liting came to say hello in a white coat when she saw Guan Ming and Guan Mengyu.

The long hair flutters, thinner than in the impression, and people look a lot more daring. If you put on your glasses again, you have the feeling of being a beautiful class teacher.

"Well, Xiaoyu and I came over to see what's going on?" Guan Ming asked openly.

From the outsiders' perspective, the drug human experiment was led by Guan Ming and watched by Meng Mengyu. The management headed by Meng Liting was jointly responsible, but in fact Guan Ming was just a gimmick, and it was Guan Mengyu who really controlled the progress.

However, because Guan Ming didn't fully authorize Guan Mengyu before, all major resolutions were actually that Guan Mengyu first notified Guan Ming and obtained his permission, and then Double Star would order Meng Liting in the name of Guan Ming.

"The first phase of the experiment is progressing well. There are no adverse reactions. From the performance of the experimenter, under the same measurement, the younger people perform better than the older ones, but from the external performance point of view, the elderly have changed more. It's more obvious than young people. "While talking, Meng Liting led the way.

"After all, young people are closest to the peak of their bodies. Whether they have not yet reached or have passed, everyone's goals are the same." Guan Ming can understand the other party's meaning.

A water tank, whether it is not filled or evaporated after being filled, uses less water than an empty water tank filled with water, but 0 to 1 and 1 to 9 are two concepts. The former is a qualitative change. The latter is quantitative change.

"It ’s true that the current experiment will last for three weeks as planned, and the second phase of the experiment will be started. The current target of the first phase of the experiment has been completed. According to the previous schedule, we have initially determined that your drug has actual effects and effects. It's very obvious! "In the temporary office, Meng Liting looked serious with a little excitement, because in some ways, this drug is a panacea, and her family members are type 1 diabetes patients.

As a stem cell of 'universal cells', telomeres have given it a stronger application prospect. There is nothing that stem cells cannot do for beauty, organ transplantation, disease and even biological repair.

Of course, the premise is that the drug can really achieve the desired perfect effect.

"The next three weeks is mainly to extend the time appropriately to collect more information to ensure that the laboratory is not idle before the second phase of the experiment, but you are really good at the boss! Whether it is ideas or wealth!" Meng Liting took a deep breath to calm down A mood, and then a bright smile on his face.

Each person is a different independent individual, and the difference in appearance is only a small part. Personal tags are mainly divided by personality and the like.

Meng Liting, whose appearance and body do not belong to Mu Xiaoxiao, is undoubtedly a beauty in Guan Ming's eyes, but she is only a beauty.

"Hahaha, that's right, is there any difficulty in the current experiment? I have a rare trip, if there is a problem, I will deal with it." Haha laughed, Guan Ming is very satisfied with the other person's fart, although this drug From research and development to experiments, Guan Ming has nothing to do with dime.

But how to say, after being accustomed to Liu Mengmeng's loli body + naked praise, Guan Ming was very satisfied with the beauty-like praise of this exploding figure.

After all, when Mu Xiaoxiao praises Guan Ming, his body language will be more, twisting his body and then dubbing it automatically: "bling ~ bling ~ love you ~" or something.

"At the moment ... there are two problems. The first is that two suspected volunteers suspected to have taken blood samples in the first phase of the experiment. I have explained this in the email and I have also arranged security for investigation. Beyond that, it's unclear how many volunteers have had a hair sampling record, and I'm not sure if there is a greater threat in the middle. "

"The second question is based on the origin of the volunteer, living environment and gender. At present, the recruitment of volunteers in the second phase is difficult. It may take more time to recruit the number of people you require. Unless you recruit openly, it is only the human body. It is difficult to make enough for the people in the experiment circle. "After glancing at Guan Mengyu, thinking for a while, Meng Liting said truthfully.

After all, in her opinion, since Guan Ming was able to bring Miss Er, it was an indication that her boss wanted to train her, and since she could be brought into the office, it meant that these things did not need to be kept secret from her.

Meng Liting has long heard that the two ladies are very early ~ ~ Even the usual courses have been completed to the level of junior high school, do not think about whether the three views have been successful, I just said that in order to let the second lady play as soon as possible The ability of scientists is worth the “small price”. After all, the boss is not only rich, but also very talented.

"... Well, I will deal with these two issues. Currently recruiting ... forget it, stop before recruiting. I will find a way to do this."

Meng Liting's e-mail was not viewed by Guan Ming, but by Double Star and Guan Mengyu.

In view of the potential safety hazards in the first phase of experiments, Guan Ming felt that he should talk to the above. If the sampling was arranged above, Guan Ming certainly did not have any opinions. If not, then it is necessary to use the above power to review the entire experiment. Project loopholes.

Secondly, in the second phase of the experiment, instead of seeking social idle volunteers, it is better to ask the people above.

Whether it is a female soldier or otherwise, I believe that there will be no problems in terms of security and numbers.

However, there is no cost to find the above. The whole human experiment will be transparent, which may be the biggest price.

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